Our God is a convent-keeper and He wants us to be too.
Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Dear mothers, we must be truth seeking mothers. We must know the truth and impart the truth of God’s Word to our children. They must be children who know the truth in the midst of this deceived society. It is the truth that sets us free. It is only the truth that exposes deception. The truth will always win out. Don’t give up. Keep holding on to truth. Be a truth seeking, truth loving, truth keeping, truth upholding family.

The great evangelist, D. L. Moody and his wife, Emma, also enjoyed a beautiful marriage together. A niece wrote: “Aunt Emma and Uncle Dwight were so perfectly one that nobody could possibly me tell which was the one.”

It’s the best. Not the easiest but the BEST! And you are in the perfect will of God.
That means we will not be intimidated by the subtle deceptions of this age. Instead, we will seek God’s ways, we will seek to know His truth, and walk in it. We will be a God-fearing, God-loving, God honoring, devil defeating household of God.
At least this child knows right from wrong. But why would godly parents want to send their children to a school where they are going to be brainwashed with transgender ideology which is totally against the way God created us? Surely Christian parents would want their children to be daily affirmed in God's truth instead of sending them off to sit in the "counsel of the ungodly" (Psalm 1:1).

Your worth is in who God created you to be. You are a woman, a female, by God’s sovereign plan and design. It is as a female you will fulfill the destiny God has for you in this life. Embrace your womanhood and femininity with all your heart.

Make your family meal table a place of happening. It’s not only a place to fill hungry tummies but to feed your children, body, soul, and spirit. Make your family table an exciting place of interaction and fellowship.
It’s not your circumstances but your attitude to every little thing that determines the atmosphere of your home. What kind of atmosphere are you creating?
That’s why we must know what God’s Word says rather than what society says. We must seek God’s ways for us as women and mothers. Our current world system doesn’t always line up with the Scriptures but who are you prepared to believe?

Marriage and building a family is made up of love, Laughter, fellowship, fun, heartache, suffering, overwhelming tiredness, challenges, joys, and multitudes of blessings. Through them all we keep our vision to build! To daily build into our marriage. To daily build into our children’s lives. We keep pressing on. We keep praying. We keep overcoming. We don’t give up. We build to the end. We believe for a triumphant end! M
You are the watch dog of your home, dear mother. Keep good watch.
Duty is part of life but you can turn your duties into delight. It all depends on your attitude. Make your home a wonderful and exciting place to live.