Your Enlarging Motherhood, No. 389


"Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel,
Until I Deborah, arose,
Arose a mother in Israel"
(Judges 5:7 NKJB).

I nearly called this devotion "Preparation for Ministry," but realized it is not a truly accurate title. Although motherhood prepares us for extended service to the Lord, it cannot be relegated to preparation, for motherhood is already our ministry. Your mothering does not prepare you for something greater; you are already "being" and "doing" the greatest ministry given to women. You are not apprenticing for your final life's work; you are fulfilling your life's vocation now!

Mothering is your God-created, God-planned, God-ordained, and God-commissioned mission. Any other ministry God opens up for you will be an extension of your mothering, never apart from it, because mothering is who God created you to be. Any extended ministry that does not flow from your mothering anointing is of your own making, not God's.

As your children grow older and you no longer nourish little ones and big ones n the home, God does not want you to stop mothering, but to extend your mothering. He wants you to enlarge your mothering, not diminish it. He wants you to increase your fruitfulness, not become unfruitful.

As you wait on Him, He will give you a burden for the people He wants you to feed and nurture. Is it an orphan needing a home? Fostering children? Reaching out to widows and widowers? A particular needy people in your area? Are you opening your home in hospitality? Hospitality is an extension of your mothering anointing. Open your doors wide. Gather more and more people into your home.

We read a description of the enlarging of motherhood in 1 Timothy 5:10 (HCSB) where the woman is described as "Well known for good works - that is, if she has brought up children, shown hospitality, washed the saints' feet, helped the afflicted, and devoted herself to every good work."

Nurturing and feeding are synonymous with mothering. God chose the two greatest leaders in the Bible from feeding sheep--Moses in the hidden backside of the desert (Exodus 3:1-22), and David from the lonely hillsides of Bethlehem. When God looks for great leaders, He look for shepherding hearts.

Psalm 78:70-72 says, "He chose David also his servant, and took him from sheepfolds: From following the ewes great with young he brought him to FEED Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance. So he FED them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands." God is our Shepherd who feeds us, daily nourishing our bodies, souls, and spirits as we look to Him. He delights to see us feeding our families too--their bodies, souls, and spirits. You haven't got to time to feed your own ego, ambitions, and career. This feeding is all-consuming. It was Moses' full-time occupation; it was David's life.

God chose feeders of sheep and lambs to feed and lead His people. This is His pattern for you too. Always enlarging your mothering. Never hibernating. Never stagnating. Always pouring out with sacrificial love. Always gathering to your table. As your children leave your nest to establish their own homes, fill the empty spaces at your table with many others--the discouraged, the needy, the lonely, the hurting, and young mothers who need encouraging.

Deborah was an older woman when she led her nation to defeat the enemy who had oppressed them for twenty years. How did she arise to save her nation? AS A MOTHER. She didn't think it was her time of life to pander to herself. She didn't sit around wasting her life. She arose! She had to rise up and do it (Judges 5:7).

Satan hates mothers. He knows the power of mothering to change the nation. Don't give into his deceptions. Young mother, embrace your mothering anointing with all your heart. Older mother, don't lay down your mothering. Don't think you are now free to do something different. Rise up like Deborah. Rise up with your mothering experience. It's in your mothering anointing that you will break the deceptions and oppressions of the enemy on people's lives.

Can you just image would could happen in our nations if all the older mothers would rise up to mother the young mothers, to be mothers in the church, and mothers in this hurting and confused world?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


"Dear Father, thank you for Your reminder to me that You created me to be a mother from the cradle to the grave. Please pour out Your Holy Spirit upon me that I will increase in mothering, rather than diminish. Please continually enlarge my mother's heart to reach out to those who need me in a wider and wider sphere. Amen."


In the power of the Holy Spirit I am mothering from strength to strength.

Ordinances In The House, No. 388


"The Lord our God made a breach upon us, for that we sought him not after the due order"
(1 Chronicles 15:13).

The tabernacle in the wilderness, and later Solomon's temple, were built according to the pattern God gave to Moses. They were a shadow or type of the heavenly dwelling place of God (Hebrews 8:2-5; 9:8-12; 23, 24). God gave many ordinances for the running of His earthly tabernacle and temple. God speaks in Ezekiel 44:5: "Son of man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the laws thereof: and mark well the entering in of the house with every going forth of the sanctuary."

Moses followed God's pattern of the heavenly sanctuary to establish God's house on earth. We no longer have need for a tabernacle or temple because Christ now dwells in the hearts those who receive Him and acknowledge the shedding of His precious blood for their sins.

Because God is a dwelling God, He wants to not only dwell in our hearts but in our homes too. Shouldn't our house be a "house of the Lord"? Our greatest privilege is to make our home a dwelling place for God. Therefore, as we have this vision, we should also follow the pattern God showed for His earthly house. We notice that it didn't run haphazardly. God established daily ordinances, laws, statutes, and set times.

This is the question we must ask ourselves: If God established ordinances and laws to efficiently order His house, don't you think we need plans and ordinances to efficiently run our homes? Read 1 Timothy 5:14.

I don't like to run a rigid household. I want to fill my home with joy and spontaneity. However, I have proved, as I am sure you have too, that I cannot run an efficient household without certain laws that must be heeded by everyone in the home. Ordinances bring order to the home, but they also give freedom to accomplish many projects and visions. What is the result of a home out of order, in a mess, everyone doing their own their at their own time, and duties left undone? No peace. Confusion. Overwhelmingness. No one can accomplish anything of great significance. Everyone's mind is in a muddle.

What ordinances do you have in your home? Each home will be different and you will pattern it according to your husband's schedule and the seasons of life of the children. 1 Chronicles 28:11-13 tells us how David gave to his son, Solomon, the pattern for building the house for God's name. How did David decide on the pattern? He received it "by the Spirit" (verse 12). I love that, don't you? God showed it to him, right down to the exact duties for the priests and Levites, their times and courses, and even for all the vessels they would use.

God will also show you how He wants you to order your home. Take time to let Him speak to you by His Holy Spirit, and put into action what He reveals to you. It's not enough to get a vision, you must implement your vision. You must make it happen in your home. My constant affirmation is: Nothing just happens; you have to make it happen!

It won't be easy. You may receive opposition. Children invariably want to do their own thing--the little ones and older ones. It's the way of the flesh. However, keep establishing the laws until they are the habit of their life and they no longer resist. Ultimately it will bring great freedom and joy to their lives.

Start your ordinances at the commencement of the day. All children should be up, dressed, and ready for breakfast by a certain time. You will establish the time for your home. Those who are old enough should also make their beds before coming to breakfast. Institute this habit. I don't allow beds to stay unmade in my home. We have Morning Devotions after breakfast, but the only way I can make this happen is to have everyone up in time for breakfast.

I am amazed that in some homes teens are allowed to sleep in and get up when they like. This does not train them for diligence, or for one day running their own home. The easiest way to get into a shambles is to sleep in. Everything stays out of order for the rest of the day.

After breakfast appoint chores for each member of the family to get the kitchen cleaned and the laundry humming in the machine. All children need to be involved from the youngest to the oldest. When you start your tasks in the morning, aim for a time to get them finished. No dawdling about! Teach your children to work hard and fast. You are training them for the future! They must know how to work hard, fast, and joyfully!

Establish a time when you begin preparing the evening meal and the time you eat together as a family. Keep to it. If you leave it to the last minute to prepare, you will not be able to make it the enjoyable, restful, and family gathering time that it is meant to be. Once again, we like to have our Evening Devotions at the end of supper time. This won't happen unless I have the meal ready on time, the table set, and prepare the way for this appointment with God.

It is important to have times for all mealtimes. I also have a law in my home that we only eat meals at the table. If children want snacks during the day they must eat them in the kitchen, not in the lounge or bedrooms. This causes more cleaning as crumbs and spills end up all over the home.

Did you notice that you are also to "mark well" the coming in and going forth of your home? You must guard the gates of your home. God will show, by His Spirit, the pattern of how He wants you to establish this in your family too.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

"I thank you, dear Father, that You are a God of order. The whole universe runs according to Your divine order. You set decrees for the sea and all of creation. Help me to also run my home in an orderly way that will bring glory to Your name. Please reveal to me by Your Holy Spirit, the plans and ordinances You have my home. Amen."

I am walking way from disorder and into God's order.


"According to the pattern" (Exodus 25:9, 40 and Numbers 8:4).

According to God's "order" (Leviticus 24:8; 2 Kings 23:4; 1 Chronicles 6:32; 15:13; 23:31; 24:19; 25:2; 2 Chronicles 8:14; 13:11; 29:35; Psalm 110:4; Luke 1:8; Hebrews 5:6, 10; and 7:11, 17, 21).

God wants things done in order in the gathering together of God's people (1 Corinthians 14:40).

Christ orders His kingdom (Isaiah 9:6).


It's Your Lifestyle, No. 387


"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises"
(Hebrews 6:12).

There are many wonderful resources and curriculums for you to use in teaching your children, aren’t there. However, apart from God's living Word, what do you think is your most powerful teaching tool? Can I tell you what I believe it is?

It's your lifestyle!

I am always challenged at the way Paul tells the new believers to observe and follow him. He was God's living example for them to emulate.

1 Corinthians 4:15, 16: "For thou ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me." Because Paul brought them to birth, he was responsible to show them the way. Because we bring our children to birth, we also have the same responsibility to show them how to live.

1 Corinthians 11:1: "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."

Philippians 3:17 (JBP): "Let my example be the standard by which you can tell who are the genuine Christians among those about you." Do your children see that your walk with God is real? They see through hypocrisy easily. Your life should be such an example that it will expose the fake and sham in other lives. Your life will show them the true way.

Philippians 4:9: "Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God peace shall be with you." Can we say these words to our children? "Children, watch me closely. What you see me do; this is what God wants you to do. The words you hear me speak each day; these are the kind of words God wants you to speak."

Your children learn more from watching you and your husband than from all the curriculums you will ever purchase. You teach them how to have a successful marriage (or an unhappy one) by the way you and your husband relate and show love to each other. My parents gave me an amazing example of a godly marriage. This set my husband and me on a wonderful marriage for over 50 years so far. Colin and I have never been to a marriage seminar. We learned it by example which is the most powerful way.

When we commit to establishing Family Devotions in our family, our children become aware that we honor God's Word. It’s not enough for us to go to church on Sunday or Saturday, but our children need to know and observe that we can’t get through one day without the sustenance of God's precious Word. When we make it a commitment to read the Word and pray together morning and evening, they know that we truly are Bible believers and praying parents.

If your children do not see you honoring the Word of God each day, will they think it is something worth studying and reading? If we do not gather with them to pray together every day, will they get a vision for prayer?

The children see by our lifestyle what is important to us. What do they see? A materialistic attitude, rushing here and there without purpose, trying to keep up with the Joneses, and following the crowd? Or do they truly see that God is the priority in our lives?

Your children gain convictions about the sanctity of life by observing your attitude about children. If your attitude is against having more children, they subconsciously imbibe that children are a commodity to have according to your plans, rather than gifts to be embraced by God because of His eternal plan.

What about eating together at the table? Even in homeschooling families, this biblical tradition (Psalm 128:3) is often lost today as they get caught up in all their extra-curricular activities. I know that all these activities are very good. Satan, the deceiver, never entices us with things that are evil, but with things that are “good, pleasant, and wise” (Genesis 3:6).

If we don’t sit together for meals, what do we teach our children? What example do we give them for when they establish their family life? Will they grow up eating in front of the TV or the run? Will the next generation lose this biblical pattern?

Your children learn the true roles of male and female by watching your lifestyle. I didn’t need to go to a seminar on this subject either. I saw it clearly in the lives of my parents. My mother loved being a mother and homemaker and was a godly, submissive wife (although full of spark and forever getting the giggles and seeing the funny side of things)! My father was a real man (not a trace of wimpiness in him). He was known as a man’s man in a man’s world. But did he want my mother to compete with him? No. He reveled in her femaleness and the beautiful feminine clothes she sewed. She always dressed like a queen and he was so proud of femininity.

It’s amazing what theological truths we teach our children in our daily lives. When your husband sits at the head of table each evening, the children subconsciously become aware that he is the head of the home. And when he leads them in Family Devotions, the children understand that he is the priest and leader of the home.

You prepare your children for life by your daily attitudes and how you cope in times of stress. They observe whether you trust God, even when you can't see the answer to your problem, or whether you cave in because you trust in your own resources.

1 Thessalonians 1:6: "Ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost." As the new believers watched Paul and followed his lifestyle, they learned how to follow the Lord. This is the way your children will learn to follow the Lord. They will imitate your lifestyle, for good or for bad, for blessing or destruction.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell



"Dear heavenly Father, You have given me children from the womb and from birth to raise for you. Please help me to be a true example of how you want them to walk. Help me to follow you closely so as they copy my life they will walk in Your will and truth. Amen."


I am my children's example. 


The Blessing Of Your Womb, No. 386


 "He will LOVE thee, and BLESS thee, and MULTIPLY thee: he will also BLESS the fruit of thy womb"
(Deuteronomy 7:13).

Genesis 49:25 talks about the "blessings of the breasts, and of the womb." Blessings? Yes, God says they are His blessings to us as women. But they are ultimately His blessings to the whole world for without them mankind would come to a screeching halt!


One of the meanings of womb is "a place where something originates and develops." The womb is the commencement of life, the beginning and continuing of generations, the origin of dynasties to come, and also the filling of eternity. Every precious life that is conceived in the womb is an eternal soul who will live forever. The power of the womb is eternal.

Woman is a compound of two words, womb and man. Every woman is a "womb man." Her womb differentiates her from man. Why then do many women deny their womb? Close off their womb? Makes sure it cannot function? It is the deception of Satan who hates life.


Not only is the womb a nesting place of life, it is also the source of our emotions and our compassion. It is amazing that the word womb in the Bible is interchangeable between the physical womb of a woman and God's compassion, tender love, and mercy. When we embrace our womb, we not only have the privilege of conceiving an eternal soul, but the honor of revealing God's compassion and love to the world.


It is amazing to think that God formed His only Son in the womb of a woman, the same way that every child comes into the world. What high honor God places upon the womb. He could have brought His Son into the world in any manner of ways, but He chose the womb. He formed His people Israel from the womb and thus every child that comes into the world (Psalm 139:14-16; Isaiah 44:2, 24 and 49:5; Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:30, 31; and 2:21).


It is from the womb that God called His son to be His servant (Isaiah 49:1) and it is from the womb that God calls each child He creates in His image. Every new creation is not conceived and formed for nothingness, but for a purpose and destiny. They are called from the womb to serve--to serve God in the particular way His has planned from the beginning of time. If Jesus Christ Himself was called to serve, rather than being served, how much more should we embrace a life of serving? And also teach our children that they are born to serve.


Isaiah 49:1 is a prophecy concerning Jesus Christ, the Messiah, although it can also refer to Israel as well: "Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken, ye people, from far; The Lord hath called me from the womb, from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name." What a beautiful thing that a Messianic prophecy uses the words WOMB, BOWELS and MOTHER. God is not ashamed to declare that He called His beloved Son from the WOMB of a MOTHER (Luke 1:31; .

Just as Christ Himself was called and spoken by name from the womb of his mother, so God continues to call sons and daughters from the womb. From the womb they are created and called to a life of fellowship with God and service to Him. The womb is where life and destiny begin.

God has a plan and destiny for each one of your children, including the one you may now be carrying in your womb. What a privilege to bear God-ordained destiny in your physical body. Isn't it sad when some mothers deny a life to come to being for whom God has pre-ordained plans and purposes (Ephesians 2:10)?

Let's read what God says about his servant, the prophet in Jeremiah 1:5: "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet to the nations." Here we read four things about Jeremiah while he was in the womb.

1) God formed him.

2) God knew him (in fact, even before He formed him). How can someone abort a life whom God KNOWS and is forming and fashioning in the womb?

3) God sanctified him. The word sanctified is qadash and means "to be set apart as a holy vessel, purified, dedicated, consecrated." God sets us apart in the womb for the purpose of living a holy life. He creates us for holiness and to be created more and more into His image, not for uncleanness and sin.

4) God appointed his destiny as a prophet to the nations. God appoints the destiny of each child in the womb (although sadly, many may not walk in that destiny). Psalm 139:16 (HCSB) says: "Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and PLANNED before a single one of them began."

The womb is such an amazing and powerful place-- God-filling, God-working, God-fashioning, God-calling, and God-ordaining.

Embrace your womb. Give thanks to God for your womb. Protect your womb. It is very much who you are as a woman. Ask your husband to pray for God's protection over your womb each day.

Blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL



"Thank you, dear Father God, for Your perfect design in creating me as a woman. You chose to bless me with a womb, an anointed sanctuary of compassion and destiny where you create life for this world and eternity. Thank you for the privilege of being a woman and to cooperate with You in bringing forth eternity into the world. Amen."


I am blessed beyond measure. I have no higher privilege than embracing a life from God in my womb. 

How Do We Live? Pt. 2, No. 385


Part 2

"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you"
(James 4:7).

In our last devotion we read the ways God wants us to positively live for Him in the midst of this depraved world. Today, we read the Scriptures where He tells us explicitly what our reaction should be to the evil around us. Once again, we are not left in the dark about what God wants us to do. He does not want us to tolerate evil but to turn from it. He does not want us to make friends with it but to fight it.

Jesus Christ came into this world to "destroy the works of the devil." Jesus now lives in us by the power of His Holy Spirit and He still has the same mandate to destroy the devil's works. We do not give one inch to the devil. Instead, in the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of prayer, we destroy his works. Make time to look up the Scriptures as you check out the following 21 points.

1. Abhor evil (Romans 12:9).

2. Abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

4. Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul (1 Peter 2:11).

5. Cast down imaginations and every lofty opinion raised against God (2 Corinthians 10:5).

6. Cast off the works of darkness (Romans 13:12).

7. Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts (Titus 2;12).

8. Depart from iniquity (2 Timothy 2:19).

9. Do not allow sin to be named amongst us (Ephesians 5:3-5).

10. Do not be conformed to this world system (Romans 12:2).

11. Do not be friends with the world (John 15:19 and James 4:4).

12. Do not get entangled with the affairs of this world (2 Timothy 2:4).

13. Do not have fellowship with the works of darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14-16 and Ephesians 5:11).

14. Do not love the world or the things in the world (1 John 2:15, 16).

15. Do not partake of sin (Ephesians 5:7).

16. Flee from sexual immorality (Acts 15:10, 29; 1 Corinthians 6:18; and 1 Thessalonians 4:3).

17. Lay aside every weight and sin (Hebrews 12:1).

18. Mortify the deeds of the flesh (Romans 8:13 and Colossians 3:5).

19. Put off the flesh, the old man (Ephesians 4:22-24, 31 and Colossians 3:8).

20. Resist the devil (Ephesians 4:27; 6:13 and James 4:7).

21. Separate from all that is unclean (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18).

22. Stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11, 13, 14).


Blessings from Nancy Campbell



"I thank you, dear Lord Jesus, that You died on the cross to deliver me from the power of this evil world. I know I cannot oppose evil in my own strength, but only in the power of Your name and the power of Your Spirit who dwells within me. Give me strength to not yield to my flesh, but to the power of Your Spirit. Amen."


In the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I denounce all sin and deception that would lure its way into my heart and my home. 

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