Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.


SoManyMissingI was arrested by a Scripture I read this morning in Isaiah 26:18 (NET): “We cannot produce deliverance on the earth, people to populate the earth are not born.” The NLT says: “We have not given salvation to the earth, nor brought life into the world.”
Wow, these words are very powerful, and yet true. There are so many hurt and broken people in this world and all around us. There are so many who need salvation, deliverance, and healing. God is waiting to show them His salvation and deliver them from all their bondages. But how does it happen? God uses His people. We are His body on the earth, and He works through us.
The sad thing is that thousands of people are missing from the earth. Men and women who God wanted on this earth to bring His deliverance and salvation. But they are not here because for the few decades or so God’s people have thrown away God’s plan and decided they had a better plan.
Instead of receiving the children God planned from them, they limited their families to the average two-child family in the nation today. Millions are missing. We have not populated the nation with the godly seed. We don’t even have a majority to vote for righteousness, let alone the army of God’s people who should be bringing salvation and deliverance to the lost and hurting.
Oh, that the eyes of God’s people will be opened to God’s ultimate plan. The more children God gives us to bring into this world, the more impact we have for the kingdom of God. God wants His salvation and glory to fill the earth. He wants His people to be “more and mightier” than the heathen (Exodus 1:7-12).
Psalm 105:24 tells us that God “increased his people greatly: and made them stronger than their enemies.” We become weaker when we diminish. We become stronger when we multiply. These are plain facts. Plus, they are Bible language.
I love the quote from Frank Boreham: "We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, GOD SENDS A BABY INTO THE WORLD TO DO IT. That is why long, long ago, a Babe was born in Bethlehem."
Let’s live God’s way,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by Franziska Schenkel
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CommittedDon’t be swayed by the lies of feminism that degrade the role of wife and mother. Embrace who God created you to be.

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BigFamiliesGreatby Kathy Walker
1. You have more people loving and serving the Lord.
2. You get to see how God provides.
3. There's almost always someone around to visit with, play with, pray with, or read to.
4. You get lots of experience in sharing.
5. You get lots of experience in communicating.
6. Your hand-me-down clothes are often softer than new clothes.
7. You have your own cheering squad in whatever you do.
8. You get lots of constructive criticism.
9. You can have a big party without inviting anyone from outside your family.
10. You can have your own basketball, volleyball, baseball, or soccer teams
11. You see lots of different outlooks on the same things.
12. You experience the maximum "many hands make light work."
13. You get to see at close range how God uses people with different perspectives and spiritual gifts to accomplish His purposes.
14. You can have your own choir at home with all voice parts.
15. You can read or perform plays together and there is a different person for every part.
16. You can have your own orchestra.
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EveryMotherPrivilegeIf only we could truly comprehend the privilege and power we have as mothers to bring into this world an eternal soul who will live forever! Without mothers this world would come to a halt and eternity would stop filling.

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MotherhoodGlory“O that God would give every mother a vision of the GLORY AND SPLENDOR of the work that is given to her when a babe is placed in her bosom to be nursed and trained! Could she have but one glimpse into the future of that life as it reaches on into eternity; could she look into its soul to see its possibilities; could she be made to understand her own personal responsibility for the training of this child, for the development of its life, and for its destiny,--she would see that in all God’s world there is no other work so noble and so worthy of her best powers and she would commit to no other hands the sacred and holy trust given to her.”
~ James Russell Miller (1840 – 1921).
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mother daughter cookingOur God is a good God. And because He created us in His likeness and image, He wants us to reveal His goodness. He wants us to be good wives and mothers. Oh my, sometimes we feel as though we are “bad” wives and mothers. We can fail so often.
But it’s good to encourage one another, isn’t it? Our best encouragement comes from God’s Word itself. Did you know that the word “good” occurs 720 times in the Bible? It’s all about God being a good God and us doing good things. And many times this word is written especially to us as wives and mothers.
1 Timothy 5:10 tells us we must have a REPUTATION FOR GOOD WORKS. And what are these specific good works?
Embrace child rearing
Practice hospitality
Washe the saints’ feet
Help those in distress
Show forth all kinds of good works
This Scripture also tells us to DILIGENTLY fulfill all these good works. Acts 9:36-42 gives us the example of how we are to be FULL OF GOOD WORKS.
1 Timothy 2: 10 tells us to DRESS ourselves with good works. We should be more concerned about doing good works than worrying about what we wear.
Titus 2:3 exhorts the older women to be TEACHERS OF GOOD THINGS. And what are these specific good things? I now you know them but it’s good to remind ourselves, isn’t it?
To be self-controlled
To love our husbands
To love our children
To be discreet
To be pure
To be keepers at home
To be good and kind
To be submissive to our own husbands
Do you notice that all these things are to do with home and family? They are not only good things, but BEAUTIFUL things. The word also means “lovely and beautiful.” The Passion translation says the older women are to be “teachers of beautiful things.” God doesn’t want us to do them in a skimpy way. Grudgingly. Or survival mode. No, He wants us to do them exuberantly.
Dear mother, you are DOING A BEAUTIFUL WORK in your home as you pour out God’s nurturing heart to your children and to the needy around you.
Be encouraged and blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
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ProudCalledMotherNever be ashamed of your great career of raising your children in your home. You are in the perfect will of God. You are fulfilling the biblical mandate. You have the most powerful career in the nation!

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CheeryMorningChatting with a couple recently, the husband said to me, “I’m concerned about our teenage daughter. When she gets up in the morning, she is very uncommunicative and miserable. The wife spoke up on her behalf and said, “Oh I think she’s just tired.”
I couldn’t let it pass. “Just a moment,” I replied. You don’t allow her to get up with this attitude, do you? And if you think it’s tiredness, make sure she gets to bed earlier.”
There is no excuse for any member of the family to come to the family kitchen in the morning with a sour face and uncommunicative attitude. We must teach our children to come with a cheery Good Morning. Of course, as parents, we set the example.
As each one comes into your kitchen each morning, greet them with a smile and a cheery welcome such as, “Good morning, welcome to the day.” If they don’t give a cheery reply, keep saying it until they do. Get them into the habit.
Dear mothers, family life is where we prepare our children for marriage. Your children should never have to go to a marriage seminar to prepare for marriage. You are preparing them each day of their lives. You are training them in the right habits for their future lives.
What a terrible thing for a husband to wake up to a wife with a sour face and grumpy spirit. And non-communicative. That doesn’t build a marriage. It slowly pulls it down. Don’t ever let your children get into this habit in your home.
Don’t let them get into entitlement habits either. They will destroy their future marriage too. Deal with every negative habit in your children’s lives that would be detrimental to their future marriage, and the future success of their lives.
I cannot even believe how many parents allow their children to be a “wet rag” in the home, stay in their sour moods, or act selfishly.
Don’t allow it to continue for one minute! You are setting them up for heartache later on.
Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell
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BeganAtTableDuring testimony time at an Above Rubies retreat, a mother shared how they had just moved into a new home. As she began to get everything into shape, she decided to begin at the center of her home. She said, “I began with my table, and then my dining room. I wanted to make them special and beautiful. I want to make them a place of wonderful memories for my children.”
This lovely mother was doing the right thing. When God told Moses how to build the tabernacle in the wilderness, He showed Moses where to specifically place the three pieces of furniture in the Holy Place.
The first piece of furniture was the table! God began with the table, which was called “the Table of Shewbread.” God said it was to be placed on the north side in the Holy Place. The Scriptures tell us that Heaven is in the north, and God wanted the table to point toward Heaven where He already has a table.
Did you know that God had tables in His heavenly kingdom before we ever had them on earth? God is the originator of the table. And the table in your home is important to Him. He wants to come and dwell with you at your table.
Make your table a place of beauty and a place that draws the family together.
He also wants it to be in order. Did you know that God loves order? In Exodus 40:4, 22, 23 God said: “And thou shalt bring in the table, and SET IN ORDER the things that are to be set in order upon it . . . And he (Moses) put the table in the tent of the congregation, upon the side of the tabernacle northward . . . And he set the bread IN ORDER UPON IT before the LORD (in the presence of the Lord).”
Proverbs 9:2 tells us that the wise woman “furnishes her table.” She sets her table and makes it beautiful. There is something about preparing an orderly table. When you set an orderly table, it impacts those who come to the table. When your children see an orderly table, subconsciously they want to be orderly too.
We must care for every room in our home but remember to start with your table and dining room, because that’s where God starts. Make sure that this part of your home is lovely.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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HardWorkBlessingsMotherhood is hard work. Managing your home efficiently is hard work. Keeping your garden is hard work. But it is all with it. And hard work never killed anyone. It is good for your soul and good for your body. My father, the hardest working man I have ever known in my life, used to say, “There’s no fun like hard work.” He reveled in it.

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MomIsWowMothers are finders and keepers,
They are comforters of weepers,
They are luller-abye for sleepers,
Mum is WOW!
Mothers are good-manners makers,
They are temperature-takers,
They are the best of birthday bakers,
Mum is WOW!
Mothers are sick-bed sit-besiders,
They are hiding place providers,
They are pin-the-tail guiders,
Mum is WOW!
Mothers are prayer makers in the nights,
They are enders of quarrels and fights,
They are teachers of duties and rights,
Mum is Wow!
~ Julia Fields
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HairRaisingI love testimony time at our Above Rubies retreats when women share their stories. I love hearing about the little anecdotes too. One mother shared how she loves wearing her I LOVE MOTHERHOOD bracelet, but it went missing. Guess where she found it? In her toddler’s potty with the pee!
She washed it clean, and it was all ready to wear again!
She shared how this can be a little bit like motherhood. It’s certainly not all perfect. It can even get pretty dirty. And we as mothers are not perfect either. We can get angry and shout! Oh help! That’s spoilt our lovely mothering day.
But praise the Lord, we have an advocate. We can repent and ask forgiveness and our Savior is always ready to forgive and wash us clean.
When you lose your temper ,don’t give up. Come to Jesus. Ask His forgiveness and for His precious blood to wash you clean. 1 John 1:9 says: “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Things may get dirty from time to time, but you don’t have to stay dirty, dear mother. Keep washed and clean in the precious blood of Jesus.
Have a wonderful mothering day.
Love to you,
Nancy Campbell
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WhatsItLikeWhat kind of an atmosphere should be in our homes? Jesus showed us when He told us how to pray. Read the Lord’s Prayer again in Matthew 6:9-13. The Luke 11:2 passage says: “Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth . . . ”
What a powerful statement: “as in heaven, so in earth.” Read this over and over. Let the amazingness of this truth sink into your mind and heart. Wow, I need to do this every day! Let it fill your being. Write it out in big letters and pin it up in your kitchen.
Can you believe it? God wants His will to be accomplished in our homes just as it is in Heaven, His home. God wants the atmosphere of heaven to be the atmosphere of your home. God’s wants His presence to fill your home. This is His perfect will for you. This is the prayer Jesus wants you to pray for your home every day. Start praying it today.
What’s the atmosphere like in heaven? We haven’t been there yet, but we know it is filled with harmony and unity. We know it is filled with light and glory. We know it is filled with love and joy. We know that it is “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
We know that it embraces children. When the disciples tried to shoo the little children away from Jesus, He rebuked them and said: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Children are very much part of the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:13-16; and Luke 18:15 16).
We know that it involves eating together around the table for when Jesus spoke to His disciples, He loved to tell them about His table in His heavenly kingdom (Matthew 8:11; Luke 13:29; 22:29-30; and Revelation 19:9).
“Help, how can I make this happen?” you cry out. “This is beyond me! How can I have the atmosphere of heaven when I often scream and yell at the children?” “I’m tired of being a servant and I’m angry with my husband and he does nothing to help me,” another mother sighs.
Don’t worry, dear mother, you can’t do it on your own, so stop trying. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 says: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD, AND NOT OF US
God has shined in your heart so you can reveal His light to your children and to all you meet. You are just an “earthen vessel” with no power to do anything. It’s not your light, but God’s light that shines through you. It’s not your longsuffering, but God’s patience that flows through you. It’s not your love, but God’s love in you. Your love runs out easily, but God’s love never runs dry. Psalm 107:1 (Msg) says: “His love never runs out!”
Each new day you can come to Him and replenish from His inexhaustible well.
God wants to bring a bit of heaven to your home today. Yield yourself to Him so He can shine His attributes through you. Invite Him to come in and fill every room in your home. Invite Him to take His place at the table with you when you sit down to eat. Invite Him to fill you to overflowing so you will overflow with His love, His joy, His longsuffering, His patience, and His self-control.
And don’t forget to write these words and pin them up in your kitchen a daily reminder…
“As in God’s home, so in my home!”
Love from Nancy Campbell
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Supperx71. Set the table
2. Sit at the table
3. Say Thanks
4. Satisfy Stomachs
5. Socialize (Say No to cell phones)
6. Share the Word
7. Shoebox prayers
~ Virginia Caron
P. S. I think this is a great reminder. You could print this out and put it up on your fridge.
~ Nancy
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DoingAGoodWorkBe encouraged today, dear mother. You are doing a GOOD WORK. The Bible tells us that mothering, homemaking, loving your husband, hospitality, and reaching out to the needy are GOOD works (Proverbs 31:10-31; Acts 9:36-42; 1 Timothy 5:10; and Titus 2:3-5). Some translations call them “BEAUTIFUL things.”
You are blessed. You are in the perfect will of God. You are involved each day in a beautiful work. If you think otherwise, you are listening to the lies of the devil who doesn’t want you to enjoy the beautiful life God intends for you.
Everything depends on our understanding of truth, on our attitude, and our thought patterns regarding what we do. Live in the truth rather than deception and your life will change. You’ll enjoy your beautiful life.
And there’s more. God says that you will be rewarded for every good thing you do. You are doing GOOD things, and therefore your reward is coming. Be encouraged. Read these Scriptures:
Romans 2:6-11: “Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by PATIENT CONTINUANCE IN WELL DOING seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life: . . . glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh GOOD . . . “
Ephesians 6:6-8: “Doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever GOOD THING any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord.”
Every little good thing you do today is not in vain. It has eternal value.
Be blessed,
Nancy Campbell
Beautiful Painting by Heide Presse
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Don’t worry that you can’t have everything perfect. People don’t expect that. The most important thing is to make people feel welcomed, loved, and accepted.

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Do you tremble at God’s Word?

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TakesAWoman“A woman can do most things a man can do. A man can do many things a woman can do. But some things only a woman can do. A man cannot become pregnant, form life in a womb, give birth to a new human being and nurture the soul of that human being. It takes a woman to be a mother. Her gaze, her touch, her eyes, the nurture of her breast are uniquely and powerfully female.”
~ Darrow Miller (Author of “The Grand Design”)
Painting: “Waiting for the Birth” by Marco Ortolan, Argentina
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MySolutionA testimony from Anastassija.
I am sure you will agree with me that mothering children is such a high calling from the Lord. My heart longs to fulfill that calling—the right way, God’s way. Yet I will not deny those constant questions in my head by the end of the day, “Am I doing this right? Maybe I should have spent more time with them? Maybe I should have disciplined them differently today?” I am sure I am not the only mother who has such loving intentions for her children, yet always battling some guilt and doubt.
I have searched for answers in books, articles, podcasts, and sought advice from other parents who seemed more experienced than me. And yet again, something was missing. What worked for one mother did not work for me and my children.
So how do I become that godly mother that does the will of the Father in her home?
I tried reading about being patient and then tried so very hard to be patient with my children. The results? I failed miserably.
I would read Proverbs 31 and push myself to be that woman throughout the day. The results? I failed once again. God knows I have tried to finish all the things on my to-do list and manage my time wisely. I have tried increasing my faith. I have wholeheartedly tried moving mountains. The only mountains I was able to move were the mountains of laundry I have to do daily.
I foolishly believed that I had to live out the Word of God in my own strength. But the simple truth is that when you read God’s word, it “supernaturally” changes your heart. It makes no sense how it is possible, but you cannot separate God and His Word.
When you take time to indulge yourself in His Word, you give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to make you into His image. That Word is living, breathing, and incredibly powerful.
I can testify that there is now peace in my home, beyond understanding. There is a different depth of love between my husband and me and our children. The Holy Spirit is working on a special bond within our family.
It's simple. It's about making His Word a priority in your life. Yes, before the dirty dishes, laundry, homework, before children’s playdates and everything else that is on your “to-do” list. I will not claim to be perfect at it in any way, but I’ve got a small taste of what His Word is capable of doing in my heart and in my family.
When you read His Word and you store it deep in your heart, consistently, God MOVES. He moves within your day, your husband, and your children. He moves within your heart.
Jesus said, “Seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness and everything else will be added to you” When you do that very thing that Jesus said, it gives God a chance to fulfill His promises in your life. It doesn’t matter what situation you are in as a mother, if you are focusing on His Word, He is able to take care of stuff for you. I no longer have to “try” so hard to be the mother God wants me to be. Stress is so unnecessary, yet you cannot escape it when you try to do it all on your own.
Believe in His Word. Lay all your responsibilities upon His Word. Our Mighty God and His Word are One, fully capable to perform miracles. Read it with your heart wide open. Let Him in. When you read His Word, you are letting the Father speak directly into your heart. His Word produces faith inside you.
Dear mothers, our attitude toward God’s Word can change our family and bring peace to our homes! God’s Words on the lips of a believing mother can move any mountain within your marriage, your heart, and your children. You are called to so much more than just to move mountains of laundry.
My mind still cannot comprehend it. I cannot use logic for it to make sense. But I can simply testify that the Word of God is the ONLY foundation that there is for you and those you love. I still have a long way to go. But one truth I experienced in my own life is that it is impossible for His Word to fail.
If He has done it in my family, He is able to do it in yours.
Precious mothers, let’s give His Word a try.
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Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada
Picture: Anastasija with her husband, Josh, and Jadon, Tayah, and Eleanor.
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Extend your prayers to not only your children but future grandchildren and coming generations. Your prayers can affect the generations to come.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ