Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


RUCommanderA commander is one who gives commands. A commander leads others to follow his orders and to follow in his or her footsteps. The Bible shows us that commanding is part of our mothering ministry.

Deuteronomy 32: 46-47 says: “Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall COMMAND YOUR CHILDREN to observe to do, all the words of this law For it is not a vain thing for you, because IT IS YOUR LIFE."

Do you notice that it is not optional to teach our children God's Word? We are not to make suggestions or recommendations about it. We to COMMAND them. We must diligently penetrate and implant God's Word into their hearts. It’s our life work.

Why did God pronounce great blessings upon Abraham? Genesis 18:17-19 tells us the answer. God said: “For I know him, that he will COMMAND HIS CHILDREN and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment."

It is not the responsibility of the church or the Sunday School. God charges the parents.

Dear mothers, it doesn’t automatically happen. I personally know a mother—a kind and loving mother who has her own personal relationship with God. However, she didn’t command her children to follow the Lord. She didn’t take them to church. She just hoped they would follow God. Now they are grown and some are in the devil's kingdom, one particularly walks in the depths of sin.

Let’s get serious about raising a generation of children who know God’s Word and know His ways. We are not suggesters. We are commanders!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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YeildedRomans 6:13 says: “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God . . . and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God" This is talking about yielding every part of our body to God.

I yield my ears, Lord, to listen to your voice.
I yield my eyes, Lord, to see situations as you see them.
I yield my tongue, Lord, to speak life giving words to my family.
I yield my heart, Lord, to obey your Word.
I yield my hands, Lord, to work joyfully in my home.
I yield my womb, Lord, to your sovereignty.
I yield my feet, Lord, to serve you in my home. Amen.

Are we truly yielded?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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CountManyBlessingsYou have many blessings in your home. The provision of a home is in itself such a blessing. Your husband is a blessing. Your children are blessings. And you have food in your home. That is a blessing from God. Count your blessings every day. Always be filled with gratitude for the little and the big things.

~ Nancy

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SideBySideWe have been enjoying a great 4th July week with visiting families staying with us on our hilltop. Thursday night we had a potluck meal together followed by a Trivia Quiz and then Improv for everyone--84 of us all together. But that was small compared to all the families that joined with us for our barbecue and fireworks July 4th. We put in a volley ball court just before everyone arrived. They've played competition volley ball from morning 'til night! Now we look forward to a wonderful Sunday together.

One of the lovely young people staying with us shared this poem/prose with us that God inspired her to write. She has been on many mission trips across the world. She shared how that when she is on mission trips she makes sure she is at church at least half and hour to an hour before time to pray and prepare the way for God to move. But when she gets back to USA she said she became guilty of arriving at church late. God convicted her and she wrote this poem.

It's a good day to share it this Sunday and I trust it will be a blessing to you as you prepare to meet with believers wherever you live today.
~ Nancy

By Becky Graham

Persecution! We know its coming for prophets have heard the drum.
Christians, be prepared.
You may become impaired
For simply following Jesus.
Persecution! It happens around the world.
In 52 countries it is illegal to declare the name of Jesus
Or gather with other believers.
This persecution is trying to make its way in America
Through deceivers.
Many have already fallen, their ears deaf to the calling.
But when it comes, will you stay strong?
Don’t tell me if persecution comes you won’t fall
If on Sunday mornings, you can’t get up and go to church to stand tall.

“It’s personal, my relationship with God is between me and God.
It’s my right, my freedom to stay at home.”
You’re right. It is your freedom to stay at home.
But when you enjoy your freedom to stay home Sunday mornings,
Pray for your brothers and sisters
Who walk miles through the jungle with feet covered in blisters
To join a group of other believers.
And when you remind others of your “right” to stay home,
Don’t forget the fight our fathers fought for your freedom to go.

In China, my sisters are willing to be arrested, beaten, and even killed
For the opportunity to stand in a church and hear the Scriptures read.
My brothers are murdered for the chance to sing a hymn with other believers.
What amazing value they have for the bride.
They are willing to risk their lives to stand side by side.

When you are hidden in your room, isolated from the body,
Remember to pray for your brothers and sisters lined up in a courtroom,
Ready to be judged for worshipping in a public place.
When you state your opinions and make your case
For why you don’t have to be involved in a local church,
Remember the hundreds being marched away, disappearing without a trace
For embracing their home church.

I pray we see this through God’s eyes.
His love for His church, His love for His bride.
This is more than you—it is worldwide.

While we sit in the comforts of our homes in America,
I pray we will remember how many in other nations wake up early
For a chance to be around fellow believers,
To sneak into a church, to hear God’s Word, even if persecution follows.
They are wiling to take the chance
Because they see the value of not being alone,
They will not conform and become the world’s clone.

Here in America, I pray our blinders will fall,
That we’ll leave our comfort places to answer the call—
The call to follow Jesus!
The call to be with His people.
The call to be part of the bride.
I pray we will not run away and hide.

You have the freedom to stay home and be alone.
You can isolate yourself from the body of Christ and have “church” on your phone.
But please, please remember your sisters and brothers
Who travel great distances to worship with others,
Please remember on Sunday mornings the little children
Singing a hymn in a forbidden home.
Their parents’ willing to risk everything
To bring them to unite with other believers.

As you sit in your room, don’t forget those risking their lives
As they eagerly await the return of the Groom.
United as the bride, they stand side by side.

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LittleTroublesAre you going through a heavy trial? It feels like it is going on forever! I know this is how it feels to you, but can I ask you to put your troubles in God’s balances? Let’s see what happens. God says in 2 Corinthians 4:17: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”

Now things look a little different, don’t they? You feel your trial is going on forever, but God says that in the light of eternity it is MOMENTARY. It feels so heavy to you, but in the light of eternity it is a LIGHT affliction.

But there is more. When we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen, God works His grace in us as we go through the trial. God promises that these trials produce heavenly rewards.
He uses five adjectives to describe the glory you will receive.

Your trials work for you a (1) FAR,
(2) MORE,

The CEB translation says that when we allow God to do His work in us as we go through our trials that we are sending up to Heaven a STOCKPILE OF GLORY!

Your present trials will seem like nothing when you see them as God sees them. Remember, the things that are seen don’t last, but the things that cannot be seen last forever. They are eternal.

Love and blessings from Nancy Campbell

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SwanMomThe greatest need of this nation is strong, godly families. You can be part of strengthening this nation as you build a strong marriage and family life. Do only those things which strengthen your family and resist everything that weakens your family life. #buildastrongmarriage #buildastrongfamily #buildagodlydynasty #mothering #powerofmotherhood #aboverubies

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RedTulipLife is a learning process, isn’t it? We don’t stop learning when we become an adult. I find that I learn every day. Hopefully something new every day. Perhaps a new revelation of truth. But also learning how to walk a life pleasing to God. That means I will often receive correction, from God, and even from others.

It’s not always easy to receive correction, but it is a good thing. It helps us to mature. It helps us to grow in the likeness of Christ. How do we receive instruction? By keeping a soft and tender heart.

To keep a tender heart toward our husbands is the blessing of a good marriage. The Bible tells us that divorce happens through “hardness of heart” (Matthew 19:6-9). We must always guard against a hard heart.

To keep a tender heart is the blessing of a peaceful life.

To keep a tender heart leads us to righteousness. Hebrews 12:11 (HCSB) says: “No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

We train our children by instruction and discipline. But there is always more for us to learn and grow into also, and we are continually trained as we receive instruction and correction.

I love the TPT translation which says: “Now all discipline seems to be more pain than pleasure at the time, yet later it will produce a TRANSFORMATION OF CHARACTER, bringing a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who yield to it.”

Don’t you love those words? TRANSFORMATION OF CHARACTER! Do you want this for your own life? Do you want this for your children’s lives? I know we all do. It comes with YIELDING— yielding to the disciplines of life, instruction from the Word, and correction from people in our lives.

Let’s keep soft and tender hearts.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NotPartlyYesterday we talked about calling upon the Lord. What does it mean? Romans 10:13 says: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

The word “saved” is a wonderful word. It means salvation from our sin and guilt. But it means even more. The word is “sozo” means “to be saved, delivered, protected, preserved, healed, and made whole! MADE WHOLE! Did you get that? That that means physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually!

This is the same word that Jesus used when He often said: “Thy faith hath made thee WHOLE.” How do we receive these blessings for our body, soul, and spirit? By calling upon the name of the Lord. God promises that when we call upon Him that He will show us “great and mighty things which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3). We can expect miracles! We can receive healing, protection, deliverance, and wholeness.

“The name of the LORD is a STRONG TOWER: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10).

Why do we forget to call upon Him? When we are desperate we call our friends, we call the doctor, we tell everyone we know, but do we call upon the Lord? Do we gather as a family and cry out to God who waits to hear our cries? God promises that when we call upon Him that He will answer and deliver (Psalm 91:15).

Let’s get into the habit of calling upon His name. Let’s be known as the people who call on His name

And one more thing. Did you know that this wonderful word “sozo” is also used to describe what God wants to do for us as mothers? 1 Timothy 2:15 (Williams) says: “Women will be saved through motherhood.” The NASB translations says that women will be “preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.”

As we embrace motherhood, we can also embrace the entirety of this promise that we will be saved, healed, preserved, delivered, and MADE WHOLE. You can call upon the Lord in childbirth and in every day-to-day challenge of motherhood.

We do not have to be a victim to our distresses and bodily afflictions. As mothers we do not call upon the Lord in vain, but according to His promises.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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KeepMouthShutWhy can’t we stop talking?

“But, God, I can’t see how we can manage financially!”
“But, God, I can’t cope with everything I have to do!”
“But, God, why do we have to continue going through this trial? It’s been too long.”

We keep on complaining and confessing our lack of trust in God. When the children of Israel faced the impossible—the sea in front of them and the Egyptians galloping behind them to wipe them out, God said: “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord . . . The Lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:13-14).

In other words, God told them to keep their mouths shut! When we can’t see a way out, or we can’t think of anything positive to say, the best thing is to say nothing! Your negative words bind you to your situation.

Shut your mouth and see what God will do.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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LordIsNearHow did people know who were Christians in the early church? They were known as the people who called upon the name of the Lord.

In 1 Corinthians 1:2 Paul addressed the believers as those who “call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord." When writing to Timothy he spoke his message to him and “them that call on the Lord” (2 Timothy 2:22).

Before Paul was converted, his whole passion was to bind for prison and destroy all those who called on the name of the Lord (Acts 9:14, 21). He knew which ones he wanted to throw in prison because they called on God’s name.

Is your family known as a family who call upon the name of the Lord? Would your neighbors consider you people who call upon the Lord? Do your friends think of you as a family who daily calls upon the Lord?

This is how we are meant to be known. Or perhaps we can’t be identified as people of the Lord after all. Jeremiah 10:25 always challenges me every time I read it: “Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name.” This Scripture reveals that the families who do not call upon the name of the Lord may as well be heathen families.

This reminds me of a powerful quote from James Russell Miller: “Christ must be our guest if our home is to be a fit place either for our children or for ourselves. If there is no sincere prayer in it, it is not a true home at all. It is only a heathen lodging-place!” It’s just as well this quote is not mine, or you might want to stone me! But if we are honest, we must admit it is true. How can we be known as God’s people if we don’t bother to call upon His name?

The early patriarchs all made altars as a place to call upon the name of the Lord. Check out Abram (Genesis 12:7, 8; 13:4, 18; and 21:33); Isaac (Genesis 26:25); and Jacob (Genesis 35:1-7).

Seek to make a time and place every morning and evening to gather your family together to call on God’s name. There is an unprecedented stirring of anger, hatred, and rebellion in this nation. It’s time for God’s people to pray--to really cry out to God. We are not fighting flesh and blood, but principalities and powers.

Will God’s people rise to be who they are meant to be? Will families arise to be “calling upon the Lord families”?

Will you be one of those families?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Genesis 4:26; Judges 16:28; 1 Samuel 12:17,18; 2 Samuel 22:4, 7; 1 Kings 18:24; 1 Chronicles 16:8; 2 Chronicles 7:14;
Psalm 4:1; 14:1 (53:4); 17:6; 18:3, 6; 27:7, 8; 28:1, 2; 31:17; 50:15; 55:16; 79:6; 80:18; 86:3-7; 88:9; 91:15, 16; 99:6; 105:1; 116:2-4, 13, 17; 118:5; 120:1; 145:18;
Isaiah 12:4; 43:22; 55:6; 58:8; 64:7; 65:24; Jeremiah 29:12; 33:3; Lamentations 3:55; Joel 3:32; Jonah 2:2; Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 13:9; Acts 2:21; 22:16; and Romans 10:13.

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CareersWillDieYou are not only mothering for today. You are building a godly dynasty that will impact generations to come and eternity. You have the most influential career in the nation! Be encouraged. #powerofmotherhood #mothering #influenceofmotherhood #buildinganation #buildinggodlygenerations #aboverubies

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MothersAreWe influence our children by our example more than any other way.#mothering #powerofmotherhood #influenceofmotherhood #aboverubies

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7QuestionsAs I honestly seek to answer these questions, would you like to also?

Am I Nourishing my husband with love?
Am I Nurturing him and ministering to his needs—physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
Am I being Nice to him, or just plain grouchy?
Am I Noticing him and giving him time in my busy schedule?
Am I Nesting the home to provide him a place of solace?
Am I Nobly revealing a picture of Christ and His church through my marriage?
Am I Never giving up in my commitment to my marriage?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Puuung

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ItsYourLife"I wish I had a life!" I sometimes hear mothers making this statement.

Dear mothers, you HAVE A LIFE! An amazing life! The most important career in the nation! You are training godly children to impact this nation for God. You couldn't spend your life in a more important vocation!

Deuteronomy 32:46-47 says: "Command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law. For it is not a vain thing for you; because IT IS YOUR LIFE." Did you get that? It’s your life. Stop thinking about another life you could have. This is the life God has given to you right now. Embrace it. Rejoice in it.

Your greatest vocation in life is to diligently mother and teach your children in the ways and commandments of the Lord. It's a full-time career! And not one minute with your children will be wasted. It is not a vain thing. It has eternal value. Every day you are not only preparing children to impact this world, but you are molding them for eternity.

Have a GREAT LIFE today with your children. It’s your attitude that will determine the outcome!

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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InTheDarkWe talked yesterday how God sees the mothering and home managing works we do in our home as GOOD THINGS. But He also tells us how to do them. God doesn’t leave us in the dark about anything!

How do you think we should do them? Grudgingly? Reluctantly? Complainingly? No, the word is DILIGENTLY! 1 Timothy 5:10 says we are to “DILIGENTLY FOLLOW” all these good works. No room for slovenliness! No room for half-heartedness! No room for sloppiness!

Ephesians 6:6,7 tells us even more specifically: “Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God FROM THE HEART; With good will doing service, AS TO THE LORD, and not to men.” God, the King of the universe is our Employer.

Remember who you are working for, dear mother. You are doing an eternal work and will receive an eternal reward.

That sets the tone for our attitude, doesn’t it?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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NeverOccuredThis quote is both true and false. We do not train our children to think they can do whatever they want to do, because many choices can be selfish or unbiblical choice that would ruin their lives. However, we encourage them to dream and think outside the box and that God can enable them by the power and leading of His Spirit to do things that no one has ever done before. Things that will bless others and advance the kingdom of God in earth. #mothering #influenceofmotherhood #powerofmotherhood #discernment #aboverubies

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DayGoodThingsWhat are the older women to teach the younger women? Titus 2:3 says that they are to "be teachers of GOOD THINGS.”

What are these GOOD THINGS? To love your husband, love your children, to be keepers at home, etc. (Titus 2:3-5). As you seek to manage your home efficiently, and nurture and train your children today, you are doing a GOOD THING! Not a boring thing. Not an insignificant thing. Not a frustrating thing. You are doing a GOOD THING!

Sometimes we go about . . .! Sometimes aimlessly. Sometimes fretfully. Instead, let’s go about doing GOOD THINGS. The Bible tells us how “Jesus went about . . .” How did He go about?

Matthew 9:35: “Jesus went about . . . teaching . . . and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” This is a huge part of your mothering career—teaching your children, proclaiming the gospel of God’s kingdom into their lives, and healing—healing sore toes and scraped knees (and sometimes bigger things) and their emotions and souls and spirits. It’s a full-time job.

Acts 10:38: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about DOING GOOD, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”

We also need the power of the Holy Spirit with us as we mother. We need God with us. As you begin each new mothering day, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you anew with His anointing power. Ask God to be with you and fill your home with His presence.

Enjoy a wonderful day of doing good things.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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RightthinkingWhat are you teaching your children? It's easy to get into the mode of packing information into your children's brains, the more the better! But "information" is not education. "Right thinking" is education. Unless your children know how to think correctly, information won't do them a lot of good.

Right thinking comes from God's Word—even though it is often contrary to how society thinks and usually the opposite of what is taught in the public education system.

I read this morning in Psalm 119:160 (TPT): “The sum total of all your words adds up to absolute truth, and every one of your righteous decrees is everlasting.” For ourselves and for our children, God‘s Word should be the blueprint and the plumbline for everything we believe. God’s Word always has the final say.

If Jesus said, I believe it,
His Word cannot lie.
If it’s written in the Bible,
I’ll believe it ‘till I die.
Though the mountains be removed,
And cast in to the sea,
God’s Word will last forever,
Throughout eternity.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

To truly educate your children, you must give them the right foundation, which is GOD-THINKING!

Northrup Frye said, "The Bible . . . should be taught so early and so thoroughly that it sinks straight to the bottom of the mind, where everything that comes along later can settle on it." How early is early? From the womb. As a nursing baby. As a child. Throughout life.

Make sure your children have the right foundation. And lay the foundation strongly.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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MyMissionMost Christian organizations have a Mission Statement. Yes, we do have one for Above Rubies and I am happy to send it to you if you are interested.

However, I believe that our family unit is even more important than any organization. Therefore, I think it’s a good idea to have a Mission Statement for motherhood too, don’t you think? Perhaps you may have sat with your husband and written a Mission Statement for how you want to build your family. That’s great.

If you haven’t, here is a simple acrostic about mothering that you could use for your Mission Statement. Pit it up in your kitchen to remind you.

M Mothering with passion!
I Inviting God into every situation I face today!
S Serving with joy, even in the routine and mundane!
S Saturating my husband and children with love and
I Intercepting the devil's attacks with prayer and praise!
O Overflowing with joy and thankfulness!
N Nurturing my children with God's anointing!

“Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of being part of the greatest mission on earth. Amen.”

Love to you today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: The Family Album by Charles Edouard Frere

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WenceCameBefore the world began she was in God’s mind,
A God who loves to create and is very kind,
He’s the author of life and destiny
And He already knows what He wants her to be.

What an amazing miracle–the birth of a child!
We stand in awe--and God has a smile!
He’s created a life that’s never lived before,
A life that is special, unique, with gifts galore,

She’s a gift to her parents and a gift to the world
As we wait for her destiny to be unfurled.
She’s a budding life that will come to full bloom,
And of course, her parents are “over the moon.”

But the greatest wonder of all we see
Is to know she was born for eternity!
She’s not just a life, but an eternal soul,
Born to embrace a heavenly goal.

Oh, the wonder and joy we have as a wife
To bring into this world an eternal life.
Praise God for this privilege, and for this babe
Whom He has lovingly and intricately made.

~ Nancy Campbell

If your little one is a boy, replace “he” for “she.”

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ