


“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might”
(Ecclesiastes 9:10).

It’ a sad thing to go through life without purpose, isn’t it? We all need purpose to keep is going, to keep us focused, to keep us persevering through difficult times.

It’s the same with our mothering. If we don’t have purpose, we’ll feel useless and insignificant. Many mothers feel this way. The reason is that most mothers have been programmed that motherhood is inferior. They have not been informed of the truth that mothering is the highest career God has given to women. In fact, it’s the one career He mandated. He didn’t mention any others.

He divinely created us for this purpose, both physically and innately. The whole purpose of our creation is for mothering and nurturing the next generation. And it certainly isn’t inconsequential. Without mothers the whole of civilization would die out!

Let’s look at how God wants us to see motherhood. He wants us to be . . .


Purposeful mothers not only love their children, but love motherhood. Every mother loves her children. She would die for them. But a good majority of mothers don’t love motherhood. They have never embraced motherhood. They survive it. They do what’s necessary but desert it mentally.

Dear mother, it is a fact that we only come into the joy, anointing, and fullness of motherhood when we embrace it. When we accept it as our mandated career from God. When we love it. Yes, whether we feel like it or not, we confess that we love it. Can you say these words now? “I love motherhood.”

You don’t feel you can say that? Well, say it anyway. Don’t worry about what you feel. As you confess the truth, your feelings and attitudes will line up with your words. You’ll soon get into gear. You’ll get into the middle of the road of motherhood where God wants you to be, rather than standing in the gutter on the side of the road.

Missionaries fulfilling the will of God expect to face challenging times. The don’t give up because it is hard. Nor should we. Just because we face tiredness and overwhelmingness doesn’t mean that we are in the wrong career. Anything worthwhile takes sacrifice!


When we are purposeful mothers, we become passionate mothers. Not pathetic, but passionate. “Do I have to get this enthusiastic?” you ask. Yes. Aren’t we passionate about whatever we care about? This is the way we are meant to live. Following Jesus’ attitude.

1 John 2:6 says: “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk, even as he walked.” How did Jesus walk? With zeal. We read in Psalm 69:9 “The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.”

Do you remember the time Jesus went into the temple and saw the moneychangers taking over His house? Anger rose within him. He made a whip, ,drove out the moneychangers, the sheep, the oxen, turned over the tables, and cried out: “Get these things out of here.”

The disciples then remembered that it is written about Him, “The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up” (John 2:17).

Corinthians 15:58 exhorts to “ABOUND in the work of the Lord.” The work God has given us to do is mother and train the next generation to be godly young men and women who will fill this earth with God’s glory. How do we do this work? The word "abound" is perisseuo and it means “to EXCEL more than, to exceed, to superabound, to be over the top, over and above, overflowing, abundance.”

Don’t stand for the status quo. Go beyond the necessary as you become the greatest wife your husband could ever dream about. As you mother and train your children. As you stand watch over your home and guard it from the sneaky entrances of the enemy. As you manage your home efficiently. As you prepare meals for your family. Do it with passion. Do it with a smile on your face.



“I thank you, Beloved Father, that I do not need to flounder. You have shown my purpose in this life, a mighty purpose that impacts the nation, the generations to come, and eternity. Please help me to mother with passion instead of passivity. Help me to be full of zeal for Your kingdom work of mothering. Amen.”


No longer aimless, but purposeful;
No longer passive, but passionate.

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