Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Val Stares, the director of Above Rubies in Australia, sent this link to me this morning. It is called THE AUSTRALIAN CREED FOR SEXUAL INTEGRITY.
This creed was drafted by some of Australia’s most prominent Christian leaders. In just over 200 words, it lays out the Bible’s clear teachings on sexuality in truth and grace. They want millions all over the world to sign this creed. It can be used as:
a doctrinal affirmation in worship services,
an educational tool for Christians,
a theological defence against compromise,
a way for churches and schools to affirm their orthodoxy,
a legal defence for Christians facing job loss.
Go to this link to sign:
I have already signed it. Sign and share it with others. Further information from: www.australiancreed.com
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Filled with joy and peace and lots of affection,
It’s God’s chosen place for your husband and you,
To raise godly children, righteous and true.
You’re making it a sanctuary from the evil around,
So you can train children to be whole and sound,
The right time is coming when you’ll send them out,
Empowered with God’s Spirit—world, look out!
~ Nancy Campbell
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Psalm 127:3 says: “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”
A reward you say? Yes, a reward! We were always asked the same questions as we filled up a couple of tables at a restaurant or when I shopped for groceries with two carts and several children in, around, and clinging to the sides of the cart. “Are all these yours?” and “Did you plan to have so many?” and my very favorite, “Don’t you know where babies come from?” Let me start by telling you our plan and about the work God did in our lives and hearts.
Our plan was to have my tubes tied after our third child, Denise, our first beautiful daughter. But God said, “That is not my plan.” I did not feel any peace with this decision and so our plan was thwarted. But we did not quit trying to be in charge! We decided that there were a lot of other children that could use our help. Maybe that would do. After all, being foster parents was a good thing! I also started taking a birth control pill which lead my heart to extreme turmoil. God wanted us to be a part of His plan.
The point was, God wanted us to trust Him with our plan. Of course, I had a lot of questions.
What if they come too close for me to give them personal attention? God said, “Their brothers and sister will take up the slack. My grace is sufficient.”
How will we feed and clothe them? God said, “I will take care of your needs.”
When I asked Him about their college, as the world always does, He literally said, “Give Me credit for something!” So when people would ask me those questions I would say, “Not my problem, God’s problem, I am just obeying.”
While God was working with me, answering all my many questions, He was working with Mike through the Word. Mike is a wonderful Bible teacher, so as is his custom, when he is not sure what to do, he goes to the Word. The Lord led him to Psalms 128. He read: “Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them” (Psalm 128:3-5a).
He definitely wanted to be a blessed man, and though he was not quite sure what a quiver was, he knew that he wanted to be happy. We have since discovered that everyone’s quiver (the container for holding your arrows), is different. Do not stop having children until your quiver is full. There is nothing sadder than a less than full quiver, because you will always be desirous of another. So, I became his fruitful vine, and our children were olive plants all around our table.
When I was expecting our seventh child, Mike and I both felt like God was calling us to a deeper walk of faith in Him. We had some friends that assisted with home births. We approached them about helping us with our own homebirth. Our friends advised us to pray and make sure God was telling us to do this. We prayed until we knew that we knew that this was what we were supposed to do. While our children waited and slept on the floor by my bed and a good friend walked the large hallway praying, Mike delivered our burly little ball player, Caleb.
When I found out I was expecting again, I did not have the same feelings about a home birth. My experience had been wonderful, but something did not feel right about it for this baby. As it turned out, our Abigail, whose name means a father’s joy, and I both needed medical help at the time of the birth. His plan was to have us at the hospital, with doctors and nurses who could care for us. God is so good.
Now fast-forward 23 years. My sweet baby girl is all grown up, and we just celebrated her marriage. The week before the wedding, we were blessed to have 22 of the 32 family members in our home at one time, twelve of which were children. Let me share with you some of the delightful scenes I had the privilege of witnessing.
I saw my husband working with my sons to replace the windows in our house. I watched my son-in-law playing ball with the grandchildren and riding the little ones around on his feet. My daughter–in-law and I came back from shopping for the wedding to find my ex-marine son-in-law, who now works as a bodyguard, painting the toenails of my four granddaughters.
My daughter was busy in the backyard, donned in her ball cap and garden gloves, directing the boys to pick up all the pinecones, branches, and burnable trash to be thrown in the burn pile for the bonfire that night. I saw my son, who has no children, swinging the grandchildren on the rope swing he had made by throwing a rope over a branch, putting a hole in a board, and tying it down to a wheelbarrow full of cement blocks.
Another daughter set up a chair for anyone interested in a haircut, while my daughter-in-law made sandwiches for all the children. I witnessed a daddy changing diapers for any babies nearby that appeared in need of a change. We finished off the night with a huge bonfire and smores for the children, made by my daughter and her husband-to-be.
After it had quieted down and the adults were all enjoying coffee and cobbler, I peeked in to the children’s room to see four children across the bottom bunk and the floor covered with little sleeping bags because they all wanted to be together. And knowing first thing in the morning, they would all be in our bed to say good morning! What pure joy!
And now you know. Yes, they are all mine! And yes, God had a plan. As for where babies come from, yes, I know that too. They are blessings from a good God and, indeed, our heritage and reward.
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Update: Mike and Judy have eight grown children and now 20 grandchildren.
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Your positive attitude to the most mundane tasks in your home makes such a difference to the atmosphere. Do everything as unto the Lord.
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I used to say when I had my twins (nearly 60 years ago) that “There’s nothing better than having a baby, except having two babies!” The amazing thing is that I didn’t know I was having twins until I was in labor on my due date! No ultrasounds back in those days!
Sarah writes: “Ida Poppy was only 4 lbs. when she was born, and she is now 12 lbs. Caleb was 6 lbs. 11 oz. and is now 15 lbs. They are growing just fine on breast milk alone. They started out too weak to nurse and I pumped my milk into bottles for three months until they gained strength to nurse. I introduced nursing a little each day. Now at four months old they despise the bottle and are exclusively breastfeeding! It was worth all the work.
The house has never been messier since I had the twins. (Sarah likes to keep her home ship-shape!). Your letter was a great reminder to focus on what matters and stop worrying about “how tired I am” or how “clean the house is” or “the projects” I’m not getting done.
Last night I sat in my boys’ room and chatted for hours. It is an absolute disaster since three boys share a tiny room. I sat on the edge of the bed, tried not to cringe at the dirty sheets, and had a heartfelt chat. I didn’t clean up a thing! That was very challenging for me since I prefer a tidy home. My son looked VERY encouraged this morning and left the house with a smile. It was the right choice to just connect in that moment instead of giving an oration on housekeeping.
Thanks for all you do in reminding us to keep focusing on the souls of our children. It’s very easy to get distracted in the busy coming and going, the dishes mounting up, the healthy meals to prepare, and mountain of clean laundry to put away from all the potty training accidents
. It’s refreshing to be reminded to stop, look past all that mess, and see the people we call our children.

“The joy of the Lord is my strength,” NOT how many hours I got to sleep in a row. God always provides the energy I need for each day. He is faithful, but your messages help me get my thinking back on track and out of the pity-party trenches.”
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God does not want His people to sit on the fence or even be close to the border of the world. God’s intention is a three day gap! Never lower the standard. If you compromise now, the next generation will lower the standard even more. Never be a compromising family.
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~ Nancy Campbell
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This morning I heard Biden’s former Press Secretary, Jen Psaki say that she could not understand how Trump had won and they will be digging deep to look into it. Sadly, she doesn’t know our God. This was God’s doing, and we rejoice. Hopefully she’ll dig deep enough to find God.
This morning we sang the hymn, “To God be the glory, great things He has done.” And this evening at one of our weekly prayer meetings we will all praise and worship God for His intervention.
But now that Trump has won against all odds (with constant persecution for the last eight years from the left, which no other human being could have survived, from trying to impeach him when he was president to during this last term seeking to imprison him for life and assassinate him) we must not rest on our laurels. The liberal left still have the same agenda toward him and therefore we must pray more fervently than ever.
Because we will now have freedom of Christianity (which we would not have had if Harris had been chosen) we must make the most of every moment of this glorious window. We must pray for a great revival of repentance and turning back to God. This nation needs to turn back to God, back to His ways, back to family and the home. Let’s keep praying.
I am challenged by the words in Psalm 85:8: “I will hear what God the LORD will speak; for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: BUT LET THEM NOT TURN AGAIN TO FOLLY.”
Instead of being taken up with the spirit of this world, we must seek God more earnestly and realize that “Without holiness no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
Keep praying.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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This Scripture tells us we don’t belong to ourselves because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. We are just the house. He is the One who wants to direct and rule our lives. This is expressed again in Romans 14:7, 8.
But God not only owns us when we invite Him to be Lord of our lives. He owned us since conception. The first statement in the beautiful description of God creating the baby in the womb in Psalm 139:13 states: “Thou hast possessed my reins.” The word “possessed” is the Hebrew word “qanah” and means “to create, to procure by purchase, to own, to possess.”
Psalm 100:3: “Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves.” God begins with ownership. He is our Creator and therefore the Owner of our lives.
Why do we want to take control of our own lives? Do we really think we can do a better job than the One who designed and created us? And the One who not only created us, but because we were lost in our sin, purchased us back again with the price of the precious of blood of Christ.
We are twice owned!
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were an offering far too small,
Love so amazing, so divine,
Shall have my life, my soul, my all.
Many blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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“Oh, more is easier,” she replied.
“Truly?” they gasped in surprise.
She then shared with them her testimony of that very morning: “I hadn’t slept well last night and because I’m pregnant, I slept in a little later. When I got up, I noticed my 13-year-old daughter preparing breakfast and getting all the clothes ready for the other children to wear to church. Another daughter was looking after the baby. All was well. So I leisurely took a shower and then spent some time reading the Word. When I came out to the kitchen the breakfast was all waiting on the table and we sat down together.”
It is true that when you have many children, they are not all little toddlers! Each child grows every year. And each child you train to take a little more responsibility and do their specific tasks.
Each time a new baby comes along there are more and more arms wanting to hold the baby and play with him. There are more helpers to help with meals and keep the home running smoothly.
I think the most overwhelming time of motherhood is when you have your first two or three children. You have no helpers. But as more children come along, you have more and more helpers. And yes, it’s true, more noise! But also more love, more cuddles, more joy and laughter, more entertainment, more playmates for your children, more excitement, and more blessings.
Who wouldn’t want more children?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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Dear mother, I want to remind you that you ARE serving the Lord. God gave you your precious children and He didn’t give them to you to give to someone else to care for. He gave them to YOU. This is your service to Him. You are nurturing and training these children for Him. It is more important than any service you could ever do.
I think back of how I dreamed of being a single missionary and changing the world for God. Instead I got married and had children! And I have impacted the world in a far greater way than if I had served the Lord on my own. My service to the world is multiplied through our children.
“For what is service but the life of Jesus,
Lived through a vessel of earth’s fragile clay,
Loving and giving and poured forth for others,
A living sacrifice from day to day.”
~ Freda Hanbury Allen
This is a picture of motherhood. Pouring out your life for your husband and children. Living a life of sacrifice each day. It is not only a picture of motherhood, it is the revelation of Jesus. Jesus came to serve and give His life (Matthew 20:8). And the greatest service you can do each day is to allow the life of Jesus to live through you which is loving, serving, and pouring out your life for others.
How blessed you are.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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Who are you building for? Every wise woman builds her home.
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David was guilty of this too. In Psalm 31:22 he says: “I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes.” He was facing persecution and threats to his life. But he talked too quickly. He soon realized that God had not given up on him and had not left him, and he then acknowledges: “Nevertheless thou hearest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.”
Read through the whole of Psalm 31. David continually states the dangers that are happening in his life but immediately following confesses that his trust is in the Lord. For example, verses 13, 14: “For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life. But I TRUSTED IN THEE, O Lord; I said, Thou art my God.”
When difficult things are happening your life, don’t spout off blame toward God. Keep your mouth shut. God is always in control of every situation. Lift your heart up to Him and trust Him. He will show you His ways and what He wants you to do.
When your husband or others say things to you that stir up your anger and negative reaction, close your mouth. Don’t speak in haste. You’ll regret everything you said.
Instead of opening your mouth, smile sweetly and say nothing. Or if possible, say something sweet and loving. That has more power to ward off anger and gives God opportunity to deal with your husband or whoever. If you have the right reaction, God will deal with him. It works every time.
Remember the words of Proverbs 15:1: “A soft answer turneth turns away anger.”
James 1:19: “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear SLOW TO SPEAK, slow to wrath.”
And I am always challenged by this Scripture in Proverbs 10:19 (NLT): “Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
P. S. Here are some more Scriptures to encourage us about our tongues that get us into so much trouble!
Psalm 19:14; 39:1; 141:3, 4; 34:13; Proverbs 12:16-18; 13:2, 3; 15:4; 17:27; 18: 21; 21:23; 26:4; 29:11, 20; Ecclesiastes 5:2, 6; Matthew 5:37; 12:36, 37; 2 Timothy 2:16; Ephesians 4:29, 32; James 1:26; and 3:1-12.
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Many women think they will find their fruitfulness outside the home. No. God’s word does not lie. Your greatest fruitfulness is in the heart of your home!
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Be blessed in your home today, dear mother. You couldn’t be doing anything more important!
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This Scripture certainly gives us no excuse for not praying for Israel. We are to give God no rest until He establishes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. In our home we have Prayer Boxes. One of our boxes is OUR ISRAEL PRAYER BOX. In this box I have cards with certain needs to pray for Israel which helps us to remember what to pray, especially for the children. I have also written many of the Scriptures that I have been posting each day in this prayer box. I think one of the most wonderful ways to pray is to pray God’s word, to bring God’s promises before Him, and remind Him of them, as He encourages us to do in the above Scripture.
I love Ezekiel 36 which is a wonderful chapter of promises of what God plans to do in the land of Israel, but at the end of the chapter He says: “I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel, TO DO IT FOR THEM” (Ezekiel 36:37).
~ Nancy
Photo: Praying for Israel in Jerusalem.
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“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee”
(Psalm 122:6).
Image: The East Gate of Jerusalem, often called The Golden Gate.
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