Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

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DontGiveUpAre you feeling worthless and unappreciated as you mother in your home. It is easy to get these negative feelings, isn’t it? I can remember often feeling like a failure. But God always has a word for us.
Galatians 6:7 states: “Let us not be weary I well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” In other words, no matter how you feel, don’t give up! Most translations of this Scripture say these very words: “DON’T GIVE UP!”
I was encouraged as I checked the words “well doing.” The word “well” is “kalos.” Did you know that this word describes our life as a wife and mother in the home? Titus 2:3-5 tells the older women to be teachers of “good” things and the word is “kalos.” Sometimes we think that what we are doing in the home is mundane and useless. But God says it is BEAUTIFUL, lovely, valuable, and virtuous! It may seem insignificance to the world’s eyes, but it is BEAUTIFUL to God’s eyes.
The word “doing” is “poieo” and means “to make, to do, bring forth, execute.” A fuller meaning is” to bring forth something which when produced has an independent existence of its own.” I think this is so true of motherhood. The years of loving, nurturing, and training our children are not wasted. They add up to fruitfulness. They bring forth a strong family that stabilizes and strengthens the nation. Our mothering today establishes godly families for the future that take on a life of their very own!
Can I encourage you, dear mother, that on these days of feeling like a failure, feeling hopeless, or unappreciated, please keep on with your beautiful works. There is coming a day when you will reap your reward.
The New Living Translations says: “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing IF WE DON’T GIVE UP!”
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
The Greatest Bible Institute...

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