NoWimpsThere are those who would spurn the vocation of mothers
And say it’s inferior to the career of others,
I'll have to admit that it's not easy work,
It's relentless and from it you cannot shirk.

It takes all your energy to be a mother and wife,
It requires daily commitment and a disciplined life,
It demands all your resources of patience and love,
Long-suffering and wisdom from God above.

It takes self-control and continual endurance,
It needs constant and faithful perseverance,
It is total sacrifice and forgetting yourself,
You may sometimes think you are left on the shelf!

And what about time? It’s no longer yours,
It belongs to everyone else who comes in
your doors.
Can you claim your own rights? No, they're gone too,
Like your right to sleep the whole night through!

It's not so easy to crawl into bed with a book
Or go off and dream in some quiet little nook.
It seems like you're totally losing your life
To be a good mother and a godly wife.

But oh, dear mother, please do not despair,
In God's great vision you have a share,
Fulfilling your destiny planned before creation,
To nurture children and BUILD A NATION!

You walk in the footsteps of Jesus your Lord
Who sacrificed all, His life He out-poured,
He didn't cling to His rights with selfish futility,
He didn't claim any privilege, but walked in humility.

He gave up His own life to save millions of others,
This same principle is at work in the lives of mothers,
When you lose your own life you'll find it again,
A rewarding life, without guilt or shame.

So lift up your head, embrace your calling so high,
You're in God's perfect will, there’s no reason to sigh.
You may often feel worthless--don't listen to this lie,
For your influence goes higher than the clouds in the sky!

As you nurture and train your God-given seed,
As you sharpen these “arrows” by word and by deed,
You shape the nation; you determine its course,
Your mothering’s not wasted; it’s a great mighty force!

As your children leave home and go into the world
The stamp of your training will be unfurled,
You’ll influence countries where you've never been,
And down the generations its extent will be seen.

Your work is so powerful, no wonder it's tough,
But God is behind you; He's the GOD WHO IS ENOUGH,
His strength and wisdom He daily gives to you,
He stands behind His promises which are totally true.

He is always with you, right through to the end
As you follow His leading and deny the world's trend,
Each morning you wake, your strength He'll renew.
He'll fill your home with His presence and His
blessed peace too.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ