SeeWhatGodStuff doesn’t satisfy! Some mothers think that they could never manage on one income. Yet they will never know until they take that scary step of faith and see what God can do. God waits to show His faithfulness to us, but often we don't give Him a chance.

It’s amazing how much cheaper you can live when you are home. When you only shop once a week, or maybe once every two weeks, you save hundreds of dollars. Have you found that the less you go to shops, the less you spend?

When you are home you cook from scratch, using wholesome, non-packaged foods. You can grow a garden and eat fresh, non-sprayed vegetables. You save loads of dollars on prepared foods and eat healthier.

You save on gas and clothes.

But best of all, you are with your precious children. You are not handing them over to someone you don’t even know! You are investing in their lives. You are teaching them in the ways of God. You are “little by little, and precept by precept” training them to grow up in the character of God.

You still think you can’t do it? No, you can’t in your own strength. But when you take a step of faith and simply obey God’s ultimate plan for you, you will find He is with you all the way. You’ll be amazed at the miracles that take place! You’ll be amazed at how you survive!

Love to you from Nancy Campbell

You are still wondering how God can provide for you. Check out this link:

Painting by Katie Berggren


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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ