

Part 3 with Protecting and Praying Mothering

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth
as touching any thing that they shall as,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”
(Matthew 18:19).

We continue looking at the Ps of Powerful mothering.


As we meditate on the aspects of purposeful mother, we remind ourselves that we need a vision. Without a vision we are aimless. It is as important to have a vision and goal for our motherhood as we would for any career. When raising our children, I took the prayer Paul prayed for the Thessalonians believer as my mothering goal.

1 Thessalonians 5:23: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This is a huge goal, impossible without the help of God. To stand one day before our God and present our children before Him, as we will do. How will we present them before Him? Will they be whole? Body, soul, and spirit? That takes more than giving food and clothing. This takes our whole lives as we guard our children. The word “preserved" is tereo and means “to guard from loss or injury by keeping the eye upon.” It’s not enough to watch over their physical lives. We guard their minds, their souls, and their spirits. We watch over what they read, watch, and see.

The word “watchmen” is not only for men. The Above Rubies woman who “looks well to the ways of her household” (Proverbs 31:27) is exactly the same word as “watchman.” We are as much a watchwoman over our home and family as the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem.

Of course, it makes sense that you have to be in your home to be a guard. A watch dog cannot watch the home if he is not there. A mother cannot watch over her home and family if she is not present.


This includes praying grandmothers—and great-grandmothers. I knew a godly grandmother, who each time a new grandbaby was born, would set her alarm clock quarter of an hour earlier in order to pray for the new baby. She kept getting up earlier and earlier!

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t get through mothering without praying. In fact, I don’t believe we can mother powerfully without praying powerfully over our children.

You will pray personally for your children, but I believe it is even more powerful for you and your husband to pray together. There is power in the prayer of agreement. And especially when a husband and wife pray together. And if you don’t pray for your children who will?

Matthew 18:19 says “if two of you shall agree . . .” Did you get those words? “TWO OF YOU”! Claim this marriage promise.

Perhaps you are not currently praying with your husband. Find the right moment to sweetly talk to him about it. “Honey, have you noticed that our children need prayer? My prayers are not enough. Do you think we could find a time to pray each day together for our children? I’ll fit in with your time. Can you let me know which time would be best for you?”

Set this time together and bring each child before the Lord by name. Can you imagine what God will release in your children’s lives because of your united prayers?

I would encourage you to go to the following links which will give you more encouragement in praying for your family.


Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“Beloved Father, I thank You for your powerful promise that “if two of you shall agree . . . it shall be done for them.” Please help us as a married couple to be faithful in prayer for our children that You have given to us. Amen.”


I am a watchwoman, standing guard over my home. Look out enemy!

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