Part 3

“Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power” (Psalm 110:3).

 Here I am sending you Part 3 when I only intended to send one devotion on this subject. However, since sending out Part 2 last week I received a wonderful testimony from SHELSEA WEEMS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and I have decided to pass it on to you, knowing that it will be an encouragement and blessing. There is nothing like a testimony to confirm truth, especially when Shelsea found the answers through adversity.

“I "had" to create order in our home several years ago. It was because I fell very ill. I had a new baby, a three year old and I was ill with Celiac Disease although unaware of it. It created disorder in my nervous system and brain. I passed out, was tired, cranky, and very hungry. I had infections, hair loss, skin bleeding and was very thin. I could not remember anything. I'd forget where I was going when I'd drive! My doctor told me I was going to go on I.V. nutrition once to twice a week in the hospital. I had nothing to offer my husband but a tired, haggard wife that fell asleep when I sat down.

The Lord put a burden for property on my husband. God also put a burden in my heart for more children. My husband said we could not do either. Even though this was happening, I knew God had a plan. God did not make me incapable. Even though I was ill, God created me to be my husband’s helpmeet, the mother of my children, the women of Proverbs 31 and Titus 2. 

I prayed that the Lord would help me to know what to do. Immediately, God put a thought in my mind.  I felt I should organize each day of the week with several tasks. Sometimes I would have to rest four to six times in between a task. It took two to three days to vacuum the house, but I DID GET IT DONE.  

Every day I completed one to two chores, all meals and straightened up the home before my husband returned from work. I did only two loads of laundry a day, each to be put up immediately and I chose to shop only two to four times a month.

I had to say No to outside activities in order to preserve peace and order in the home and Invited friends to my home instead.

Even in my condition, I organized the house!  The Lord is faithful. We even listed and sold our home while I was still ill. The buyers said it was the cleanest house they'd seen! They did not even know we had a dog!

Three years later I am better. I still have to limit myself and be scheduled. But, now we have a five acre farm, two children (currently), farm animals, and a lovely home.  God is good!  He increased my ability and our family’s surroundings.  I even bucked hay bales with my husband last night.

I guess what I'm getting at is that sometimes our bodies change and our situations change, but God's design does not! We have to learn to change ourselves and our way of doing things, even with our limitations. But, we cannot change God’s design because of our limitations.”

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

All we have to do to get order in the home is to be WILLING, willing to listen to the Lord and His Word and obey it. Not just think about, but do it, as Shelsea sought to do, even in her weakness.



"Dear Father, please help me to be a willing worker. Help me to not only be a hearer, but a doer of your Word. Amen.”


 I can’t sit here and dream all day; I’ve got things to do!






Part 2


“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).


I did not plan to write a sequel to this devotion. However, I received many replies to this subject, plus many questions regarding “how” to actually keep the home in order. One lady asked, “Can you please tell me what should be done daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, yearly?”  Another asked, “Could you include a list of what is accomplished when you clean the house from "top to bottom?" The answers to these questions would require a book, but I will share a few further thoughts with you.




Firstly, it is important to remember that we have seasons in our lives. This is part of the ebb and flow of life. You may be in the season of little toddlers and babies. Maybe you have a newborn. When you are in this season, it is not easy to keep to the standard that you would like to normally keep in youir home. When you are in this season, the most important thing to remember is to do the basics. Make sure you provide three nutritious meals each day. Ask the Lord to give you ideas on how to do this as you care for your little ones at the same time. You may like to use the crock pot, putting in meat and veggies that can cook all day. That way, you will get through the fussy time with your baby (which is usually in the early evening, right at the time you are seeking to prepare supper) and you’ll be sure to have an evening meal ready for your husband.


Keep up with laundry and make sure dishes are done. Don’t worry if your house gets strewn with toys and so on throughout the day. But don’t leave it like that. Have a “One, Two, Three, Let’s Go” clean up before your husband arrives home. Even little children can be excited about putting everything away (or even throwing it out of sight into a cupboard) before daddy comes home.


Don’t try and do a lot of extra things. I can remember when I was raising my little ones—three under 17 months at one time, and four under four years a little later. I longed to change the world and fulfill all the visions I dreamed of as I sat and nursed my baby. But I realized that these visions were for another time. I was doing the greatest work that I could do as I nursed my baby, cared for my children and kept the house in a basic standard of cleanliness. If you can nourish and train your little ones and keep the home in a basic order, you are DOING A GREAT JOB! You don’t have to add one more thing to your list of what to do or the day.


When you sit down to nurse the baby, that’s when it is easy to look around and notice dirty windows and marks on the walls. Turn a blind eye to them. Your windows will still be dirty in the years to come, but you won’t have these precious little ones at this age. They are more important that sparkling windows and flawless walls!


However, start training your little ones when they are young. Train them to only eat at the table or at least in the kitchen or dining room only. I do not allow anyone in our home, young children (or even teens or adults, because they are an example to the younger ones) to eat in any other room in the house apart from the kitchen or dining area. This saves loads of cleaning. If you allow children to eat in the lounge, in their bedrooms or wherever they like, you create a lot more cleaning for yourself. It is slovenly, a bad habit for them to get into and a inefficient waste of your valuable cleaning time.


Don’t bring any sugar or any foods with sugar or artificial colors into your home! Sugar is a poison and will make your children more hyper-active! This doesn’t help the order of the home. This means, of course, that you must always read labels carefully as nearly every packaged and canned food you purchase has sugar and artificial colors in the ingredients. Train yourself to feed your children correctly.


Train your children to help with household chores, even if they can’t do them to your standard. Young children can set the table, help cut vegetables, do dishes and sweep the floor etc. And they love to do it. By the time your young daughters are teens, they should know how to run the home.


I would also encourage you to cut corners—not corners of cleanliness, but unnecessary tasks. I remember when I first started homemaking nearly 50 years ago; I kept to the traditions of that time. Every week, without fail, I changed the bed sheets. We used to take the bottom sheet off the bed and put it in the laundry, put the top sheet on the bottom and a new sheet on the top! That was the norm back in those days. But now we have fitted sheets and it doesn’t work that way. Plus, I don’t believe that we need to change sheets every week. I have digressed from that tradition. If children bath or shower, you can keep sheets on the beds for two or three weeks at a time. That saves a lot of laundry, especially if you have a number of children.


What about ironing? I also started out ironing about twice a week. I even ironed pillow cases (I had friends who ironed their tea towels!). Help! How did I do that with four children under four and then six young children? I certainly don’t do that now, even though my children have grown. I have better things to do. I try to purchase clothes that don’t need ironing. I iron only what is absolutely necessary. I try to hang up clothes from the dryer immediately so they don’t crumple. I will even throw a dress in the dryer to unwrinkle if it needs an iron!


Remember, you are responsible to keep your home clean and in order, but not to do unnecessary tasks. Make the use of this time to spend more time with your children, reading to them, teaching them and doing creative things with them. That will have far more impact than unnecessary household tasks.




If you have trained your children when they are young, they will now know how to clean and run the home. In fact, everyone in the home should feel their responsibility to keep it clean and tidy. You are now entering the reward time of consistently and faithfully training your children.


However, I mentioned in my last devotion, that each Friday we do a full clean in our home. I include everyone in the home in this task. I have a list of each task that needs to be accomplished in each room and someone is appointed to each task or tasks. This is the day, when apart from vacuuming and dusting,  we give the bathrooms and toilets a full clean, clean the marks off the carpet, walls and doors and clean the windows and mirrors, etc. I also try to clean out a fridge or one of the cupboards. I don’t clean all cupboards in one day, but try to do one or two a week on each Preparation Day.


If you would like to read more about cleaning on The Preparation Day, go to:  

http://bit.ly/PreparationDay and


One reader wrote in answer to last week’s devotional, “I found it hard to do all my household duties in one day so I prayed about it and began to do one job a day which worked really well for me. By Friday, when I did the last job, which was changing the linen on the beds, it was not too big a task. Come Saturday all the tasks were completed which gave me a better weekend.”


The best encourager is the Word of God. May you be blessed as you read the following Scriptures:


The blessings of diligence and hard work:

Genesis 2:15; Exodus 23:12; Psalm 110:3; Proverbs 20:13; 27:23; 28:19; 31:13, 27; Ecclesiastes 5:2; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Galatians 6:9-10; Colossians 3:17, 23 and Luke 16:10.


The destruction of slackness:

Proverbs 6:6-11; 10:4; 13:4; 14:23; 18:9; 19:15, 20:4; 23:21; 24:30-34; 26:14-15 and Ecclesiastes 10:18.  







“”Father, you are a God of order. Please teach me how to keep order in my home. Amen."



My first priority is my home, not activities outside my home!



Part 10


If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).


Today we will discover the last five things that God wants us to do in our land.




How do we dwell in our land? The word “dwell” means “to root, to sit.” God gives a picture in Psalm 128:3 of the wife and mother rooted in her home. God wants us to dwell in our own land, not in someone else’s land. Many women spend more hours in “other lands” than in their own land of motherhood. The 1599 Geneva Bible reveals the command to be “keepers at home” from Titus 2:5 as “no gadding up and down.”


Read the following Scriptures about dwelling in our land: Leviticus 25:18; 26:5; Numbers 33:53; Deuteronomy 11:31; 12:10; 30:20;Psalm 37:3, 29; 69:35-36; Isaiah 30:19; 32:18; Jeremiah 23:7-8; 25:5; Ezekiel 36:28 and 37:25.




We must not tolerate the enemy. He must be wiped out completely. The Bible does not mince words when it tells us how to deal with evil. Read these instructions: Drive out, destroy, pluck down, dispossess, smite, utterly destroy, make no covenant with them, show no mercy, make no marriages with them, destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves, burn their graven images with fire, have no pity on them, destroy them quickly, overthrow their altars, break their pillars, burn their groves with fire, hew down the graven images of their gods, destroy the names of them out of the place, blot out their remembrance and make no mention of the name of their gods! You can read these in Numbers 33:50-55; Deuteronomy 7:2-5; 9:3; 12:2-3; 25:19 and Joshua 23:7.


This is certainly a little different to the spirit of tolerance in the church today!


Why is it so important to utterly destroy the enemy? Because, if we leave any vestige of the enemy’s ways, they will come back to plague us over and over again. God’s plan of annihilation is more pleasant in the long run. Numbers 33:55 says, “If ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.” Read also Joshua 23:12-13.




In Joshua 1:15 it says, “Return unto the land of your possession, and ENJOY IT.” Maybe you have been complaining in your land? The devil would love you to be a “grumbling mother of children” but God intends you to be a “joyful mother of children” (Psalm 113:9). Perhaps you need to return and begin to enjoy it.


Isaiah 61:7 says, “In the land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.” This joy is found “in the land,” not out of the land!




It is the willing and obedient who enjoy the goodness of the land. Many would rather be a wife and a mother according to their own plans. But our selfish plans never succeed. It is only God’s ways that work. We are reaping a harvest of this in our society today with millions divorcing and the hurting children having to live between two worlds, the mother’s home and a different set of circumstances in the father’s home. This is not God’s plan for the land of motherhood.


Deuteronomy 5:33 says, “Ye shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.”


And here’s another promise. When we do things God’s ways, we will be strong. Our marriage and family will be strong and the nation will become strong. When we turn from biblical ways, not only do we weaken the family, but we weaken the nation.

Deuteronomy 11:8 says, “Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land.”


The following are more Scriptures to read: Leviticus 25:18-19; Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 5-9, 14; 5:31-33; 6:1-3, 18; 12:1, 28, 32; 30:16; 32:46-47 and Joshua 23: 7-8.




We cannot live isolated lives as parents. God is as concerned about the following generations as He is about the now. Deuteronomy 1:8 says, “Go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—to give to them and their descendants after them.”


Acts 2:38 reminds us that the promise is not just for you, but for “you and your children.”We must live in such a way that our lives will influence our children and grandchildren to live for God. We must teach our children so diligently that we can be sure that God’s ways will continue to be part of their lives in following generations.


Read also Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:18-23; 12:28; 31:12-13; 32:46-47 and

2 Chronicles 28:8.







“Dear Father, please help me to live in such a way that I will influence not only my children but future generations for your kingdom. Amen."



I love dwelling in my land of motherhood!





Part 9


”I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die… and you forget the Lord your Maker… You have feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor… and where is the fury of the oppressor?” (Isaiah 51:12-13)


We look at the last temptation that keeps us from possessing the land.


  1. Fear keeps us from possessing the land.


The children of Israel feared to go in and take the Promised Land because of the report of the 10 spies who informed them of the giants in the land, people that were stronger and mightier than them. It is easier to fear situations that are bigger than us, isn’t it? We dread things we cannot cope with. Yet, when God inspired the next generation to go in and possess the land, He said to them, “Hear O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, a people great and tall, the children of the Anakims (who were the giants)” (Deuteronomy 7:1; 9:1-2). But He also told them He would be with them to help drive out their enemies.


There is a natural fear that alerts us to danger. But we also tempted with many unnecessary fears. Many times we fear a fear rather than reality. Psalm 53:5 says, “There they were in great fear, where no fear was.” The margin in my Bible says, “They feared a fear!” One of Satan’s greatest tactics is to bind us up with fear even where there is no valid reason for the fear. He wants to debilitate us with fear in order to stop us possessing our great land of motherhood.


I think that we as women are especially susceptible to fear. We feel very vulnerable when we are pregnant, nursing and bearing the responsibility of the precious lives God has put in our hands. Satan uses this weakness to try and put us out of action with unrealistic fears. Because of many “stories” some young mothers fear having a baby and yet our body was created for this experience. It is not a negative but a maximizing experience for a woman. A mother is empowered physically, emotionally and spiritually when she gives birth naturally. She feels she can conquer any mountain in the world! I remember when Evangeline birthed one of her breech births. It was a powerful, victorious home birth. She was so elated (is there any greater elation than at the birth of a baby?) that she cried out, “I’ve climbed Mt. Everest and put my flag at the top!”


Because of physical problems, the medical profession often puts fears in mothers about having future babies. Each situation must be faced with responsibility, but we also have to be careful that we do not listen to “fears” that do not come from God. Many women who have been told they must not have another baby have gone on to have wonderful pregnancies and births. A future birth does not have to be like a previous birth. Each new pregnancy and birth is new and different.


We can also give into fears about our children too. I remember when Evangeline was serving the Lord in Israel. It was in the time of the Gulf War when Sadam Hussein was sending Scud missiles into Israel. I had great peace about her being there until a rabbi (in Australia where we were living at the time) put fears in my heart and told me it was too dangerous, giving many reasons, and she should leave immediately. Sadly, I listened to these “fears.” Do you notice that most fears come to us by negative words that people speak to us? How we need to be reminded that we do not have to live our lives by the words that people say. We must listen to God and His Word.


But I listened to fears. We told her she must leave, which was against her will. But then God began to convict me and show me I had listened to the fears of man which I confessed before the Lord. She had flown to London in obedience to our command, but it wasn’t long before we received a call to say, “Can you please give me permission to go back to Israel? I know that is where I am meant to be.” We gave permission and she flew back in the midst of Scud missiles falling—and is still alive!


What fears are you struggling with today? What are the things that are looming like mountains in front of you? Please know that no matter how big the mountain, no matter how big the giants, no matter how impossible the situation looks, your God is bigger! You cannot overcome in your own flesh, but God is with you to overcome the enemy. Instead of listening to the “fears” and the negative and fearful words that family, doctors and well-meaning friends speak into your life, trust God.


Trusting God eliminates immobilizing fears. May we learn to live this new way of living in our overflowing land of motherhood.







“Dear Father, please help me to put my trust in you, instead of looking at the “giants” around me. I thank you that you are bigger and able to deliver me in every situation I face. Amen.”



As I trust God my fears subside.


Part 8


Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged (Deuteronomy 1:21).


We have begun listing the things that keep us from possessing the land. We continue today…


  1. Discouragement keeps us from possessing the land. (Deuteronomy 1:28)


Satan loves to discourage us. Why? Because it immobilizes us. When we are discouraged we don’t accomplish anything. We are no good to our husband, no good to our children and no good to ourselves! Of course, I know that you are tempted to be discouraged in your land of motherhood—lack of finances, difficulties with children, inadequacies and daily challenges. But God does not intend you to live in the land of discouragement. God does not discourage; He encourages! Instead of dwelling on your problem, look to the Lord who is your sufficiency and strength. He is with you night and day to help you.


Do you remember when David and his men came back to his city of Ziklag and found their city burned with fire and all their wives and children taken captive? They were distraught! They wept until they had no more strength to weep. But in the midst of all the men wanting to stone David because of their loss, David “encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). When he turned his heart to the Lord, instead of wallowing in despair, God showed him a strategy.


This is the secret. You’ll never find a way out of your discouragement when you keep thinking discouraging thoughts. But when you turn your heart to the Lord, and confess your trust in the Lord, you will then be in a place for God to show you what to do. Sometimes He will give you a strategy to deliver you from your situation. Other times He will give you His anointing and grace to live in victory in your difficult situation. In David’s case, God told him to smite the Amelikites and they recovered everything that was taken from them—wives, children and all the spoil!


Kick discouragement out the door and don’t invite it back in.


  1. keeps us from possessing the land.


Numbers 14:24 says, “But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went and his seed shall possess it.”Joshua and Caleb were the only two of their generation who entered the Promised Land because they followed the Lord fully, even in the face of all obstacles.


We only possess the land of motherhood when we embrace it fully. When we try to keep our feet in different worlds we will never enjoy either. Wifehood and motherhood are not part-time jobs. They are our life!


  1. Assimilation keeps us from possessing the land.


Leviticus 20:24-26 says “Ye shall inherit their land and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people… And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine.”


Assimilation is one of the greatest temptations of the enemy. It is so easy to want to be like everyone else around. In fact, you can assimilate without even realizing it. God’s plan for you is to be separated from the world--not from the people of the world of course, but from the deception, evil and materialistic spirit of the world.


God does not want mixture in His land. It is not like other lands. Do you feel an oddball in the area where you live? Or even in your church? Are you the only one who is homeschooling? Don’t feel inferior. You are saving your children from being another statistic that is indoctrinated with humanism and socialism.Do you have more children than anyone else in your street? Don’t be ashamed. You are walking in the perfect will of God as you embrace God’s children for His purposes and glory. Do you have a holy standard in your home, different to the worldly-minded around you? You don’t have to apologize! You don’t have to be similar to everyone else. On the contrary, you are called to be uniquely different. Hold on to your difference and refuse conformity.







“I thank you, dear Father, that you are the great Encourager. Help me to recognize that discouragement comes from the enemy. I thank you that my whole perspective changes when I turn my heart to you. Amen.”




I am free to be who God created me to be. I do not have to do what everyone else is doing around me.


Look up the Scriptures that tell us to POSSESS THE LAND.

Leviticus 20:24; Numbers 14:24; 33:53; Deuteronomy 1:8, 21; 2:24; 4:1, 5, 14, 22; 5:31-33; 6:1, 18, 7:1; 8:1; 9:1 10:11; 11:8-11, 31; 12:1-2, 29; 15:4; 19:1; 23:20; 25:19; 30:5, 16; 31:3, 13; Joshua 1:11; 18:3; 23:5; Judges 2:6; 18:9; Isaiah 57:13b; 61:7 and Jeremiah 30:3.

Part 3


Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones”

Proverbs 16:24.


We continue the description of the “land” of our family life.




Honey energizes

Honey energizes the heart and increases blood flow. Our homes should be full of energy. “Oh my, you don’t have to tell me that,” I hear you reply as you try to curb the exuberance and noise of your little ones. Don’t worry; this is all part of raising little ones and the life of the “land of motherhood.”


However, we can have productive energy in our home—not the energy of the flesh, but of the Holy Spirit. The energy of vision and leading our children into profitable and good things. The energy of creativity and developing many projects. The home is firstly a nurturing center, but it is also a birthing center, a training and education center, a praise and worship center, a prayer center, an eating center, a hospitality center, a cultural development center, a social center, a counseling center, a health and healing center, an industry center, a convalescent center and a garden center! How do you have time to leave?


The home is such an exciting place. It is where everything happens. We don’t need to go out of our home to find fulfillment and excitement. It can all happen in the home!


Honey Sweetens

The land of our family life is not a land of complaining and sourness. It is a pleasant and amiable land. It is where we are sweet and kind. It is where we speak sweet words rather than harsh and hurtful words.


My husband loves me to speak sweetly to him. If I start to get on my “high horse” he will say to me, “Nancy, you’ve got to be sweet to me.” He doesn’t give me a chance to get harsh!Solomon, speaking to his bride in Song of Songs 4:11 says, “Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue.” What drips from the honeycomb? Sweetness! What kinds of words drip from your tongue to your husband and children? The land that flows with milk and honey is a land where we speak sweet, soft, encouraging, considerate, gentle, cheerful, positive, helpful, supportive, kind, wise, forgiving, loving, pleasant and life-giving words.


Proverbs 15:1 NASB says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath.” And here is another challenge from the Song of Songs 4:3 Knox trans., “Thy lips a line of scarlet, guardians of that sweet utterance.” Do our lips guard the harsh and nasty words that so easily fall from our lips?


The Word of God is also likened to honey. Psalm 19:10 says they are “sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” The more God’s Word dwells in us richly the more “honey” will flow from our mouths.


Honey Soothes and Heals

Honey is soothing to the throat and calming to the nerves. It heals many physical problems, even ulcers. My mother healed a terrible ulcer on her leg by using only honey. Medical journals report large bed sores, which would otherwise need skin grafts, being healed without scarring after honey treatment.


Our task as mothers it to soothe and heal heartaches and “to bind up the broken-hearted.” Life is not perfect and there will always be conflicts in family life. However, instead of being part of the conflict, our job is to bring healing to the problem. We should try to keep a peaceful atmosphere in our homes. That doesn’t always mean a quiet atmosphere! We can have peace in the midst of noise and activity. Peace is having a tranquil spirit in the midst of whatever is happening. Peace is eliminating tension and strife in the home.


Ultimately, God is our Peace and we find our rest in Him as we look to Him instead of looking at the problems. I would have to say that my favorite Scripture is Isaiah 26:3-4, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in thee.”


Leviticus 26:6, “I will give peace in the land.”


Psalm 147:14, “He makes peace in thy borders.”


Isaiah 32:18, “My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation.”


And when God descries motherhood in Isaiah 66:11-13 He says, “I will extend peace to her like a river.” When a mother gives birth to a new baby and begins the big task of caring for her little child, God does not leave her stranded. When a mother nurses her baby oxytocin is released which is a calming and relaxing hormone. This is one of the blessings of “the land of motherhood.” The more babies a mother nurses over the years the more peaceful and calm she becomes.






Dear Father, please save me from filling my home with conflicting, harsh and negative words. Help me be a healer in my home, healing bodies, relationships, hurts and broken hearts. Help me to be like honey and drip sweet words from my mouth. Amen.”




I am anointed by God to bring healing to my home.



Many women like to save these devotions. They print them out and keep them in a folder to read over and over again. Some print them out and pin them on the fridge with a magnet to read through the week.




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