Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


Why does God give us life? To LIVE! To enjoy life and to experience fellowship with Him. But, also to continue life. God's wondrous plan is that He doesn't create us to be end with ourselves, but to carry on life. To pass on something of who we are. How amazing.

God states in Deuteronomy 8:1, "All the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may LIVE, AND MULTIPLY." I wrote these words in my journal in response to this Scripture... What is our purpose for living? To multiply! God doesn't give us life to be sterile, but to continue bringing forth more life! We were created a life-giving creature. The first woman was called, Eve, meaning LIFE-GIVER. To receive life from God and not be a life-giver is sad and selfish.

Let's look again at what God said. He didn't tell us to be stingy about continuing life, but to MULTIPLY! That's the heart of God. Now, please don't react and get mad at me, because I didn't say those words. God did.

Why don't we just get in line with God and His plan? It's the best! Man's ways lead nowhere. God's ways lead to life. And we'll be in the perfect will of God.

And you are allowed to say, Amen!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I wrote yesterday about how everyone who comes in contact with us should SEE that we are called by the name of the Lord. How will they see? By living out in the country and becoming self-sufficient? That's a great dream, but not the answer. By the way we modestly and conservatively dress? It's important to be modest, but that's not the answer.

Then how will they see? People will know we are called by the name of the Lord when they are aware of God's presence upon our lives. I experienced this in a little incident in my life before I was married. I was seeking after God with all my heart. I was school teaching at the time and got this thought that if I didn't wear make-up that people would see that I was a Christian. This was hard thing for me to do because I was like Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, plus a freckle face! But, I wanted to really show people, even if they had to look at my red nose!

I lived this way for a number of months until one day God spoke to me in my heart. The words were strong and clear. "Nancy, is this the only way people will see you belong to Me? Immediately I was convicted. Immediately I realized that I was relying on works rather than the power of God. Immediately I comprehended that the only way people will know that I am called by the name of the Lord is when they SEE CHRIST LIVING IN ME It is when they observe His powerful presence in my life. It's nothing to do with outward religious show. This gets in the way of God's presence.

Moses realized that He couldn't take the children of Israel into the Promised Land without the power and presence of God with him. He cried out to God in Exodus 33:16, "For how then will it be known that your people and I have found grace in your sight, EXCEPT YOU GO WITH US? So we shall be separate, your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth."

What separates us from the spirit of the world is not hiding away, or outward works, but the presence of God in our lives.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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What do your children see as they observe your relationship with your husband? What do your friends and acquaintances think as they watch your family life? Does it make them want to have the life you live? Does your lifestyle bring glory to God?

God told the children of Israel, "The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself... if thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways. And all people of the earth shall SEE that thou art called by the name of the Lord; and they shall be afraid of thee" (Deuteronomy 28:9-10).

Do people SEE that we belong to God? Are they in awe of us because of God's presence with us? This is God's purpose for us as His representatives on earth. May God help us individually, and as families, to truly seek after Him and His righteousness so that folks will really see that we belong to Him.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Did you know that your husband doesn’t have to be like you? He has a different personality to you. And, most of all, he is a man! He won't act like a woman, unless he is a wimp! He will do things differently to you because he is a man. He will feel things differently because he is a man.

Give up trying to make him like you? Why not stop conforming your husband to your plans and let him be who God created him to be? It may be different to what you have planned, but it will much better than your idea. And your husband will be able to breathe! And, be the MAN God wants him to be.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Home is where we prepare our children to face life.

Home is where we prepare our children for their future marriage.

Home is where we prepare our children to establish their own godly home one day.

Home is where we prepare our children for their destiny.

Home is where we prepare our children to influence the nation.

Home is where we prepare our children to have a relationship with God.

Home is where we prepare our children for heaven.


Without this training in the home the nation will be impaired.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Proverbs 12:4 tells us that a virtuous woman is a CROWN to her husband. She is worth more to him than the diamonds and jewels that adorn a crown. The wife who crowns her husband...

C Cherishes her husband (Titus 2:4).

R Reverences her husband (Ephesians 5:33).

O Obeys her husband (Titus 2:5).

W Watches over her husband to do him good (Proverbs 31:11-12).

N Never nags her husband. (Proverbs 19:13; 21:9,19 and 27:15).

Love from Nancy

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Your Daily Duties Become A Delight

Your daily duties become a delight when you know that God is with you in every little task, no matter how mundane.

it takes character
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My garden harvest is slowing down. Only a few tomatoes ripening now, but still loads of hot peppers. Okra is still growing prolifically. But, what did I choose to eat from my garden this evening?

Sweet potato leaves. I grow the sweet potatoes to enjoy them, but also to use the leaves throughout the growing season. I only discovered I could do this when our Liberian children came and now it's one of our favorite dishes.

I sauté onions and hot peppers in red palm oil (we like things HOT). When they are cooked, I add the finely cut sweet potato leaves. Our Liberian children love to cut it really finely with a knife. I am lazy and use the food processor. I add salt and pepper, Nutritional Yeast, and more palm oil as needed.

Tonight I also added Italian sausage. Everyone loved it.


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Yesterday we talked about how God's Word must be the plumbline and foundation of our lives and our nation. But, there is still more. People can believe the Bible and yet not believe that Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and there is no other way. Acts 4:12 states, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Let's constantly lift up the name of Jesus in our home. Never let a day go by where we forget to thank Him for His great and eternal salvation which He wrought for us on the cross. Let's lift up His name wherever we go because it is not only the Bible, but Jesus Christ who must be the Chief Corner Stone of our lives and our nation (Ephesians 2:20)!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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We are so blessed to live in a nation that has a godly constitution as the basis of our nation. There is no nation that has such a foundation. May it continue, even against all current trends. But, is it enough? No. Even though it is such a powerful document, there is one even greater. It is God's living Word, the Bible. The Bible must be our foundation for every part of our lives--our marriage, family life, and everything we do.

Without making it our foundation, it is easy to build on a shaky foundation. It is so easy to get off key, to move slightly away from God's plumbline. And God doesn't allow for deviation. His way is the only way that works! But, it will not work unless we know what He says. As mothers, we have to be filled with His Word. It has to not only be in our heart, but in our mouth (Isaiah 59:21).

It's not enough for us to know it, but we are responsible that our children should know it, too. That's why we need to come to the Family Altar morning and evening to read God's Word to our children. Do you get tired of my reminding you about this? Oh forgive me, but I cannot stop until I see God's people, all over the land doing this in their the family life. Without it our children will not grow up familiar with God's plan for every department of our lives. And if they don't truly KNOW God's plan, they will easily be sucked into the deceiving propaganda of our humanistic society.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Home is a place of...

Beauty (a lovely atmosphere for everyone to enjoy)
Giving (each treating the other better than themselves)
Keeping children safe
Making Memories
Quietude (sometimes)!
Responsibility (each one pulling their weight)
Serving one another
Valuing each child
Yeanling love (a yeanling is a little lamb and a home is where we love babies)
Zoe (the Greek word for LIFE--Home should be filled with life and happiness, not legality!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Our son, Wes Campbell, Manager of the Newsboys is releasing a free download to all Above Rubies readers--a song from the latest Newsboys CD, Restart, which has only just hit the market.

Michael Tate, four times Grammy Award Winner, sings "That Home" about the power of a mother in the home -- it is Michael's own mother. The youngest of nine children, Michael sings of the love of his home and also of the hundreds of children who were nurtured there.

Sadly, as this CD hits the market, his mother of 86 years has just passed away (only four days ago).

To receive the FREE download, go to:

To purchase RESTART, go to: www.newsboysstore.com

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I know there are many days when you feel overwhelmed with all you have to accomplish in your great career of mothering and homemaking. Sometimes it's more than you can keep up with. Or maybe you are going through a difficult time. I want you to know that you are not forgotten. God KNOWS exactly what you are facing and He is with you to help, guide, and comfort you.

When David was hiding from Saul he cried out, "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou
KNEWEST my path" (Psalm 142:3). The Hebrew word is "yada" which is an intimate knowing. God knows the path you are going through right now and it is all for your good. You are not forgotten to Him. As you look to Him rather than your difficulties, you will experience His KNOWING and His presence carrying you through.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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We give answers all day long, don't we? Sometimes they are answers to questions; other times they are reactions to the words and deeds of our husband and children. What kind of answers do we give? Answers of wisdom? Answers of kindness? A soft answer when facing anger? Or do we give reactionary answers? Frustrating answers? Angry answers? Impatient answers?

I read this morning in Proverbs 16:1, "The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." May God fill our hearts and our tongues with answers from the Lord. Answers that bless in the face of accusation. Answers that are sweet even in the midst of harshness. Answers that are positive and filled with God's wisdom.

Can we make today a day of godly answers?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Look To Jesus

It's amazing the difference it makes when we look to Jesus, rather than dwelling on our circumstances. Our situation may stay the same but our attitude changes.


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Time magazine recently stated that the birthrate in the U.S. is the lowest in recorded American history. From 2007 to 2011, the most recent year for which there's data, the fertility rate declined nine percent. A 2010 Pew Research report showed that childlessness has risen across all racial and ethnic groups, adding up to about one in five American women who end their childbearing years maternity-free, compared with one in 10 in the 1970s.

This is completely OPPOSITE to God's plan and His Word. In the midst of a world of deception that despises God's way, we who are His people must shine with His light and truth. God plan is for us to embrace His children and raise more shining lights for His kingdom. We should be like the children of Israel in Egypt. Although they were in distress and serving under hard bondage they continued to embrace children. Consequently they filled Egypt with God's children and became "MORE AND MIGHTIER" than the Egyptians! In fact, the more the Egyptians afflicted them, "THE MORE THEY MULTIPLIED AND GREW" (Exodus 1:7-12).

What are we doing? Conforming to society or God's eternal plan?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Warm all my kitchen with Thy love and light it with Thy peace,
Forgive me all my worrying and make my grumbling cease,
Thou, who didst love to give men food, in room or by the sea,
Accept this service that I do, I do it unto Thee.

~ Unknown

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This morning at Family Devotions we read the Scripture we know so well, "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). I was reminded again that if we follow the way of society, we will not be in the PERFECT will of God, no matter how much we think we are. God's way and the world's way are opposite. To do what everyone else is doing is usually the broad way that leads to destruction. The narrow way, that few choose to take, is the way to life.

Society encourages mothers to leave their home, put their children in daycare, and get a job! How boring! How insignificant! They are put in the "box"! God's PERFECT will for mothers is to embrace children and raise them to be mighty men and women for God, children who know God, know His Word, and who will influence society for the kingdom of God. That's powerful living. It's what our quote at the top of this page says.

I originally come from New Zealand, a sheep a country. No wonder God calls us sheep. They always follow one another. Huge flocks of sheep contentedly chew their grass on the green paddocks of New Zealand. However, if one sheep finds a hole in the fence and goes through, it won't be long before other sheep also follow through the hole into the next paddock. The sheep that are away on the hillside are unaware of what is happening. But, they also gradually gravitate towards the hole in the fence. It may take a day or two, but eventually that whole flock of sheep will land up in the next paddock. And they have no idea why they are there or where they are! They just follow each other.

Isn't this what happens to us? We assimilate to what everyone else is doing. Let's be those who seek the truth and line up with God rather than fitting in with society.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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What would we do without God's Word to keep us in check? I am sure I would get completely out of line. God leaves nothing unsaid in His Word. and in Ephesians 4:1-3 He clearly shows us the way to live in our marriage and with our children. In this great calling that He has given us He wants us to walk "With ALL lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love." Did you notice that it doesn't say with "some" lowliness and meekness, or with "a little bit" of lowliness and meekness, but with "ALL" lowliness and meekness? That sounds like a lifestyle to me. It sounds like every day and all day.

It grieves my heart o hear of more and more marriages falling apart. This is not God's plan. He has given us the plan to make it work. I'll admit it is opposite to man's way, but it is the way that works. It takes yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our flesh reacts with pride, stubbornness, and rebellion but as we yield to the Holy Spirit who lives within us, He works in us humility, gentleness, patience, and bearing with and accepting our husband.

Does this happen easily? Oh no. We have to work at it. This same passages says, "ENDEAVOURING to keep the unity of the Spirit in the body of peace." To keep unity in your marriage relationship, and in your home, you have to make an effort. You have to strive earnestly and diligently to make it happen.

We either build or tear down. Let's pick up our building tools of humility and patience and go to work.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Motherhood Is Not Temporary

Oh the awesomeness of nurturing an eternal soul!

Motherhood is Not Temporary

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ