Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


Yesterday I shared with you the Scriptures of how God gives us children because of His love and compassion toward us. I want to show you something more from Deuteronomy 13:17 where it says that God will "show thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee." I was amazed to find that the words "mercy" and "compassion" are exactly the same words in the Hebrew.

It is the word "racham" which is a wonderful word. It describes God's compassion and tender pity toward us. It means "to fondle, to soothe, to cherish, to love, to be compassionate, to demonstrate mercy." It reveals "the wombness of God." And, it is the exact same word that is used of a woman's womb. This word is used interchangeably in God's Word to describe God's mercy and also the womb. Isn't that amazing?

As we embrace the womb that God gave us and receive the children He wants to give us, we have the opportunity to reveal God's mercy and compassion, not only to our little baby, and our other children, but to the world. When we embrace the womb, it brings an anointing of compassion and tenderness all over us. When we turn away from children, it is easier to become harder in our spirit.

And do you notice, that God repeats this word twice! He says, "I will have COMPASSION AND COMPASSION upon you to give you conception." He reinforces this blessing by repeating the words twice. How wondrous. Isn't it wonderful to see God's loving heart in His Word?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Why does God want to bless us with children?

1. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BLESS US (Genesis 1:27-28; 9:1, 2, 7 and loads of others). There is a whole chapter on these blessing Scriptures in the book, "Be Fruitful and Multiply."


3. BECAUSE HE LOVES US (Deuteronomy 7:13).


5. BECAUSE HE REJOICES OVER US (Deuteronomy 28:63).

6. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO DO US GOOD (Genesis 32:12; Deuteronomy 28:6; 30:5).

7. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO HONOR US (1 Chronicles 25:4-5).



10. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FILL THE EARTH WITH HIS GLORY AND FILL ETERNITY (Genesis 1:28; Malachi 2:15 and loads of others). Check out "Be Fruitful and Multiply."

Isn't this amazing? These Scriptures reveal the heart of God toward conception and fruitfulness. I wonder why so many Christians think children are a nuisance, and want as few as possible, when God's heart is the opposite. I wonder why they want to stop having children when God's Word reveals the opposite. Don't you think it's time for us to line up with God? If we belong to His kingdom, we'll believe what He says.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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How can I do it? I have too much to do,
I’m overwhelmed and feeling real blue,
I’m stuck in this house like super glue.
Don’t look around – LOOK UP!

The dishes and laundry are piled up high,
When I look ‘round the house I have to sigh,
And for supper my husband’s expecting a pie!
Don’t look around – LOOK UP!

We can’t pay the mortgage; bills are overdue,
I’m tired and have headaches, not a few,
These children are driving me crazy too!
Don’t look around – LOOK UP!

My husband comes home late; he doesn’t care,
He doesn’t help with the children; it’s not fair!
I don’t want to smile; I just want to glare!
Don’t look around – LOOK UP!

Take your eyes off your problems, look up to Him,
God’s presence is with you, even in the din!
Confess your bad mood and He’ll cleanse your sin.
He is your God – LOOK UP!

He will show you how to order your place,
He will give you direction as you seek His face,
He wants to pour upon you His anointing of grace.
He is your God – LOOK UP!

Keep your eyes fixed on Him; He is your Stay,
He is your Wisdom for problems each day,
He will bring His presence right into your fray.
He is your God – LOOK UP!

Each morning He comes as the refreshing Dew
To revive your body, and your spirit too,
He is your Deliverer and He’ll make you new,
He is your God – LOOK UP!

~ Love from Nancy Campbell

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This is why we are here. To light up our home and light up the world with God's love, truth, and glory. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14).

Let's shine the light of Jesus from our lives today. Remember too, that the more children God graciously enables you to bring into this world, the more light you bring into the world. Every new babe is another opportunity to reveal the light of God. Jesus "gives light to every man who comes into the world" (John 1:9).

Let's fill the world with light.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Worry? Why worry? What can worry do?
It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you,
It gives you indigestion and sleepless hours at night,
And fills with gloom the days, however fair and bright.

It puts a frown upon the face and sharpness to the tone;
We’re unfit to live with others and unfit to live alone.
Worry? Why worry? What can worry do?
It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you.

Pray? Why pray? What can praying do?
Praying really changes things, arranges life anew,
It’s good for your digestion, gives peaceful sleep at night,
And fills the grayest, gloomiest day with rays of glowing light.

It puts a smile upon your face, the love note in your tone;
Makes you fit to live with others and fit to live alone.
Pray? Why pray? It brings God down from heaven
To live and work with you.

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Isn't the word "longsuffering" such a lovely word? It's a lovely word, but not so easy to put into practice, is it? What does it actually mean?

The word means "forbearance, fortitude, patience--and longanimity." Forgive me, I hadn't heard of that last word until I was checking out the meaning of this Greek word this morning. I checked the 1828 Webster's dictionary to find it means "a disposition to endure long under offenses." Oh my. It is true that sometimes a trial we faces doesn't go away quickly. It goes on and on. Can we endure to the end? Can we keep enduring for the long haul?

We can't in our own strength. But, we can in Christ's strength. He lives within us and He is longsuffering. This is His nature (Joel 2:13; Romans 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9, 15).

Paul confessed, "That in me first Jesus Christ might show ALL LONGSUFFERING" (1 Timothy 1:16). What a testimony. Can we have this testimony in our home as we mother our children? Mothering certainly takes LONGSUFFERING. And Jesus wants to show to your children and to all around His longsuffering through your life as a mother.

Embrace the frustrations and trials of mothering. You have the opportunity to SHOW FORTH THE LONGSUFFERING OF JESUS. What a privilege.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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The trying days, the sighing days, the days when things go wrong,
The hurry days, the worry days, the days when you’re off song,
The busy days, the dizzy days that you go rushing madly through –
Trying to catch up on all the jobs you have to do.

The trying days, the flying days– the clock goes twice its pace,
But when you start to feel you are competing in a race–
Slow down for a moment, let your tangled thoughts unwind.
You’ll get through in half the time if you’ve a quiet mind.

~ Patience Strong

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Most people are not aware of how Above Rubies operates or is financed, and I rarely ever write about it. However, I thought I would explain it to you, if you are interested. If not, you don't need to continue reading.

I have been publishing the Above Rubies magazine for over 36 years. It started in New Zealand where we lived at the time and now goes all over the world. From the very beginning I have felt to make Above Rubies freely available, by donation. Many people ask why I don't make it a subscription magazine. However, people always subscribe to what they believe in and my vision is to get Above Rubies out to those who not only believe in the message, but to those who don't! I have a vision to get it to every family in the nation. I have a big vision. I believe that if we sow sparingly, we'll reap sparingly; but if we sow bountifully, we'll reap a bountiful harvest for the glory of God, as the Scripture says.

Therefore I make it available freely. But, not altogether!

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T Traveling through life is no good on your own,
To do it with family is the best way known.

O Old and young, the toddlers and teens,
All add to the mix with their family genes.

G Gathering together as much as we can,
Putting aside time to be with the clan.

E Enjoying suppers, parties, and feasts
Where we all bring food and special treats.

T Talking and laughing, shouting, debating,
It’s a great lot of fun, certainly not sedating!

H Helping one another in times of need,
Going the extra mile to do the deed.

E Embracing the children, the more the merrier,
Enlarging our homes to all fit in one area.

R Remembering each other, even those far away,
Cementing the bonds by praying each day.

N Never holding a grudge--for hurt or lies,
Forgiving freely when offences arise.

E Expect perfection? We all fall on our face,
We’re sinners redeemed, needing God’s grace.

S Strengthened by unity--we must guard it well,
And watch “little foxes” don’t come in to dwell.

S Serving each other with a humble mind,
This is the way as a family we’ll bind.
Love from Nancy Campbell

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God says in Jeremiah 31:1, "At the same time, saith the Lord, will I be the GOD OF ALL THE FAMILIES of Israel, and they shall be my people." There is coming a day when God will be the God of ALL the families of Israel.

What about us now? Is God truly the God of our family life? Would someone coming into our home immediately become aware of the presence of God in our home? Are our children very much aware that God lives in our home? Is God honored in every decision we make, every word we speak, and every action?. Do we honor Him by coming together as a family each morning and evening to hear Him speak to us and pour out our hearts to Him? Or, have other things taken His place in our home?

If God were to truly become GOD IN THE FAMILY in the homes of believing families across the nation, the nation would become filled with the righteousness of God. The fear of God would come into the land. We would push back the darkness of sin and deception. This can happen. It starts with each individual family. It starts with my family. It starts with your family.

Let's begin to allow God to truly be God in our home--in every moment, and every situation.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Back into the Above Rubies office this morning after a WONDERful day of prayer, fellowship, and being inspired in God's Word. And yes, it lasted all day. Because it was THE DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM yesterday, we not only prayed at church in the morning, but we had a powerful prayer meeting in our home in the evening for Israel. Did you get to pray, too?

I read yesterday in Obadiah 1:15, "The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge all godless nations! AS YOU HAVE DONE TO ISRAEL, SO IT WILL BE DONE TO YOU." That sure is a powerful statement, isn't it? And it's not something we can take lightly as it is written by God Himself. It reminds me of a book I read a few years ago, "As America Has Done to Israel" by John P. McTernan. Have you read it? It's worth reading.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Praise the Lord for the weekend to relax after a busy week. Friday night the Above Rubies helpers and all the grand-daughters around the land got together at Serene's for a sleepover--14 of them, from youngest to oldest. Isn't it wonderful when you have 14 girls without having to bring anyone extra in? They had a dessert evening, played fun games together and then watched a movie until they all went to sleep.

What about the boys? Serene's boys had to be evicted from the Girls' Night, so they, with the rest of the boys on the land slept downstairs at our place--after playing for hours in the dark out on the lawn. By the time we came down Saturday morning, there was not a boy in sight~! A few had gone hunting as it is Bow season and they desperate to get a deer, or more! Later, the boys all played soccer on the lawn for most of the day. They never seem to get sick of it.

Now it's Sunday. How we look forward to our service here this morning (always SO GREAT) and then fellowship for the rest of the afternoon. "I WAS GLAD when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord" (Psalm 122:1). Amen!

Love, Nancy

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One of the Scriptures we read from THE DAILY LIGHT in our Family Devotions this morning was Romans 12:1-2. We all recited it together as we know it by heart, as I am sure you also do. However, it's one thing to memorize it, but it's another thing to walk in the experience of it, isn't it?

We always discuss the Scriptures in our devotion time. It tells us that it is our "reasonable service" to present out bodies as a living sacrifice to God. We wanted to find out what "reasonable" really meant. The Greek word is "logikos" which comes from "logos" meaning "God's reason or intelligence expressed in human speech." In other words, we are going along with God's revealed plan in His Word when we yield our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice.

The other place where this same Greek word is used is in 1 Peter 2:2 where it tells us to desire the sincere milk of the Word (logikos).

It's a challenge, isn't it? Am I constantly yielding my body as a living sacrifice to God? My mind, my heart, my ears, my tongue (ouch!), and yes, my womb. This is our reasonable service that lines up with God's Word.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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We know the quote of William of Wykeham, "Manners maketh man." I was blessed to see this portrayed in our home last night. A lovely family have come to stay with us for a couple of days. When they arrived the eight year old immediately shook hands with each person in our home and introduced himself, "My name is Jeremiah." Then the five year old put out his hand to shake hands with each one saying, "My name is Samuel." And even the little three year old did the same, introducing herself as "My name is Wonder." Yes that is her name. Isn't it WONDERful?

I also read yesterday, "Good manners will often take people where neither money nor education will take them." I guess you have found, as I did, that children are not born with manners! They don't seem to have a clue about etiquette without faithful training. But, oh how important it is to train them in etiquette.

Teach your children how to sit and eat correctly at the table. Teach them to walk with their head high and soldiers back. Teach them to speak CLEARLY AND POLITELY and look people in the eye. It is sad that the majority of children mumble answers when spoken to by adults and have no idea of looking at the person's face.

We as mothers determine the manners of our children. Let's keep on the job.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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A Little Poem About Manners

And here's a little poem your young children may like to memorize about manners.

"A child should always say what's true
And speak when he is spoken to,
And behave mannerly at table;
At least as far as he is able."

~ Robert Louis Stevenson

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"Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. "
~ Clarence Thomas

"One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness."
~ Josh Billings

"Associate with well-mannered persons and your manners will improve. Run around with decent folk and your own decent instincts will be strengthened."
~ Stanley Walker

"A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance."
~ Arthur Ashe

“Life is short, but there is always time enough for courtesy.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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God's ways are always opposite to our fleshly ways. We think if we hold on to our rights we'll win. We think that if we make sure we keep everything we need for ourselves we'll have plenty. But, God's ways are different. Jesus said that if we try to save our life we'll lose it, but if we freely lose our life we'll find it (Mark 8:35).

Proverbs 11:24-25 says, "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that witholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." We usually think of these words in the context of giving to the needy, financially and materially, but I believe it is even bigger than that.

We have to have an attitude of liberality in every department of our lives. It is so easy to have a stingy attitude, isn't it? And therefore we withhold blessings from those around us. How often do we withhold words of love, blessing, and kindness from our husband and children? We may think the words, but don't get to say them. Or, many times we can be too busy thinking about ourselves to take time to think of positive words to speak to those around us. "The liberal soul" literally means "the blessing soul."

How often we withhold cuddles and kisses, just because we get too busy. Don't worry, I am challenging myself as well as you! Because of selfishness we withhold God from blessing us with children and thereby we deny the world and eternity of blessings. And yes, we can be stingy about sexual intimacy. That's a horrible stinginess.

Let's ask God to work in us a generous and liberal attitude, freely giving in every area. We won't lose. We'll only be blessed.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Proverbs 11:24-25 MSG, "The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped."

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Slow down, Mummy, there's no need to rush,
Slow down, Mummy, what is all the fuss?
Slow down, Mummy, make yourself a cup tea,
Slow down, Mummy, come and spend some time with me.

Slow down, Mummy, let's put on boots and go out for a walk,
Let's kick at piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk,
Slow down, Mummy, you are looking very tired,
Come, sit and snuggle and rest with me a while.

Slow down, Mummy, those dirty dishes can wait,
Slow down, Mummy, let's have some fun and bake a cake!
Slow down, Mummy, I know you work a lot,
But sometimes, Mummy, it's nice when you just stop.

Sit with us a minute and listen to our day,
Spend a cherished moment,
because our childhood will not stay!

~ Rebekah Knight (c) 2011

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ