Life To The Full Podcast


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 328: What Do You Do While You Wait for The Man of Your Dreams? Part 4

LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 328Epi328pic: What Do You Do While You Wait for The Man of Your Dreams? Part 4

Caitlin continues to discuss with me the rest of the 21 points to the question: What qualities should a girl look for in a husband? These points are important for gals, guys, and parents. Girls must know what to look for. However, girls should have these same qualities if they want a man after God’s own heart. And mothers, we are the ones who are training these young men and women for marriage. Are we seeking to encourage these qualities in our young people?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, LIFE TO THE FULL, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello! Here we are again, for the fourth podcast in this series of, what do we do when we’re waiting for the man of our dreams? Currently, we’re talking about what are the character qualities to look for in a man that you are falling in love with?

Of course, this relates not only for looking for the character qualities in the man, but we need to have those same qualities ourselves. For us mothers, we realize it all comes back to us. We are training and preparing our beautiful young people for marriage. This is one of the greatest things you do as a parent, is prepare them for marriage.

Caitlin: Yes. I know, I was saying just before we got on this podcast here that it’s so sad to see so many young ladies in my church even, back home, who are dating these guys. They’ll break up and then they’ll go and try to find another one.

It’s just that they don’t know what to look for in a young man. They’re seeking after that, but they don’t know what to look for. It’s so important to have in mind those attributes that you want in your future husband and future father of your children. It’s so important and needed nowadays.

Nancy: You are listening along with me to Caitlin. Caitlin is one of my current Above Rubies helpers. She is 20 years of age, and still waiting for the man of her dreams. She’s been sharing about what do you do in this time?

We also have here, sitting in this lounge, we have Ruth, another Above Rubies helper just coming because the beautiful Drennan girls are leaving. Ruth is 20, and Elizabeth, Caitlin’s sister, is 16.

We have Ruthie and Havie (short for Haven) here too! Ruthie is only eight, but she is listening. Ruthie lives next door to us. Havie is my beautiful 12-year-old granddaughter. She’s listening too. Well, Havie, because she’s got lots of older brothers and sisters, she’s an auntie. She has lots of little nieces and nephews. Of course, Havie gets in on all the big stuff. She stays up nights with all the late-night talk.

Caitlin: Yes, we just had a farewell party a little while ago at the THM Café. That’s one thing we were saying as we were all talking that Haven has been there for all of our adventures that we’ve had this summer. She’s been right along with us, our little buddy, always there. We’ve so enjoyed her company.

Nancy: Havie is Serene and Sam’s daughter. OK, let’s carry on with these character qualities. I’m sure we’ll finish this session. It’s so good to talk about them.


Oh, I think that is so important, because it’s amazing to see how the standard has continually weakened over the years. It’s amazing.

Now, this is an unusual story, but I grew up never ever entering a picture theater. Back in those days, it was taboo for a Christian to go into a theater and yet the movies were so much more wholesome than they are today! In fact, my mother passed away having never gone into a movie theater.

As I got older, there were movies coming out. I remember the first one that I ever went to was The Sound of Music. It was so beautiful. I said to my mother, “Mom, you could go and see that,” because it was so wholesome, so beautiful. You know what she said to me? She said, “Nancy, what if the Lord should come and find me in a theater?”

Caitlin: Oh, my goodness!

Nancy: So, she never entered. Nor did my husband’s mother. Never in their lives did they go into a theater. Well, we, of course now, do go into a theater, and watch a good movie. We certainly watch out to make sure it’s a good one. Really, only those that are put out to be a voice on a certain matter, or a Christian movie. We will go to that to support the Christian convictions.

Caitlin: There are so many good Christian movies coming out recently.

Nancy: Yes, I see that they’re bringing out another one on sex trafficking, exposing that. Then I see also the fourth one of God’s Not Dead is coming out too. That’s interesting. But there are a lot of very good ones we certainly have to watch.

The sad thing is that there are many Christians today who do not even have a filter. They go to anything! Of course, now you can even watch anything in your own home, or on your iPhone. Help! This is where you have to find a young man of conviction, who will not violate his soul and not violate his mind. If a young man says, “Oh, let’s watch a movie,” and it has some immorality in it, or something even slightly, and he doesn’t turn a hair, well, I think that’s it. Goodbye!

Caitlin: Right. We were talking a few podcasts ago about how we, as women, don’t want to conform to the societal norms, and feel like you have to go along with whatever it is that everybody else is doing, just to be accepted. I think that’s so true of a young man. We don’t want someone who just goes with whatever society is doing. Because, “Oh well, my friends are doing it. Its OK.”

We want someone who is strong in their convictions, for sure, and can stand firm. There are even people who they are friends with, who are doing something that they can stand firm and say, “Hey, I am convicted that I’m not going to do that.”

Nancy: He’s living by the fear of the Lord, not by the standards of society.

Caitlin: And keeping the Lord’s will.

Nancy: Also, he’s a man who will protect you, because he is the one who is meant to be protecting you. Now, where was Adam when Eve took of the fruit? The Bible tells us that it was Eve who was deceived. In fact, in 1 Timothy 2, it tells us, if you go back to the original Greek, and other translations will bring this out, it says that “Eve was fully deceived.” One translation says that she was “thoroughly hoodwinked.”

She was in the deception but Adam knew what was happening. Where was he? Was he somewhere else when she took of that fruit? No, he was right beside her. He was right beside her and did not stop her. Therefore, the sin of the world is upon Adam. It is passed down through Adam. God put the responsibility on him. Even though the woman was the deceived one, God put that responsibility upon the man, because he did not protect and stop his wife from that deception.

If you have a man, a young man, who doesn’t turn a hair, is not willing to protect you from evil, what kind of a man is he? What kind of a husband will he be?

Caitlin: So true, so true.

Nancy: It is what we are looking for. Yes, he’s not a guy who’s just playing video games.


He’s not just wanting to get away with you, just do your own thing. It doesn’t matter if people are in need. He’s not living the selfish life. It’s beautiful to see a young man who’s ready to help, help others with their needs.

Caitlin: Yes. And we were talking a little while ago as well, about not wasting these years of singleness, but chasing after the mission that God has for us in serving others, because God tells us: “As ye have done to the least of these, you have done unto Me.”

I believe that’s so important, to find a man who is willing to be on mission for God, and give God everything, and to serve with his whole life. Because then he will lead his family to do this thing. He will lead a family to serve and live lives of service unto God.

That’s one thing that’s been very important in our family life. My dad has always made a point of making sure that we, as a family, were serving and seeking to give to others with our time, with our efforts, and to serve the Kingdom as a family. That’s always been so important. I think that definitely it’s very important to look for in a man, is someone who is willing to serve the Kingdom.

Nancy: Oh, absolutely. Yes. So . . .


That means he loves to go to church! What does it say in Hebrews 10:25? “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is, but so much the more, as you see the day approaching.” That is not a suggestion. That is a command. “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.”

You will also look for a young man who loves to go to the house of God, who loves to go. He isn’t, “Oh well, you know,” and just trail along. No, he’s there. He’s there on time, and he’s there, actually helping. He’s trying to be part of everything. You want to see this because if he hasn’t got that now, is he going to lead you and your future children to the house of God? Because it’s the man who should be leading, not the woman.

You want to see that, that he has a love for the people of God, and he has a love, not just to go to church and then rush off, but to fellowship with people and to talk with the saints of God, because that is what Christianity is all about.

I think I’ve shared it with you recently, but it doesn’t hurt to share it again, because it’s so important, especially in this hour. We go to the example of the early church in Acts 2, where it says: What did they do? “They continued steadfastly. They continued,” I guess they didn’t do it every now and then, “steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, and the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

There were four things. They didn’t just go to church, roll up, and disappear. No, it was a lifestyle. Of course, they went to hear the doctrines of the Word of God, the apostles’ teaching.

But then, fellowship. Yes, fellowship is very much on the heart of God. And then, breaking of bread, which was also fellowship together. And prayers. That’s all part of the lifestyle of the Kingdom of God.

Caitlin: Yes. I love one of the things . . . I love so many things about the Hilltop church here, but I love how at the end of every service there is intense fellowship. There’s lively fellowship among all the congregation. My favorite time, I think, is getting to fellowship with all of the young people and then also those who are older. To talk with the mothers, and hear them talk, and get all of their wisdom. It’s such a beautiful time. I can’t imagine the Sunday service without the fellowship! It’s so important.

Nancy: Oh, I know. I think people who don’t have that don’t actually know what they are missing. And yet, it is part of church life. It is so wonderful. It’s amazing how somehow the men sort of congregate at one table, and the women at the other tables.

I noticed the other Sunday that us women were getting into such excitement and debate! We were making such a noise that the men were looking over. “What’s happening over there?” [laughter] But it’s always lively, fun, and encouraging to one another. It’s so inspiring, learning from one another. As you say, it is as important as the church meeting.

Caitlin: Absolutely. It is so funny. Normally, I hang out with the young people after the fellowship, but I got to sit at the mother’s table for the first time a few weeks ago. I thought to myself, “My goodness, this is where I want to be all the time!” It was so exciting, the conversation we were having. It was so great, because I was learning so much from you all. I just loved it!

Nancy: Yes, absolutely. So, you’ll be looking for a man who loves the house of God. Amen.


Caitlin: That’s so important right now.

Nancy: Well, it is, in this age in which we are living, because our public schools have become indoctrination places of such deception. We want to raise our children. How can we be believers in Jesus, believers in the Word of God, and yet, send our children to be indoctrinated with everything that is the opposite? That is absolutely ridiculous.

I know mothers who are so concerned about their children, but their husbands don’t have the revelation. They say, “Oh no, they must go to public school!” And they’re not aware of the tragedy of what is happening. We need to find this out before we get married. It’s so important, isn’t it?

Caitlin: Absolutely. My mom has always said, “Even more importantly than raising little scholars, you’re raising young disciples, and you're training them up to be disciples and followers of Jesus.” That’s what homeschooling is. It’s instilling that in the next generation. It’s so important. I’m so thankful for my parents’ decision to homeschool me. I wasn’t always homeschooled, but they made the decision to pull me out of school.

Nancy: How old were you when you started homeschooling?

Caitlin: I was 12 years old when I started homeschooling. So, yes, I had an experience in the public school system, private school, charter school, all the different things. Then we made the decision to homeschool. It’s been the greatest blessing. It truly has.

I am glad I did that testimony to share with others who maybe haven’t had the different experiences. I can definitely tell you, and any young people out there who are homeschooling, that homeschooling is the way to go. Our family became so much closer and more tight-knit. Really, striving after God whenever we came home, and we were all together homeschooling, because our parents were, round-the-clock, able to disciple us. It was such a beautiful thing that took place in our family. So, yes, I definitely support homeschooling.

Nancy: I notice the whole difference, the whole family . . .

Caitlin: Dynamic, yes. Absolutely. As siblings, we became so much closer than we ever were before. I’m thankful for my parents’ decision to homeschool us.

Nancy: Can you imagine if you had continued to go to public school, or to high school?

Caitlin: I can’t. Oh, my goodness, I can’t imagine! I cannot imagine, because so many blessings came from coming back home.

Nancy: Instead of these things (of the world) being constantly bombarded upon you, you’ve had the beautiful truths and the light of the kingdom of God in your home.

Caitlin: As a young woman, training to be a wife and mother, I got to see my mom, day in and day out, do that. That was the greatest training for me, ever. Just being able to watch my mom and the example that she set for me. Her constantly pouring into her children, loving her husband, and maintaining her home, and pulling me right alongside her.

To cook, and to clean, and to do things like that I would have passed up that experience. I know I wouldn’t be in the place I am today if I hadn’t been homeschooled and been able to come alongside my mom in all those different areas.

Nancy: It’s important that young girls grow up learning how to run the home and how to cook.

Caitlin: That was part of it!

Nancy: You cook all the meals for the home, don’t you?

Caitlin: Yes, we do. Our mom passed on that responsibility to us as one of our household duties. But it’s something that I took on because I loved cooking. My mom wasn’t forcing that upon us at all. But because I love cooking so much, and Elizabeth does too, we took on that responsibility because we love cooking and preparing meals for our family and all of that.

Nancy: So, you don’t just, “Oh well, we’ll cook the meal,” but you love to create, and cook the most beautiful meals.

Caitlin: I find so much joy and satisfaction in that, in serving my family that way. I love to ask my siblings, “Oh, what’s the meal that you want?” I love to make something that they enjoy, because it really means more to the whole family whenever it’s a labor of love.

Nancy: You don’t have time to learn those skills . . .

Caitlin: Exactly. I know I wouldn’t have had that time to learn those skills, and to dig deeper into those passions that God had laid on my heart if I had been going to a public school. Yes, I’m so glad I had that time. Home economics and homemaking skills, that was all part of my schooling growing up. My mom really made sure she made that a priority for her young ladies, to instill those values and skills in us, so we would be prepared for married life.

Nancy: You just mentioned a little word, two words there. It made me think of something, how that your mom was training you as “young ladies.” I love that. I see that that’s what you are. You are beautiful young ladies.

If you could see Caitlin and Elizabeth, you would agree with me that they are beautiful young ladies. But they also look like ladies.

I have to say how much I appreciate the way that every day you come out of your bedroom looking beautiful, perfect. Your hair is done so gloriously, and you've always got beautiful dresses on. You look like young ladies. I can’t tell you how much it blesses me. It is a beautiful thing. To me, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world to look at a young lady and to look at her in her beautiful dress. It’s so beautiful! I’m sick of looking at young people with jeans and tops and looking like guys. It’s so beautiful. What got you into being young ladies?

Caitlin: Oh, I think it was the example of my mother, for sure. My mother has always found so much joy in femininity. Even my grandmothers, too, found a lot of joy in femininity. I think it’s something that I picked up from my mother. I saw how much that brought her joy, and how it was part of her life. I wanted that too, so it was something I grew up with. I had that innate female desire to wear a dress and to be feminine and pretty. That was something that my mom raised us in, the femininity.

Nancy: It’s so beautiful!

Caitlin: Thank you.

Nancy: And you are truly pictures of what a lady should be, and how you're meant to be, as a woman and a feminine lady. It’s beautiful! I believe God wants us to be who He created us to be. Like, we’re looking for men! What do we say, we don’t want wimps! So, a woman doesn’t want a wimp, but a man does want a beautiful, feminine lady whose like a lady.

I remember my own father and mother who have now passed away. They would be well over a hundred years now if they were still living. But my father was a man’s man in a man’s world. There were not many men who were so manly as he was. And yet, my mother was the most beautiful, feminine lady. That’s how he adored her. He didn’t want her to be a manly woman like he was a manly man. He adored his beautiful feminine wife and it was so glorious to see the distinction.

As I grew up, I never had to have teaching on the difference between male and female because I saw it before my eyes. I saw this man, a manly man who was looked up to as a man in our nation and his wife, a woman who loved clothes and dressed beautifully. She was a dressmaker. She made beautiful clothes. My father loved to look at her in her beautiful clothes and see how beautiful and feminine she was.

Caitlin: Yes, I think it’s so true, the femininity of women will bring out the masculinity of the men.

Nancy: It does! Absolutely! Yet in today’s society, men are being deprived. They are being deprived of beautiful feminine women. They’re actually deprived! In being so, they don’t really know how to be all that they are as men because it takes both sexes being who they are to bring out the best in both sexes.

But talking about homeschooling, I love that Scripture in Psalms 1:1, which we all know: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful,” This is a picture of our public schooling today. It’s the counsel of the ungodly. They scorn the ways of God.

Why would we ever send our children into that environment? “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” This is what our children are meant to be having that continual blessing of the Word in their lives. Amen!


Caitlin: Oh, so important.

Nancy: You don’t want a womanizer. You want a man, and you have to also be a young woman who knows and understands the exclusivity of marriage. I am a great believer in the exclusivity of marriage. You can have loads of friends as a single person, but when you get married, from that moment, you are never ever going to go and maybe have a cup of coffee or get away with another guy. Never! Never, because now you are one with this man. It’s exclusive. You’re made one.

Yes, you’ll have loads of friends, and as a married couple you can ask all your friends over for supper. You can go out with other couples and enjoy fellowship together. But you, as a wife, will not ever go out with another man on your own, nor vice versa, nor a man who would even have a cup of coffee with another girl. Never. If he’s a man who’d do that, I would never marry him. Marriage is exclusive. Amen. You don’t want a man who looks at other girls while he’s trying to court you.

Caitlin: Of course not! No.



I think if you see the way a young man treats his father and mother, especially his mother, well, you’re going to see how he will treat you. He might start out treating you very nicely, but how will he treat you in the end?

Caitlin: Right. I think it’s so sad. Sometimes I’ll be at church, and I’ll see a young man mouth off to his mother. I think to myself, “Oh, my goodness! I would never want to marry him!” If he treats his mother that way, how is he going to treat his wife? Oh, my goodness!

It’s so encouraging to see a young man respect his siblings, like his sisters, and to speak encouraging words to them, words of love and affirmation. Because it really goes to show how much they respect her as a young woman and how his mother has instilled that in him.

It’s encouraging also to see him bless his mother. That is something that speaks volumes of a young man, something that a young woman definitely looks for. I think it’s so beautiful to see that in a young man.

Nancy: Oh, yes, it’s a beautiful quality. There is so much in the Word about honoring your father and mother. Usually, the father is put first. But back in Leviticus 19:2 . . . The Bible says to obey your mother and father, to honor your mother and father, but yes, in Leviticus, it actually says to “fear every man his mother, and his father.”

It puts the mother first. There are some other places where the mother comes first too, showing that God wants that reverential awe towards the mother as well as the father. I did a study recently and I couldn’t believe how many Scriptures there were!

I was also quite taken aback recently, when we heard that J. D. Vance had become the vice president nominee. I didn’t know anything about him really, and then I heard that there had been a movie on his life well before he would be vice president. It is called Hillbilly Elegy. I said, “Oh, well, we’ll watch it.”

Sorry, I can’t really advocate it in that there was so much bad language in it because it was really showing his life. It was such a horrific childhood. It is hard to believe that anyone coming from that childhood could be where they are today, where he is, it’s pretty amazing. But this horrific childhood, and he was cursed at and sworn at, and his mother was on drugs, and was a heroin addict. Yet, he still showed respect to his mother.

Caitlin: The level of respect and love he had for her, and compassion.

Nancy: And to see, at the RNC convention, that he had her sitting in the front seat, with President Trump. He honored her and yet he had grown up in this most terrible childhood. Yet he still honored his mother. I thought that was a very powerful character quality.

Caitlin: It spoke volumes about him.

Nancy: OK, we’ve got to get on.


Caitlin: Oh, that’s so important. My father has always been a huge encourager of hospitality. We’ve had tons of people in our home. We’ve had church groups. We’ll have 50 people sometimes. We’re outnumbered greatly by the children running around. It’s such a beautiful time.

I’ve been so appreciative and thankful that my father has set that example for our family. This is one of the many ways that we serve the kingdom of God, by opening up our home, and having hospitality. He’s always the first one to say, “OK, guys, let’s have people over.” That’s been a beautiful example for me to look for in my future husband. Is this someone who’s going to encourage hospitality, and be the one to say, “Let’s open up our home, and let’s serve the kingdom of God”?

Nancy: That is so beautiful. In fact, for a man who would aspire to be an elder or a pastor, one of the criteria is that he is a “lover of hospitality” (Titus 1:8). But I think it’s a beautiful thing, because one of the greatest ministries we can have in our home as we’re raising our children is hospitality.

OK, we’re in the home, we’re raising our children, we’re cooking meals for our family. So, we’re already doing what you have to do for hospitality. Let’s do it for a few more people and invite them into the blessing of our family, to encourage them and love them. It’s such a beautiful ministry as a mother.

But there are some men who have grown up in homes where it never happened and then they don’t want anybody in their home. So, their wife can never ask anybody over.

Caitlin: It’s so sad!

Nancy: It really is so sad. It’s lovely to know that you have a man who loves people and loves hospitality because it is the lifestyle of the kingdom of God.

Caitlin: Right! And it is work. It is hard work, of course, but that really brings the family together. That’s really been one of the ways that our family has been on mission for Jesus, with Jesus, is serving the kingdom in that way. Because, OK, yes, we’re in this together as a family. It’s not just mom and it’s not just dad.

Nancy: No. You can’t do it all on your own.

Caitlin: No, we can’t do it on our own. We all pull together as a family, because we are a team as a family. We’ll be doing dishes together. The boys will be outside. They’re getting the yard ready or the porch. We’re working together as a family. My sister and I work cooking food for everyone. Everyone pitches in, so it’s a beautiful time to grow together as a family as well.

Nancy: And it absolutely enhances your life. I look back on all our years of marriage, and hospitality is one of the greatest blessings. Just having people in your home, and joy, and the fellowship, and the blessings that come through doing that. You don’t want to be deprived of that.

Caitlin: No, not at all.

Nancy: The last one that I have here is, is it the last one? Oh no, we’ve got two more.


A man who is humble and teachable, because all through life we’re going to have to learn things. We don’t know it all and I’m still learning myself. If we don’t have a humble and teachable heart, well, we’re just going to be stagnant. And also, if you have a husband who is not teachable, it can cause a lot of problems.

Caitlin: Right. And I think that also it goes back to finding a man who’s seeking God’s will, and seeking after God’s heart, because, yes, if he’s seeking God’s will, then he’s going to be in that state of humility that he’s open to the working of the Spirit in his life, and open to whatever God calls him to be. So, yes, we definitely want to make sure that we have a man who’s humble enough to bring it all before the Lord.

Nancy: Oh, yes! There is so much in the Word. Let me just read one or two Scriptures.

Psalm 141:5: “Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.” That was a psalm of David who was so open to reproof. That’s amazing.

We go over to see so many in Proverbs. Let’s read a few of them. This is also the characteristic of a godly man. Proverbs 1:8: “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.”

Proverbs 9:8: “Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” That’s a beautiful character quality, isn’t it?

Over to Proverbs 10:17: “He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.” That means he sins.

Proverbs 12:1: “Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” You don’t want a brutish man!

Caitlin: No, not at all!

Nancy: Proverbs 13:1: “A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.”

Caitlin: Yes, humility has definitely been a huge theme in our family’s life. Our family business name is “Humble Farm,” which is our family farm back home. All of our different business endeavors all have the name “humble” in them, because my dad had that vision from the very beginning that we, as children of God, are to be humble. That’s so important.

As he leads our family, he leads us in humility, and coming before the Lord and asking the Lord, “What is Your will, Lord God?” We’re going to fall short, and we’re going to mess up, but we always return to the Lord and ask, how can we do better? God teaches through ways revealed to us what He has for us.

Nancy: That’s a beautiful testimony. Of course, you can go all through Proverbs. Just keep reading Scriptures like that. That is a beautiful quality to look for too, not only in that man that you may fall in love with, but in ourselves.

We have to continue to always have a soft and humble and contrite heart, as the Word says: “he that trembles at His word.” I think when we come to the Word of God, we don’t just read it, but we tremble at it. If we’re out of line with it, we tremble and get back in line!

Caitlin: Yes, we as women also have to have the humility to submit to our husbands. That’s so big and important that we submit, and that we are the ones who are coming alongside our future husband, in this case, and encouraging him, and being on mission with him. We follow his lead in our family life.

Nancy: Yes, amen. The last one is . . .



So, dear, lovely young people, I think one of the most wonderful things in the whole of the world is to fall in love. I’m sure you're going to fall in love, if you haven’t already fallen in love. When you look at a young man and you feel those little flutterings, before you really commit yourself, go back to these character qualities and see, does he line up?

He may not be fully fledged in all of them, but you do have to see the seeds of those things in him. I think if you look for those, and you see the seeds of those things in him, that is a beautiful thing. Of course, you’ll be wanting the guidance of your parents as well as you commit yourself to a young man.

I am preparing the character qualities that a guy can look for in a young woman. I haven’t got them all together yet, so I will do that.

I want to say as I end, a godly marriage is the most beautiful thing on earth. I am so blessed to be in a marriage that is the most beautiful thing on earth. But the opposite is true. A miserable marriage is the worst thing in the world to endure.

This is a big thing in your life, beautiful young ladies. And dear mothers, it’s a big thing for us as we prepare our children for marriage. I trust you are blessed, and you've been blessed by these four sessions. Shall we pray?

“Lord God, we thank You so much that You love marriage, and Lord, You delight in bringing couples together. You love to bring the woman to the man, and You do this supernaturally. Every couple You bring together, it’s a supernatural thing. It’s a God thing, and we thank You for it.

“I pray, Lord, that You will bless all these beautiful young daughters, and You will bring to them godly men. Oh, Father, I ask it in the name of Jesus. I pray, Lord for all the parents, mothers and fathers, that You will give them such wisdom, and bless them, Lord, as they seek to raise beautiful godly young daughters, and to raise godly young men who are true men, who are not wimps, who know how to be men, and work hard and provide, and who will walk in the fear of the Lord.

“Oh God, we ask if You will anoint us and help us to raise these young men and women, Lord, who will begin godly marriages, and raise godly children, because this is how we have a godly nation. There is no other way. We ask for this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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“LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies”



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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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