Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.
...something which everyone reaches at a rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
~ C. S. Lewis
141 Hits
"Wife and husband must be more than lovers. They must be comrades, soldiers fighting side by side for the same great cause."
From “Safely Home” by Randy Alcorn
129 Hits
Fathers and Mothers . . .
We are raising our children to be movers and shakers of all that is wholesome and righteous.
We are raising children of strong, moral character.
We are raising children who are well taught on all godly and moral values.
We are raising children who know their Bibles and know how to pray.
We are raising children who know how to hold their heads up and their shoulders square in the face of all opposition to righteous standards.
We are raising children who know how to overcome sin.
We are raising children who know how to resist temptations to be liars, cheats, compromisers, and lazy “good for nothings.”
We are raising children who are not afraid of devils and demonic forces of darkness who dare to roar against us.
We are raising children who know their God and who will be strong and do exploits.
We are raising children who have stickability, persistence, and pluck.
We are raising children who are learning how to fight in the battles of life, who will never quit, or throw in the towel.
The whole world needs fathers and mothers who will be prepared to sacrifice everything to make this happen.
“The people who know their God will be strong and take action”
(Daniel 11:32 HCSB)
Colin Campbell * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
151 Hits
Don't take your marriage for granted. Treasure your wife.
156 Hits
You don't need to be a victim of wrong thinking. Instead, as you think God's thoughts, your thinking will be your deliverence!
~ Colin Campbell
179 Hits
“Christians cannot vote for Democrats and remain faithful to God’s word at the same time. This isn’t even controversial. No believer in Jesus can support the party of abortion-on-demand and child-mutilation.”
~ Pastor Ryan Visconte
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God doesn't ask you to be courageous but VERY COURAGEOUS! God is looking for very courageous men in this hour who will not be afraid of man but of doing the will of God and never deviating from His truth.
~ Colin Campbell
184 Hits
Have you said "I love you" to your wife today? Not out of duty, but with passion? Keep the fire of your marriage burning.
198 Hits
The praying families of this nation can determine the outcome of this election. This election determines whether we go down a road of communism or keep our freedoms. Are you one of those praying families?
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“Where is the business that is so important as to justify a man’s evasion of the sacred duties which he owes to his own family? There cannot be any other work in this world which a man can do that will excuse him at God’s bar for having neglected the care of his own home and the training of his own children. No success in any department of the world’s work can possibly atone for failure here. No piling up of this world’s treasures can compensate a man for the loss of those incomparable jewels of his own children.”
~ J. R. Miller (1840 – 1912).
207 Hits
“Parents are the builders of the home. From them it receives its character, whether good or evil. It will be just what they make it. If it be happy, they must be the authors of the happiness; if it be unhappy, the blame must rest with them. Its tone, its atmosphere, its spirit, its influence, it will take from them. They have the making of the home in their own hands, and God holds them responsible for it.”
~ J. R. Miller (1840 – 1912).
199 Hits
Do you make time to talk to your wife and let her talk to you?
234 Hits
“The more we love God the more indignant shall we grow with those who refuse Him their affection. The loyal subject must not be friendly to the traitor.”
~ Charles Spurgeon
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"If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it."
~ Charles Finney
264 Hits
It is powerful to pray the Scriptures. Pray that all evil speakers will be put down and the righteous will be raised up in our land. Amen!
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