Living In The Spirit, Part 1, No. 349

Part 1

" Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of hosts"
(Zechariah 4:6).

The above Scripture is one of my favorites in the Bible. There is hardly a day goes by that I don't quote it, the reason being that I am helpless without the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I cannot accomplish anything of eternal value, I cannot change people's lives, nor my own life without the power of the Holy Spirit moving in me.

I need the Holy Spirit in my daily life in my home. I need Him in my marriage. I need Him every moment. Is this the cry of your heart, too? Let's look at what the Holly Spirit wants to do in our lives.

Born of the Spirit

Jesus said in John 3:6, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Read also John 1:12-13 and 3:8. We cannot be born again into God's family and His kingdom except by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9 says, "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

Filled with the Spirit

When we are born again, Christ comes into our heart by His Holy Spirit. He does not want to live in the corner of our heart, but He wants to FILL our lives with His Spirit. To fill us means to saturate every part of our being--our mind, reason, heart, soul, and every part of our body. This is how He wants us to mother in our home, not struggling in the flesh, but filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit. As you constantly yield to the life of the Holy Spirit in you, it changes your mothering from a drudgery and duty into a sacred and joyful task. No matter what you are doing, you do it in partnership with the Holy Spirit. This takes every task up to a new level.

Ephesians 5:18-21 says, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Sprit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and make melody in your heart o the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

The Holy Spirit may be dwelling in you, but how does He FILL your heart? When you sing and praise the Lord. When, instead of grumbling and complaining, you continually give thanks for everything that is happening in your life. For "all things" remember. And when you yield to a spirit of submission in your life, for this is the character of Christ and the Holy Spirit (Philippians 2:5-8). Do you notice that this sentence doesn't finish until it talks about submission?

And it starts off about not being drunk. The inference is that instead of being drunk with wine, we will be utterly empowered by the Spirit, allowing Him to control all our thoughts and actions--everything we say and do. Wine is associated with joy. When someone is filled with wine, they forget all about their worries and difficulties. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we will not be overwhelmed by our difficulties, but filled with joy even in the midst of them. Acts 15:2 says, "The disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost."

Walk in the Spirit

Romans 8:4 ESV exhorts us not to walk according to our flesh but according to the Spirit. Begin to consciously acknowledge that everywhere you walk in your home, the Holy Spirit is walking with you. When you to go clean the bathroom and the toilets, He is walking with you. When you are preparing the meal in your kitchen, He is walking with you. When you go to purchase your groceries at the supermarket, He is walking with you. What a wonderful life. This makes your life a supernatural life. Expect miracles to happen wherever He is walking with you.

When we walk in the Spirit, we will hear the Holy Spirit prompting us. Perhaps He wants us to call someone who is going through a trial to encourage them. Or, to make a loaf of bread and a pot of soup for someone who is sick or tired. Or, He may prompt you to make changes in your home or in your relationship with your husband and children that will help to bring you all closer to one another and to the Lord.

Galatians 5:16 says, "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." And verse 25 says, "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

Love from Nancy Campbell

"Precious Holy Spirit, please fill every part of my life with your Holy Spirit. I want to yield to your promptings as you speak things to my heart. I want to yield to you instead of the flesh. Amen."

I don't want to be half-filled, but filled to overflowing.

Further Scriptures about being filled with the Holy Spirit
Luke 4:1; Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31; 6:35; 9:17; 11:24; 13:9, 52.

A Vision For Parenting, Part 3, No. 348

Part 3

"I have no greater joy than hear that my children walk in truth"
(3 John 4).

Today we learn more understanding of the kind of children God wants us to train.

9. Children Who Are Trained for Maturity

David prays that the land be delivered from foreigners who don't walk in God's ways and from those who speak falsehood. He prays this for a specific purpose, "That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace" (Psalm 144:11-12). David's vision is that the children growing up in the nation will not be deceived by the false and the foreign, but will be enabled to grow up into the fullness of who God intends them to be.

We have a responsibility to raise our sons to act like men, not young children. We must teach them to be brave, courageous, and strong to face the temptations and wiles of the devil. We must teach them, even when young, that their responsibility as a man is to provide, protect, and lead their future families in the ways of God. We train them for this purpose. At an early age, sons should learn to work hard and earn money as they prepare for their future life. The are not "weeds" who waste their life away with the pleasures of this world. The are "plants," growing up into maturity. If they do not grow up in their youth, when will they grow up?

Our daughters are like corner stones. The corner stone is the first stone set in the building from which all the other stones(Ephesians 2:20). We raise our daughters to understand their importance in establishing a godly home and how much depends on their attitude, aptitude, purpose, and vision in building a marriage and family that will glorify God.

One commentator writes on this passage, "Home becomes a palace when the daughters are maids of honor , and the sons are nobles in spirit; then the father is a king, and the mother a queen, and royal residences are more than outdone. A city built up of such dwellings is a city of palaces, and a state composed of such cities is a republic of princes.

10. Children Who Give us Rest and Delight

Proverbs 29:17 says, "Correct thy son, and he shall give thee REST; yea, he shall give DELIGHT unto thy soul." What wonderful words for parents. Godly parenting results in our enjoying peace and rest and our children being a delight. Isn't this what we long for? However, we can't enjoy this respite unless we first correct our children. The word "correct" is yasar and means "to chastise, discipline, instruct, punish, and admonish with the purpose of bringing reformation." We don't correct because we are frustrated with their behavior. We diligently and purposefully train because of the vision we have for our children. We expose foolishness and teaching wisdom (Proverbs 22:15, 23:13-15 and Hebrews 129-11). And, to enjoy peace in the household! Do you want to add an Amen?

11. Children Who are Faithful

Proverbs 20:6 asks the question, "But a faithful man who can find?" The word "faithful" means "trusty, someone who can be trusted." To train children who can be trusted is a powerful accomplishment. The world looks for faithful men and women, those who will be faithful to their marriage covenant, faithful to what they believe, and faithful to keep their word, no matter what the situation.

12. Children Who Walk in Truth

I love the words of the Apostle John who confesses, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth" (3 John 4). I long for my children to KNOW God's truth. But, even more importantly, I want them to WALK in the truth. I want it to be part of their every day experience. We show how this works by our own example to our children and also our daily teaching.

Psalm 119:9 says, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word." It's God's Word that keeps our children pure from sin and on the right track. Therefore, it is our daily responsibility to diligently teach them His truth. A good quote for our children is: "God's Word will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from God's Word."

13. Children Who Know how to Work Hard

God created a beautiful home for the first couple. He then put them in this garden home to "dress it and to keep it" Genesis 2:15). The word "dress" means to "work hard, to serve." This is the first thing God gave man to do, and therefore it is one of the first things we should teach our children. We teach them the right attitude to work. We teach them to work hard. We teach them to not give up until the task is finished. We teach them that in everything we do God is our Employer and that we are really working for Him.

14. Children Who are Above the Norm

1 Chronicles 12:14-15 NASSB says, "The sons of Gad were captains of the army; he who was least was equal to a hundred and the greatest to a thousand." What an amazing Scripture. Are you raising children to be normal like everyone else around? Or, do you have a different standard. Are you raising children who would be equal to 100 others, or even 1,000 others?

Let's raise our vision.




Father God, I thank you that you give me this vision for my children because of your Father's heart. Help me to realize that there is nothing more important than raising obedient, God-fearing children to impact this world. Amen."



I have a very high calling to raise God's children. I could not be tempted by a lesser career.

A Vision For Parenting, Part 2, No. 347

Part 2

"He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity"
(1 Timothy 3:4 NLT).

We continue to find out what kind of children God wants us to raise up for Him. God doesn't leave us without a vision. He shows us very clearly in His Word how He wants us to train them.

8. Children who Obey and Honor their Parents

This command is given in the Ten Commandments but reiterated again in the New Testament (Exodus 20:12; Leviticus 19:3; Ephesians 6:1-3; Colossians 3:20 and 1 Timothy 3:12). Children learn to submit to God the Father by learning to submit to and obey their parents. Children prepare for their future marriage by learning to submit to their parents' authority. A child who does not learn to obey in his parents' home will be learning how to destroy his own marriage later on. Children learn how act in their employment and be successful in life by obeying their parents. Childhood is training ground for adulthood.

If we as parents do not teach our children to obey, we are not preparing them to be successful in life. God sees their response to us as their response to Him. We must be faithful to teach them the godly principles of obedience and honor. If a child does not learn these principles in childhood he will destroy relationships throughout his or her life.

9. Children Who are Sharpened and Polished Arrows

We are familiar with Psalm 127:3 where God calls our children "arrows." Arrows are of no worth unless they are sharpened, polished, and made ready to hit the mark. They can't be crooked. They can't be blunt. An arrow is meant to be a deadly weapon against the enemy. Therefore, we are reminded that we have a big task on our hands as we patiently, faithfully, and diligently prepare the arrows God has given us to be effective arrows for His kingdom.

It is not enough to feed and clothe our children. To prepare them to be deadly arrows is a full-time task. It takes much prayer, wisdom, and continuous on the job training. I know the task seems more than you can handle. It is true, we are not able to do it in our own strength. Cry out to God. He is right with you to help you, give you wisdom, and empower you for the job.

10. Children Who Know How to Contend for the Faith

Psalm 127:3-4 tells us that we are to train our arrows to speak. In fact, it says they are to "speak with the enemies in the gate." We train them to not only know the truth, but speak the truth. We teach them how to speak the truth in the gates of the city where it will make a difference in the nation.

11. Children Who are Like Green Olive Shoots

God describes our children as "olive plants" in Psalm 128:3. The children of Israel couldn't live without olives. Even today, olive groves grow everywhere in Israel. The olive speaks of blessing, fruitfulness, and usefulness. But, they have to be cultivated, or they will deteriorate and grow wild. Do you notice where we do much of the cultivating? Around the dinner table. The Living Bible translation of this Scripture says, "And look at all those children! There they sit around the dinner table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees. God's reward to those who reverence and trust him."

At the meal table we have a great opportunity to establish positive and sweet family relationships, speak into their lives, and most of all to nurture their spirit as we daily read and discuss God's Word with them.

12. Children Who are Signs and Wonders for God

Isaiah 8:18 says, "Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion." As we encourage our children to walk in the ways of the Lord and yield to Him, He will use them to show forth His power, healing, truth, and miracles to people around. They will be a sign for Him. The word also means "a flag, beacon, miracle, evidence."

They will also be a "wonder." This word is also translated as "miracle or sign." They can show forth the power and miracles of God, but it can also have a negative meaning in that God can use them to be a warning to people. The NLT says, "I and the children the Lord has given me serve as signs and warnings..."

May God pour out His Holy Spirit upon you as you disciple your children for God. What an awesome task God has given you.



"Oh Father, please help me to have a submissive heart toward my husband and toward you, for I know that I teach my children by my example, even more than the words I say. Amen."


I have the awesome privilege of filling my home with signs and wonders!


To be continued.


A Vision For Parenting, Part 1, No. 346

Part 1

"Train up a children in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it"
(Proverbs 14:6).

What kind of children does God want us to raise for Him in this world? God gives us His criteria in His Holy Word.

1. Children who know the Holy Scriptures

2 Timothy 3:15 says, "And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures." This is not talking about an older child but a very young child. The word for child is brephos and is used of a babe in the womb, a babe that is just born, and a little child. From the womb and birth we begin reading the Scriptures to our children, for our children must not know about the Scriptures, but they must KNOW them. It grieves my heart that many Christian young people today know more about music and movie stars than they do of God's Word. God wants us and our children to KNOW His words so well that they are not only in their heart, but in their mouth (Isaiah 59:21).

How much of God's Word do your children know in their hearts, minds, mouths, and experience?

2. Children who are prepared for Salvation

The sooner our children come to know Christ as their Savior and Lord the better. Satan vies for the souls of our children. We want God to have their lives from an early age. Children are very aware of God and if the Scriptures are daily imparted into their lives, their hearts will be open and ready to receive Christ. Children can have a real encounter with God at the young ages of three, four, and five years of age. Let's read 2 Timothy 3:15 again, "And that from a CHILD thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which ARE ABLE TO MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

3. Children who keep the way of the Lord

God does not tell us to raise children in the ways of the world, but in the ways of the Lord. The ways of the Lord are very different from the ways of the world. We will be a different kind of family. Genesis 18:19 says, "For I know him (Abraham), that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord." Do you notice that God said that Abraham would "command" his children after him. He didn't suggest they walk in God's ways. He didn't hope they would walk in God's ways. He commanded them to walk in God's ways. The word "keep" is shamar and means "to guard, watch, and protect." We must train children who not only adhere to God's Words, but who will stand up for the truth, protect it, and guard it.

4. Children who do Justice and Judgment

There are so few who understand the meaning of justice and judgment today. These values cannot be treated lightly. They are attributes of God and He wants to reveal these attributes through His people to bring His blessing upon the earth. He wants to reveal them through parents to their children. Children must understand that there are consequences for sin and disobedience. They must learn to discern how God feels about evil and what to do about it for there is only heartache when justice and judgment are relinquished. Genesis 18:19 God says that Abraham will "command" his children to "do justice and judgment." Once again, they didn't only know about justice and judgment. They walked in it!

5. Children who are wise

Ecclesiastes 4:13 says, "Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king." That means we will teach our children how to walk in the fear of the Lord for "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 9:10). And how will they learn the fear of the Lord? By being filled with God's Word (Psalm 19:7-10 and 2 Timothy 3:15).

6. Children who walk in the fear of the Lord

Psalm 34;11 says, "Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord."

The phrase, "I will teach" is lamad in the Hebrew and means “to cause to learn, train, educate.” We are not faithfully teaching our children unless we teach them what it means to walk in the fear of the Lord. This is the foundation of their education which is more important than any other curriculum. The fear of the Lord teaches them how to keep pure in the midst of wickedness, how to depart from evil, and walk in the way of life. The fear of the Lord is a "fountain of life" that will prolong their days and keep them from harm. Proverbs 19:23 NLT says, "Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm."

7. Children who are trained to be princes

We belong to a royal kingdom. Our God is King of kings and Lord of lords. Therefore, we must train our sons to walk in a princely manner and our daughters to be princesses. Psalm 45:16 says, "Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth." This raises our vision for training our children. We are not satisfied with the status quo of this world. We are preparing them to represent a heavenly kingdom, a royal kingdom, the kingdom of God. We have different standards, different principles, and a different workbook, the Holy Word of God. May God anoint and help us, even in the midst of an evil world, to raise children who have the stamp of the God's kingdom upon them

Nancy Campbell


"Oh God, I feel so inadequate for this huge task of training the children you have given to me. Please anoint me mightily with your wisdom and understanding to train them according to your ways, not the ways of the world. Amen."


I have a vision for my children that goes beyond this world.


To be continued.

Ready And Waiting No. 345


"Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many;
and unto them that LOOK FOR HIM shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation"
(Hebrews 9:28).

I am always challenged by this Scripture that tells us that Christ is coming for those who LOOK for Him. Are we really looking for His coming, or are we so taken up with our busy lives that we don't even have time to think about it?

I was confronted by this truth a few years back when our son and daughter-in-law were coming to USA. All our children and grandchildren lived here in the Nashville area of Tennessee, except Rocky and Monique. They were still living in Australia. We longed for the day when they would come and live here with us too. We had been waiting 15 long years.

And then came the news. They were on their way. Oh the excitement. But, they wouldn't tell us the exact day they were coming. They wanted it to be a surprise. And now the anticipation. Every day we wondered if this would be the day. Would we get a phone call? Would they turn up at the doorstep? It was the top family conversation. Every day we looked with eagerness for their coming.

The day eventually arrived and it was a day of great joy. But, I was very convicted. I had to ask myself, "Am I looking and anticipating the coming of the Lord like I looked for Rocky and Monique to come?"

I remember when our precious daughter, Mercy was arriving from Liberia to come into our family. Once again we were filled with excitement and anticipation. We had spent days painting her room, preparing the decor, and waiting with anticipation for the moment she would arrive. We were already to drive to airport when we received a phone call to say the plane was delayed. Back to the house to wait. Maybe we should have been more alert to the Holy Spirit, but we waited and waited for the phone call to hear when the plane was coming in again. Instead, the next phone call we received was that Mercy was at the airport and waiting and we weren't there to meet her! What disappointment!

If these experiences weren't enough, I was faced with this truth again recently. Do you remember reading the wonderful testimony of the Waller family in Above Rubies #86 (they serve the vineyard farmers on the West Bank of Israel)? Recently Colin and I looked forward to attending the wedding of their daughter, Victoria to Aaron Hood. Guests were invited to come for the whole weekend to Kenlake State Park in Kentucky, bringing a lantern with them. We did not know the exact time the wedding would take place. It was to be a surprise--a picture of waiting for the Heavenly Bridegroom who comes for His bride, but we know "neither the day nor the hour" (Matthew 25:13).

Colin and I drove up Saturday morning (lantern and all!), thinking they surely wouldn't have the wedding Friday night! However, we arrived to find we missed the wedding! They blew the shofars in the night and the wedding was held at midnight, down by the lake in the moonlight--a glorious two and a half hour ceremony! We were slumbering and sleeping in our bed at home when the cry came, "Behold the bridegroom comes, go ye out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6)! Can you believe it? We missed! It was not enough to have oil in our lamp. We had to be READY!

It's not enough to be ready individually. I believe we should be "ready and waiting" families. Do you talk about the coming of the Lord with your children? Do you live like a family that is always ready for His coming, or are your lives consumed with all your comings and goings? A powerful way to keep your eyes upon the Lord and looking for Him is to have Family Devotions with your family each morning and evening. This brings your hearts to His Word, to keep your eyes upon Him, and to be in prayer.

If we are watching, we will be praying!

 Jesus said, "WATCH AND PRAY, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:40-41).

 Jesus said, "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, WATCH AND PRAY: for ye know not when the time is..." (Mark 13:32-37).

 Jesus said, "WATCH ye therefore, and PRAY ALWAYS, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21:36).

Let's be READY, WAITING, AND LOOKING FOR JESUS FAMILIES, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13). This won't automatically happen. You will have to make it happen in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell


"Oh God, please save me from being intoxicated with the things of this life. Help me to see beyond this world to the real world. Help me to be a mother who encourages my family to constantly look for the coming of the Lord. Amen."


I'm taking my eyes off the temporary and focusing them on the eternal, which is the reality.


Please read these Scriptures:

Matthew 24:36-44; 25:13; 26:40; Luke 12:40; Acts 1:7-11; 1 Corinthians 1:7; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 3:20; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 4:16-18; 5:6, 23; Titus 2:12-14; James 5:7-8; 1 Peter 4:7; 2 Peter 3:10-14; 1 John 2:28; Revelation 3:2-3; 16:15.

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