“And the LORD God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him”
(Genesis 2:18).

This is the first description the Bible gives about a wife. Therefore, I think it is important to understand what it means, don’t you? There’s a lot more to understand than what meets the eye. The Hebrew words for “help meet” are ezer kenegdo.

Let’s look at the first word, ezer. This word is used 21 times in the Old Testament, mostly to describe God. It describes God’s character as Deliverer, Protector, Rescuer, Savior, Strengthener, Protector, and Helper. The following are some examples:

“There is none like O Jeshurun (Israel) who rides through the heavens to your help through the skies in his majesty” (Deuteronomy 33:29).

“Thou art the helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14).

“Behold, God is my helper” (Psalm 54:4).

Look how God comes to help the needy in this passage: “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: . . . Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The LORD loseth the prisoners: The LORD openeth the eyes of the bind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous: The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and the widow” (Psalm 146:5-9). Do you see God pouring out His divine help in these words?

Amazingly, although ezer is used to describe God, it is first used to describe the woman. The first revelation of this word is ascribed to us. We are lifted to a high status. We are to be helpers to our husbands in the same way God is to His people. It is a divine mission. I like Ferrar Fenton’s translation: “I will make him a comforter to live with him.” What a lovely way to be a helper to our husbands.

The word kenegdo means “counterpart (the part which fits another), corresponding to, part opposite.” Let’s look at some other translations to help us understand more fully:

“I will make him a helper that is PERFECT FOR HIM" (CEB).

“I will make him a helper FIT FOR HIM" (ESV and RSV).

“I will make him a SUITABLE HELPER, COMPLETING HIM” (TBV- The Berkely Version).

“I will make a helper who is JUST RIGHT FOR HIM.” (NLT, GW, and NCV). I love these words, don’t you? When God created the women, He created her “just right for the man.” She is the perfect fit.

Because ezer comes from two Hebrew root words meaning “to rescue, to save, to be strong,” it could also be translated: “I will make a strength corresponding to man.”

God created man with specific strengths, but He also gave specific strengths to the woman to bring into the marriage. We don’t bring the man’s strengths, but the beautiful strengths God has given to us. Adam didn’t need another man; he needed a woman who would fit and complete him. Two pieces of a puzzle that are the same shape cannot fit together. You can only put one on top of the other, which eclipses the other.

God wants the man to be the protector, provider, and priest of the home. He created the woman to be the nurturer, nourisher, and nestbuilder of the home.

You are to be a strong helper, but that does not make you the spiritual head of your home. This doesn’t save your husband; it destroys and pulls down your husband’s strength. Because you are a strong helper, it does not make you the breadwinner; this takes away your husband’s anointing and strength.

It is important to fully embrace our God-given strengths and pour them into our marriage. Next week we will look more fully at some of the strengths we bring to our marriage

Blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL


“Thank you, dear Father God, for creating me a helper that is an absolutely perfect fit for my husband. Please save me from usurping my husband’s job and authority. Teach me how to be the helper you want me to be to make our marriage strong and blessed. Amen.”


I am created differently, but uniquely, to fit my husband perfectly.


Part 1

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him”
(Ephesians 1:17).

We were born for truth. We were born for knowledge. Provers 19:2 says: “That the soul be without knowledge, it is not good.” We were created in the image of God who is Truth. Therefore, it should be our inherent longing to know truth and walk in truth.

On the other hand, Satan is a liar. Jesus called him the father of lies (John 8:44). Because he was the liar from the beginning, he seeks to subvert us from the truth and fill our minds with lies and deception.

The greatest battle we face every day of our lives is in our minds. It’s the battle between truth and deception. God’s truth and Satan’s lies. Satan is the master deceiver and doesn’t tempt us with blatant lies. He makes them subtle. He makes them look like truth. He makes them look good and wise (Genesis 3:6).

The only way we can be sure of discerning and exposing His lies is by filling our minds with God’s truth through His eternal Word He has given to us.

God’s plan is for ALL people “to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). The word “knowledge” is epignosis. “Gnosis” means “knowledge gained by experience” and “epi” intensifies the word. It is an intimate knowing. It means “to discern fully, to acknowledge.”

Dearest mothers, we must be women of truth. If we are not mothers of truth, how will our children become young men and women of truth? We are the imparters of God’s truth and knowledge to our children. This world is filled with knowledge, but much of it is lies and deception. A lot is good, but is worldly knowledge. The greatest knowledge is God’s knowledge. The knowledge of Him. The knowledge of His ways and how He wants us to live.

There is nothing greater we can do in life than lead our children into the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the Holy One (Proverbs 9:10). This doesn’t only mean intellectual knowledge. Epgnosis is knowledge that affects our lives and behavior. In fact, if it doesn’t produce godliness in our lives and our children’s lives it is not God’s knowledge. It is worldly knowledge which may fill the mind, but is of no use to the life. And it usually produces pride. Titus 1:1 (AMP) talks about the epignosis of truth “which leads to godliness.”


As a struggling young mother, I read Philemon 1:6 and it changed my life. This Scriptures shows us how to translate God’s truth into our daily lives. It says: “That the communication of the faith bay become effectual by the acknowledging (epignosis) of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”  How can our faith become effectual in our lives? By the epignosis, the acknowledging that every good virtue that is in Jesus Christ is also in us because He lives in us!

We can intellectually acknowledge all the wonderful virtues that are in Christ—His love, patience, longsuffering, joy, peace, strength, and so on. But to confess that they are in us? That’s too far-fetched! But this is the truth of this Scripture. God’s truth is usually the opposite to our thinking and feelings.

This is the secret. You’ve got to allow His word to fill and transform your mind with His truth. You’ve got to confess that these virtues are in you. When you feel upset, impatient, and angry, don’t confess these feelings. Instead, confess that you are filled with patience and longsuffering. It’s the truth, whether you feel like it or not. Christ Jesus who lives in you is filled with longsuffering and He wants His nature to become your nature. It happens as you acknowledge and confess it.

God’s Word translation calls it “a complete knowledge of every blessing we have in Christ.” The Amplified translation describes it as “your accurate knowledge of every good thing which is ours in Christ.” In other words, we cannot experience it until we know it. Therefore, we must seek to know Him. God wants us to come into “the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement (epignosis) of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2, 3).

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ! You don’t have to turn anywhere else. You not only lead your children to salvation in Christ, but to understand all the wisdom and knowledge that is in Him.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“Dear Father, I thank You that You live in me. I thank You that all the beautiful virtues that are in You are also in me because You live in me. Oh, please save me from living so shallowly and scraping the bottom of the barrel when I can live in the fullness and glory of all your virtues.  Thank you that I can love when I don’t even feel love because Your love is in me. Thank you that I am filled with patience even in the most trying times because You live within me. Help me to understand and acknowledge this wonderful truth. Amen.



I am pursuing knowledge—the knowledge of the Father, the knowledge of Christ, and the knowledge of all His glorious promises.




“And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man . . . Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”
(Genesis 2:22, 24).

The original wedding vows state: "I take you . . . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." The words “to hold” are strong and powerful. What do they mean to you? I’ll share a few thoughts, but I’d love to hear from you too.


The Bible tells us that we hold on to our faith by confessing our faith (Hebrews 10:23). I believe this is also an important way to hold on to our marriage. Confession is a huge part of our everyday lives. We keep what we confess. Therefore, every day remember to say “I love you” to your husband. More than once a day is better. Confess your marriage commitment to your husband and to others.


You can love your husband in your heart. You can think lovely things in your heart, but unless you speak them out they won’t impact his life. Husbands can’t do without encouragement. Remember, it is not enough to say your vows on your wedding day. You must HOLD on to your husband. To encourage him daily is a great way to do this.


It is innately within husbands to desire honor from their wives. God made them this way. Seek to show your husband honor in the little things of life and it becomes easier in the big things. There is no greater way to HOLD on to your husband than by honoring him. He runs from disrespect.


When Jesus spoke about marriage, He stated the powerful words: “Let not man put asunder” or “Let no man separate” (Matthew 19:6). The word means to let nothing get in between you both. God wants you to be one. Glued together. Stuck together. Therefore, don’t let any relationship (and that includes Facebook relationships), any church activity, any organization, or any attitude get in between you.


Make it your responsibility to prepare healthy meals for him. Get his breakfast for him. Have a lovely meal ready for him when he comes home each evening. Prepare a lovely and inviting table for him to sit down to each evening. This shows your love to him.


Touch, cuddle, kiss, and hug him when you see him throughout the day.


Encourage and solicit constant sexual intimacy with your husband. This is God’s beautiful intention for you and a big part of your marriage relationship. Never deny your husband; always welcome him.

When God gave the benediction at the first wedding, He stated: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). This is God’s description of marriage.

I have ministered to women at conventions about marriage and encouraged them to be one with their husband –to have one heart, one vision, and one purpose. I believe this is true and I am sure God smiles. But it is not what the Bible says. If I am going to be factually true to the Bible, I must encourage wives to be “one flesh.”

Even if your husband is not on board with you spiritually, even if you don’t agree on everything, and even if you have different visions you can still be, and must be, one flesh! This is what marriage is all about. So, make sure it happens!

Be blessed and encouraged,

Nancy Campbell


“Dear Father, please help me to see my marriage as You designed it. You want our relationship to be a picture of Christ and the church. Help me to show reverence to my husband as I would to Christ. Help me to show love to my husband as I love You. Amen.”


Every day I am thinking of a fresh way to show love to my husband and hold him to my heart.



“Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies:
for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than my teachers:
for thy testimonies are my meditation”
(Psalm 119:98, 99).

Where do you keep the Bible in your home? On the shelf? We have lots of Bibles on our bookshelves. In fact, I have a whole shelf of different translations.

Is it beside your bed? On the table? In the bathroom? On your iPhone? It’s great to have God’s Word in all these places, ready to pick up wherever you happen to be. But even if we have twenty or more Bibles in our home, it’s not enough. We’ve got to keep it even better places.

The Bible itself tells us where it’s meant to be:


Psalm 119:48: “I will meditate in thy statutes.” (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2; and 119:15;130). How do we get our minds filled with God’s Word? By reading it at every opportunity. How do we fill our children’s minds with God’s Word? By establishing Family Devotions in our homes, every morning and evening. They can never get enough. It is their wisdom, their education, their life, their guide, and their discernment to know what is of God and what is not.


Psalm 119:11: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” We must get it past our minds and down into our hearts. Have your children got God’s Word in their hearts? Is it settled in their hearts? Is it the foundation on which they base everything they learn? When we, and our children, have God’s Word imbedded into our hearts, it keeps us walking in God’s way and never veering to the right or left. I love Psalm 37:31: “The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.” And Psalm 119:165: “Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them.”

Read also Deuteronomy 6:6,7; Psalm 40:8; 119:34; 111; 161; Isaiah 51:7; and Luke 2:19, 51.


We think it is enough to keep God’s Word in our hearts. No, God wants it in our mouths. He wants it in our children’s mouths. He wants it in our grandchildren’s mouths. Isaiah 59:21 is God’s vision for us as we raise our families: “As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy MOUTH, shall not depart out of thy MOUTH, nor out of the MOUTH of thy seed, nor out of the MOUTH of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and forever.”

Are God’s words flowing from your mouth? Are God’s Word in your children’s mouths? When you sit together with them at lunch today, quote the beginning of some Scriptures. Stop half way through and see if they can finish the verse. Our children should be familiar with God’s Word. It should be coming out of their mouths.

Read also Psalm 116:10; 119:13; Romans 10:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 4:13; and Hebrews 10:23.


Psalm 149:6: “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.” Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and is part of our armor. We can’t live without it. We can’t fight off the temptations of the devil without it (Hebrews 4:12 and Revelation 1:16). In fact, Psalm 149:7-9 tells us more of the power of this sword we have in our hearts, mouths, and hands: “To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: THIS HONOR HAVE ALL HIS SAINTS. Praise ye the Lord.”

The Bible also tells us to lift up our hands to honor God’s Word: Psalm 119:48: “My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved.” When you feel excited about a Scripture you are reading, lift your hands to the Lord to praise and honor His Word.


What does Proverbs 4:22 say about God’s Words? “For they are life unto those that find them, and HEALTH to all their flesh.” The word “health” in Hebrew means “medicine, healing, a cure.” God’s Word translations says: “They HEAL THE WHOLE BODY.”

When we constantly confess God’s Word ALOUD our body hears it. God’s Word is life and healing and the more our bodies hear it, the more they live in divine health (Proverbs 3:18 and 16:24).

I don’t let my body hear the word sickness or what’s wrong with me. I keep my mouth shut unless I speak healing words.

Make sure God’s Word is in the right places.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“Dear Father God, I know there are no other words in this world that are as powerful as Your living Word. Give me the longing to saturate my mind, heart, and mouth with Your words. Convict me if I ever spend more time reading other things more than Your Word. Amen.”


God’s Word is my life, my health, my strength, my wisdom, and my guidance. There is nothing to equal it!



“My heart is fixed, O God, my heart I fixed: I will sing and give praise”
(Psalm 57:7).

Some women think they have it all together. Others want to fall on the floor in a heap as they know they could never have it all together, especially if it means keeping a perfect home, perfect children, and perfect situations! Let’s face it. There is not a day that goes perfectly. Every day poses new challenges.

And yet Titus 2:4, 5 tells the older women to teach the young women to “have it all together.” Well, it actually says “to be discreet” in the King James Version. Would you like to find out what this word truly means? I love the adventure of discovering what the Bible really says, don’t you?

The Greek word for “discreet” is “sophron” and comes from two root words:
“Sozo” which means “to save, deliver, protect, heal, cure, preserve, keep safe, and make whole.” And “phren” meaning “the mind.” Therefore, it means to have a sound and whole mind.

We can never have it all together in our circumstances because we cannot control our circumstances. If we have babies and little children around us we can never have a perfect house with laundry and every household duty up-to-date. However, in the trenches of chaos, babies and children, crying and loud noise, the weight of more to cope with than we think we can possibly accomplish, we can still have a sound and steady mind. We can have peace in the storm. This is what it really means to have it all together.

Let’s look at some other translations:

“To be mistress of themselves” (Moffat). This means that we are in control of ourselves. We have command of our emotions. We are self-disciplined. Not freaking out. Not falling to pieces. No matter what happens around us, our hearts and minds are fixed upon the Lord.

What would I do without the wonderful promise in Isaiah 26:3, 4: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.” I believe this is the underlying secret of having it all together--to keep our minds stayed upon the Lord, no matter what the situation.

“Orderly behavior” (Knox). Our example as a wife and mother must not bring discredit to God’s Word, but be a good advertisement to the Christian faith (Titus 2:5).

“To live wisely” (RSV and NLT). Not foolishly. Not gadding about. Not hankering after the materials things of this world and worldly entertainment. Not possessed by social media. We speak wisely. We act wisely. We walk in obedience to God’s plan for wives and mothers, rather than the ways and trends of this current society.
“To be sober-minded” (WEB).

“To be self-controlled.” Many translations use this phrase such as NET, AMP, TLV, CJB, ESC, GNB, HCSB, LEB, MEV, and NIV. How can you be self-controlled? Stoically repress your emotions? No. We surrender to the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, for He is self-control. In fact, He is everything we need to have it all together. His life in us is “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22, 23). That’s everything you need. Instead of yielding to the flesh, yield to the Holy Spirit.

“To be sensible” (CEB, CEV, and NASB). Being sensible keeps our feet on the ground and acting in a way that brings glory to God.

Dear mother, you may feel overwhelmed and the house may look chaotic, but you can still “have it all together” as you look to the Lord and allow His peace to fill your heart and mind despite everything that happens around you.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“I thank You, Father, that You are my Peace. You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are the One who keeps me sane during chaos. I thank You that I can trust You, no matter what circumstances I face. Amen.”


My eyes are upon the LORD rather than my troubles around me.

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