NotYourOwnWhen invited to a birthday party recently, our grandson, Zadok replied, “Can God come to the party? Because if I come God will come.” The guy was taken aback, but affirmed he would be okay with God coming! And of course, wherever Zadok goes, God comes. People come to know Jesus, they are challenged to walk closer to Him, and often people are healed.

Was Zadok being facetious? No. This is biblical truth. We may not always live it, but God says that when we receive Christ into our lives He comes to dwell within us. Colossians 1:27 says: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” I love the words of Jesus in John 14:23: “If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, and make our abode with him.” What amazing words. Did you notice that Jesus said, “WE will come”? The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit! Emmanuel! God with us!

Dear mother, if Christ indwells you, God (the God of the universe) goes wherever you go. When you wake up in the morning and go into your kitchen God comes with you. He is with you in your kitchen as you prepare breakfast and get the household chores going for the day. He is with you as you homeschool your children. He is with you in whatever you must do today.

You cannot have a normal and boring day if God is with you. And you don’t need to get overwhelmed and anxious if God is with you. He is bigger than any problem or circumstance you face. Thank for Him for His presence with you today. Walk in the power of Who He is in you. Walk in all the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller ~ The Homecoming.


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