

Part 2 with Powerful and Positive Mothering

“That ye may know what is the hope of his calling . . .
and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,
according to the working of his mighty power,
which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead . . .”

(Ephesians 1:18-20).

We continue our Ps of Purposeful mothering.


What is powerful mothering? It’s when we realize we have nothing good in ourselves. That we cannot do it on our own. That we are reliant upon the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within in us.

We have no patience in our own nature, but we have the patience of Christ who dwells in us. Colossians 1:11 tells us that Christ strengthens us with “all might according to his GLORIOUS POWER.” What does He do this for? To enable us to have “patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.” It’s all in the same Scripture. He releases His power to us to give us patience! Isn’t that amazing?

Often our strength runs out, but the Word promises that “the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). When we are negative we feel week. When we confess and walk in the joy of the Lord we experience strength.

It’s easy to love when being loved, but when bitterness and hatred stare us in the face, how do we love? Our love can run out, but God’s love never runs out. Ever. His love is agape love which loves in the face of hatred, bitterness, anger, and resistance. This love is “shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (Romans 5:5).

When we become fearful, negative, depressed, and despondent, we don’t have to stayi n those pits. We have the promise of 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Dear mother acknowledge what God has given you—His powerful life living in you. It is dunamis power. That means miraculous, abundant, mighty power! You have God enabling to mother powerfully.

And you have a sound mind. It means you have clear understanding and sound judgment. Your judgment is not according to the fashion of this society, but according to God’s Holy Word. By the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling you, the faculties of your heart and soul are harmonized, regulated, and influenced to think, speak, and act rightly in all situations. God says He has given this sound mind to you. It is a resident, radical, supernatural possession to be manifested through your life.


We mother positively when we lead our children forward. The Good Shepherd goes ahead of his flock, leading them to good pastures. We don’t sit by apathetically and let things happen as they will. We lead the way by our example, by our enthusiasm, by our teaching. We lead them into good pastures spiritually, emotionally, and educationally.

We mother positively when we encourage our children. Encouragement is the rich soil in which we grow our children to their full development. They thrive on genuine encouragement and affirmation.

We mother our children positively when we lead them to God’s infallible Word. His Word is our blue print for life. It is the light to guide our way. True positive mothering does not rely on our own good ideas, but what God says, for what God says is final!

If Jesus said, I believe it,
His Word cannot lie.
If it’s written in the Bible,
I’ll believe it ‘till I die.
Though the mountains be removed,
And cast in to the sea,
God’s Word will last forever,
Throughout eternity.

We mother positively when our children see us trust God even in difficult circumstances. They don’t see us giving in to depression, despondency, or self-pity. They watch our faith grow. We live by confession in God’s promises rather than our feelings. They see us keep on loving when people treat us contemptuously. They see us blessing them rather than being bitter. We live a faith-filled lifestyle before them.

Love from Nancy Campbell


“Thank You, dearest Heavenly Father, that I do not need to rely on my own resources. By the power of the Holy Spirit You have given me an anointing of Your power, Your love, and a sound mind to mother and train my children for You. Thank You that I am able for the task because of Your life living in me. Amen.”


I am leading my children forward, onward, and upward in the ways of God.


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