AweWonderI love the lines of Sara Teasdale:

“Children’s faces looking up,
Holding wonder like a cup.”

“Wonder” is an emotion God has given to us, firstly, in relation to Him. He is called “Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6). The word is “pele” and literally means, “a wonder, a marvel.” God cannot be fathomed. He is mysterious (Job 11:7-10). Judges 13:18 says His name is “secret.” God should be our greatest awe as we continually receive new glimpses and understanding of Him and His amazing creation.

Can we awake each morning, filled with wonder and expectation of what God will do and show us? Or have the stresses and burdens of life dimmed this wonder? Perhaps excessive social media and iphones etc., have blurred our brains from seeing the wonder and expectation in life. A book I am reading currently talks about a delightful clockmaker who “had never grown up and things still amazed him.”

May you and I be those who keep being amazed! Ask God to renew in you the delight of wonder. Together, with your children, daily look to understand more of God. Look for wonders and miracles in your everyday lives, not only in the big things of life, but also the tiny little things.

As you sit together at the table at supper time, ask your children to tell you about some “wonders” they noticed today.

Live in the expectation of wonder today.

Blessings from Nancy


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