Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


Do you sometimes feel foolish? Or, at least people around think you are foolish for staying at home with your children, homeschooling, and embracing beautiful babies into your family. I know you sometimes feel week, tired, and depleted of strength. You may feel unimportant and worthless when you see others making money and out in their careers. Yes, you even feel despised.

Dear mother, please don't despair. Shout HALLELUJAH instead. You are in the very category for God to pick you up and use you mightily! Others may seem to be doing great things, but you are right where God wants you to be. You are in His perfect will as you mother and train His children, for they are firstly His children and He doesn't want you giving them to anyone else.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 NLT, "Few of you were wise in the world's eyes, or powerful, or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important, so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God."

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Have you started praying as a family? Check the post, THE POWER OF PRAYING FAMILIES.

Leviticus 26:8 says, "Five of you shall chase an hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword." What is the greatest way to destroy our enemies? By prayer, of course. Do you have three children in your family? Three children and mom and dad makes five! God says that five of you can put 100 enemies to flight. Twenty families of five can cause 10,000 enemies to bite the dust.

What about families with six, seven, eight, nine and more children? Think about all these prayer warriors. Don't let the devil get you so busy and so involved in other things (yes, even GOOD things), that you don't have time to pray and cry out to God for our nation as a family. Don't let all your prayer warriors be wasted. Even little children can learn to intercede.

Praying together is the most powerful thing you can do together as a family.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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It's hard to believe what is happening in our nation at the moment, isn't it? It's hard to believe that this nation that was founded on godly principles and FREEDOM is now being enslaved before our eyes. We cannot carry on as usual. We must go to prayer.

This means starting in our family. It's not much use talking about a church prayer meeting if we are not first praying at home. Can you just imagine what could happen if every God-fearing, Bible believing family began to gather their family together morning and evening and cry out to God for this nation. We can quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 by heart, but do we believe it or do anything about it?

Luke 18:7-8 says, "Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry DAY AND NIGHT unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily."

Can I encourage you, even if it means rearranging your daily schedule and all your plans, to get serious and pray together as a family daily?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I love to look at food, but I like to taste it more. I love to try different flavors and different tasting dishes. But, even more than tasting, I love to eat!

Psalm 34:8 says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him." We love to taste food, but do we love to taste of the Lord and His Words? We can't experience the flavor of something until we taste it. And when it's good we want to eat it, and feast on it! Years ago my husband wrote a worship song. The first stanza began, "I taste of You." The second stanza began, "I feed on You". But, the third stanza went on to say, "I FEAST on You, You are my Living Bread..."

We couldn't go through a day without eating. Let's not go through a day without tasting of the Lord and feeding on His Word. Make it a priority to gather your family morning and evening to taste and feed on Him. You will find His words GOOD to your soul. Assemble your children together to this bottomless well that never runs dry. Teach them daily of His ways. Give them such a taste of the power of God's Living Word that they will want to spit out all the vain allurements of this world.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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I am so amazed when I read the wonder of the truth of God's Word and yet so ashamed how we rarely live in the experience of it. Colossians 2:9 says, "For in him (Christ Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in him." Colossians 1:19 says that "It pleased the Father than in him all the fullness should dwell." We acknowledge this truth, but do we acknowledge that Christ lives in us (Colossians 1:27)? That means that every moment we can tap into all the fullness of God, for Christ DWELLS IN US!

This foundation, and yet revolutionary truth, changes our lives as mothers as we cook in our kitchen, tend to our little flock, and fulfill all the household tasks we have to accomplish each day. We don't do any of this on our own. We do it with the FULLNESS OF GOD DWELLINGIN US! Can you get a hold of this truth? Of course, we will only experience it as we acknowledge and confess it.

When you feel miserable, acknowledge the joy of the Lord that dwells in you for He is filled with the "oil of gladness above thy fellows" (Hebrews 1:9). When you are frustrated and losing your patience, acknowledge His patience for He is filled with longsuffering and lives within you! When you are in a state of tension, acknowledge His rest for He lives in rest and He lives in you!

Let's not live in the flesh and below par, when Christ died and rose again to live His life in us. Let's walk in our home in the revelation of this truth.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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There is always far more going on behind the scenes than we ever dream about, isn't there? Here's another thing we need to be aware of.

Did you know that public schools now have a new textbook called, World History, which promotes Islam and dumbs down Christianity? This book has a 36-page chapter devoted to teaching Islam as a peaceful religion and Muslim conquests as benign "occupations," but Christian conquests as "massacres." The book practically ignores Christianity, except to teach that Christians are the ones who kill, maim, and slaughter.

Can you believe this is happening in our country that was founded on Christian principles? And your tax dollars are paying for this brainwashing.

Informative Christian parents can no longer keep their children in public schools.

Let's wake up before it is too late.

Love from Nancy

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Rest and Peace

God wants you to have REST and PEACE in your home.

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Here's a lovely quote by Marianne Neifert, which an Above Rubies reader sent to me. She read it in the Reader's Digest. I'm sure you will identify with these same feelings......

"If I hadn't had children, I probably would have had more money and material things. I probably would have gone more places, gotten more sleep, pampered myself more. My life would have been much more boring and predictable. As a result of being a parent, I have laughed harder, cried more often. I have worried more and hurried more. I've had less sleep, but somehow I've had more fun. I've learned more, grown more. My heart has ached harder, and I've loved to a capacity beyond my imagination. I've given more of myself, but I've derived more meaning from life."

Isn't it true? We experience the delirious joys of motherhood and also the aches and pains of motherhood, but our lives are richer for them all. Oh how much we would have missed out on, if we hadn't had each child that God has given us.

Dear young mothers, forget sighing and grumbling about all your frustrations. These precious days with your little ones will go too quickly. My oldest son will soon be 50 years, and it still seems like one blink of my eye since the day he was born. As I look back on raising our children, do I regret that I didn't get involved in more activities outside the home or further my career? Oh no. I regret every moment I didn't spend with them. I never felt I had enough time to pour into them all I wanted to before they were gone and flown the nest.

Treasure every moment with the children God has given you, today.

Love from Nancy Campbell .

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All the principles that God gives us in His Word are liberating principles. They set us free from bondage, depression, self-pity, bitterness, and destruction. And yet, God's ways are usually opposite of how we would naturally react. One of these kingdom principles is forgiveness. When someone hurts us wrongly or speaks false words against us, it is not easy to forgive. But, unless we do, we only end up hurting ourselves. God shows us in His Word how to do it.

1. We must be eager and ready to forgive.
God Himself is always "READY to forgive" (Psalm 86:5) and He wants us to have the same attitude. We don't hold out for months or years in bitterness, but forgive immediately.

2. We must forgive all, not only some things.
God never holds back His forgiveness. He forgives ALL our sins. There is nothing He won't forgive when we seek the cleansing of the blood of Jesus. Read Psalm 103:3 and Colossians 2:13.

3. We must forgive seventy time seven.
Yes, Matthew 18:21-22 tells us 490 times, but the inference is UNENDING forgiveness. How can you forgive over and over again, even for the same thing? Only by God's grace and forgiveness which we inherit when Christ comes to dwell in us (Romans 5:5 and Colossians 1:27).

4. We must forgive from the heart.
Matthew 18:35 NASB says, "My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother FROM YOUR HEART."

5. We must forgive others the same way Christ has forgiven us. This kind of attitude doesn't let us off the hook, does it? Ephesians 4:32 reads, "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, EVEN AS GOD for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Read also Luke 23:34 and Colossians 3:13.

There will always be someone we have to forgive. It may be every day, or more than once a day. Allow Christ to work His spirit of forgiveness in you, today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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As my husband listened to Sean Hannity yesterday, he heard that according to two major sources, that USA used to be the least corrupt country in the west. Sadly, it has now become the most corrupt. In the midst of this corruption we have the responsibility and privilege to train children of integrity, children who will be courageous to stand for truth and purity in the midst of distortion.

This won't happen easily. This will take courageous and purposeful mothers. This will take parents who will take their children out of the state school system where they are indoctrinated in humanism, feminism, socialism, and now more and more with the gay agenda. It is impossible to raise a pure and unadulterated generation who are filled with God's truth if we send them to be educated by the enemy's camp every day. We cannot turn this nation around when children from Christian families are being educated in everything that is against God and family.

Let's raise shining lights in the midst of the darkness. And please don't tell me that you send your child to school to be a shining light. Young children are not yet ready to stand against the deception. Instead, they are subtly brainwashed with humanism which is the opposite to God's Word. But, we should get them ready to be strong, courageous, and filled with truth so that when they are older and ready they will come forth from our homes (not deceived and corrupted), but filled with light to disperse the darkness and deception.

Philippians 2:15 says, "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a CROOKED AND PERFVERSE NATION, among whom ye SHINE AS LIGHTS IN THE WORLD."

May God fill you with His anointing and wisdom today as you raise shining lights for God.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Are you feeling frazzled? Is your stomach tied up in knots? Overwhelmed by motherhood? Dear mother, I think that often we feel weighed down and snowed under because we get involved in too many other things outside the home. It's so easy to get in the rat-race of running here and there and having our children involved in too many activities, isn't it?

Many years ago I read a bumper sticker that said, "If a woman's place is in the home, why am I always in the car?" It isn't God's plan for us to mother our children running around in the car, but in the home.

Can I encourage you that when life gets frantic, to take stock and look at what you are doing. I love the Knox translation of Hosea 11:11 which says, "In their OWN HOME, says the Lord, I WILL GIVE THEM REST."

I know that all your running around is for good things. But, dear mother, don't let seemingly good things rob you of the perfect will of God. Even Eve, who walked personally with God every day, was not tempted by something that looked evil, but by what looked "good" and "wise" (Genesis 3:6).

Watch out for deception and find your REST IN YOUR HOME.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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think you'll enjoy this poem (or is it a song, Val?) written by Val Halloran, one of our regular Above Rubies Facebook readers.

I think back to the day you came
to bless me long ago;
All I knew about you was your name
and that I loved you so.

A tiny bundle, soft and sweet,
God's special gift to me.
Uniquely made to be like Him,
to live eternally!

The days and months flew quickly by;
I was told the time would pass;
but with lots of babes and work to do,
I didn't know then just how fast.

I wanted more than anything
to lead you in God's ways,
to teach you that to live for Him
was the reason you were made.

Now that you're grown and on your own,
and time to train has passed,
though you say that you saw faith in me,
I still wish I could go back,

to cherish more those fleeting times
to show you of His love.
Though I tried to point you all to Him,
I'll never feel I did enough.

But I'll say to you what was said to me,
that as you love and train your own,
slow down, enjoy these precious ones,
in a blink, they'll all be grown.
@2013, Val Halloran

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You are most probably aware that written in the 2,517 pages of Obama Care, that hardly a soul has read, that they will be giving a minimum of $500,000,000.00 to Planned Parenthood each year. Our government does not promote life, but death. Obama Care is not for our blessing but to take control of our lives.

It makes me think of Nehemiah 9:37, "Also they have dominion over our bodies, at their pleasure, and we are in great distress."

Last week a dear friend called me to say that she received a knock on the door. A lady stood there from a local government agency to state that her perfectly beautiful and HEALTHY 10 year old daughter had not had a medical checkup in the last year! She didn't need a checkup. She is totally healthy! Can you believe such an invasion into family life? And this just happened last week.

If we don't stand up now for truth, we will lose all our freedoms.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Most Above Rubies readers in USA should have received their magazine by now. Don't despair if you haven't. Give it another week or so before you start screaming that your copy hasn't arrived! Sometimes some folks have to wait about three weeks. You can never tell with the Post Office.

You will notice on page 15 that there is A SPECIAL GIFT FOR YOU. Our son, Wes Campbell, Manager of the Newsboys has released a FREE download to all Above Rubies readers--a song from the latest Newsboys CD, Restart, which recently hit the market.

Michael Tate, four times Grammy Award Winner, sings "That Home" about the power of a mother in the home. You will love it! We play it over and over again here, in the home and in the car. The youngest of nine children, Michael sings about his mother, of the love in his home, and also of the hundreds of children who were nurtured there. Sadly, as this CD hit the market, Michael's mother of 86 years passed away.

Here is the FREE download for you. It will be easier for you to click on it here than check in the magazine. And if your magazine hasn't arrived yet, you can get it NOW.


Here's the first stanza... you can listen to the rest when you download.
There was a home in town
Where broken kids the lost and found
Would come for miles around
Just to see what love was all about
‘Cause momma had a way
Of making things okay

She’d cook us our favorite meal
Sit and listen to how we feel
Oh, how the pain was real
How many families would the devil steal
Momma had a way of making things okay

In that home we knew we were safe
To be young enough to dream
To find the faith to believe
And in that home love it had no end
That’s where we learned to forgive
In that home

Happy listening. Nancy

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I Want A Man... Not A Mouse!

Man not a mouse
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"Baby's Secret"

I'm just a little feller
And I didn't quite make it there;
I went straight to be with Jesus
And I'm waiting for you here.

Don't you fret about me, Mommy,
I'm of all God's lambs most blest;
I'd have loved to stayed there with you,
But our Shepherd knows what's best.

Many dwelling here where I live
Waited years to enter in,
Struggled through a world of sorrow
And their lives were marred with sin.

So sweet, Mommy, don't you sorrow,
Wipe those tears and chase the gloom;
I went straight to Jesus' bosom
From my lovely mother's womb.

Thank you for the life you gave me,
It was brief, but don't complain,
I have all of heaven's glory,
Suffered none of earthling's pain.

Thank you for the name you gave me,
I'd have loved to brought it fame;
But if I'd lingered in earth's shadows,
Might instead have brought it shame.

Abba gave me something for you,
It's our secret, Mommy dear;
Pressed it tight against my forehead,
Whispered in my tiny ear.

I'll be waiting for you, Mommy---
You and Daddy, Bud and Sis,
I'll be with you then forever
And I'll give you Abba’s kiss.

Author Unknown.

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After my post, "God has not Forgotten You," some mothers shared the pain of continual miscarriages. One dear mother has lost over a dozen babies to miscarriage.

It is so grieving to lose a baby at any stage, whether it is a few weeks in the womb or many years older. No matter what stage it is grief because a life has been lost. Yes, this precious life has been lost to us, and yet it hasn't really been lost. Every baby that is born is an eternal soul that will live forever. Dear mother, you will one day enjoy this precious life for eternity. It was not a waste to conceive this child. You have brought forth a child for the eternal realm, which is the real world. In your loss and in your pain, please be encouraged as you look forward to the FOREVER. This is your hope. This is your joy.

Many folks are now receiving their new magazine, Above Rubies # 88. In this issue you will read a testimony, SEVEN TINY BOXES where a mother shares the pain of losing seven babies to miscarriage in the last seven years.

May you be encouraged, Nancy Campbell

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We cried tears when we learned that a child would be,
That your God had allowed you to quicken in me.
We cried tears with our loved ones as they shared our joy
And we thought about names for a girl or boy.
I cried tears as I thought of the things we would do,
All the things that your Daddy would pass on to you.
And I cried as I thought of each inch you had grown
As I pondered the day you'd make yourself known.
Then, to think of the world you must enter brought fears,
Once again, Little Loved One, your mother cried tears.

Something's wrong I can tell… once again there are tears
And I'll not get the chance of your love through the years.
Oh, the ache and the sorrow and all of the pain… and again,
Yes, again... my tears fell like rain.
Then His peace comes to me as I think of you there
Gently rocking with Father in His favourite chair,
Your sweet little fingers clenched tight in His palm
And His Son softly singing to help keep you calm.
Our Father knew your days before they came to be
And He knew, Little One, you would not stay with me.
So I cry, but I know that when this life is done
I will greet and embrace you, my sweet Little One
There's a time to be born and a time to die
And the joy and the sorrow both make us cry.


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This last weekend Colin and I were speaking at the Above Rubies Family Retreat in Louisiana. A lovely family with eight children organized the retreat. They confessed they could never have done it without their children who all worked so hard to make it happen. The whole family led the worship and played their instruments, and one of their sons fasted one meal a day for many months to pray for the retreat.

Just before we all left, the father asked his family to stand up with him and his wife. He then began to share how that after they had four children they had much pressure from their parents and friends in the church to not to have any more children. He confessed how if he had listened to them they would not have their last four beautiful children. And he asked them to walk away.

He then shared how that when they had their daughter, that once again parents and friends urged them to stop having more children. "Now that you have your daughter, you don't need any more," they persisted. By this time the father was weeping as he asked his beautiful daughter to walk away.

This couple have always been very interested in missions. However, many missions demand a contact to be signed that they will not have any children, or at least not more than two children. If they had gone ahead with their Missions vision they would not have their third son and the father asked him to walk away.

At the beginning of their marriage, this father didn't want any children. Because of the indoctrination of his professors at college regarding the zero population growth he was convinced that you shouldn't bring children into the world. However, his wife longed for children and eventually God opened His eyes to His truth. If he had listened to his professors and the indoctrination that is prevalent today, he would not have had any children and he asked his two oldest sons to walk away.

The husband and wife were left standing together as the father continued to weep. The impact of watching their children gradually leave them was incredible. They nearly missed the enormous blessing of their eight children who are growing up in the ways of God, who shine with the glory of the Lord, and who are now helping them in the work of the Lord as they minister together as a family. Satan didn't win this victory, but he wins in thousands of Christian families all over this country.

May God save His people from deception.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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After writing yesterday about how God loves to bless us with children, I received a comment regarding those who cannot conceive. I have not forgotten you, precious mothers. Even as I wrote yesterday's post I was grieving for those who cannot conceive. Sometimes, some cannot conceive because of being on the Pill (although that does not affect everyone), or physical problems. However, many times we have no answer as to why. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.

All we can do is to yield ourselves to God who is Sovereign over our lives. Of course, that does not take away the longing to conceive and to mother. Proverbs 30:15-16 tells us that the womb is never satisfied. Can I encourage you to never give up praying and trusting God? God is a God of miracles. I have known mothers who have conceived after waiting 10 years and even more!

And you have most probably prayed about fostering or adopting. Adopting children has its challenges, but it is also close to the heart of God. God's plan is for every child to grow up in a family and there are millions of orphans in this world waiting for homes. God created you to be a nurturer. Don't waste your mothering anointing in frustration. Seek God for who He wants you to mother and nurture in your home and be open to bringing a child into your fold through adoption, or whatever way God has planned for you.

Remember, that in all of your longing, God is with you and will lead you and guide you for His glory.

Much love to you dear mother, Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ