Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


BABlessingProverbs 11:25 says: “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”

The “liberal soul” literally means “the blessing soul.” It speaks of a generous person who loves to constantly bless others, speak good things over their lives, and prays blessing benedictions over them. This is a soul who thinks of others rather than themselves. They want to build up others rather than pull them down.

This attitude begins in our family life. Daily blessing our husbands Daily blessing our children. And then we’ll be in the habit of blessing everyone else who comes into our lives.

The word “watereth” means “to satisfy the thirst, to satiate, to soak and water abundantly.” This speaks of more than giving water to someone. So many people are hungry and thirsty for more than physical water. They need water for their souls. Their souls are starving for encouragement, affirmation, and building up.

What kind of person am I? Stingy or generous? Am I too busy thinking of myself to be concerned about building up others? Am I so filled with self-pity and thoughts about myself that I don’t have time to minister to others?

I remember an incident in my life years ago when I was a young mother. I was walking over the doorstep of my home when I heard the Lord speak loudly to my soul: “Nancy how can I reveal to you the needs of others if you are always thinking about yourself?” Those words arrested me. If I am to water others, I must give room in my heart for others.

If we are preoccupied with thoughts about ourselves, we’ll never have room for God to speak to us about others who are in need. He can’t even get through our selfishness.

The wonderful thing is that when we water others God promises that we will be watered back. It is an eternal principle.

The TPT states: “Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor.”

The NLT says: “The generous will prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

It’s the same principle in the New Testament where Jesus said: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it” (Mark 8:35). We don’t find our lives by trying to save them. We find our lives by losing them in pouring them out for others, starting with our family.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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ImShiningEverything in life is a choice. Yes, we will face hard times and challenges, but we choose our attitude to these challenges. We choose to give into depression and self-pity, or we choose to rejoice and trust God. We choose to become a victim to our circumstances or to live above them in the power of the Holy Spirit and the victory of Christ. Which do we choose? #youchoose #trustgod #godisbiggerthanyourproblem #praisegod #rejoice #aboverubies

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AfricanVisionYesterday you read the testimony of God’s provision from Nadia Putana. Today I am going to share with you Putana and Nadia’s vision for Africa, because it COULD CONCERN YOUR FAMILY!

From Nadia:
We are both originally from Rwanda. However, our first mission trip was in Kenya for a year. We traveled and ministered in 11 cities. As we lived, interacted, and ministered in various locations, one particular need kept presenting itself—the
need for teaching on family life. It had never been taught.

Our hearts were burdened, and we cried out to God. It was then that He gave us this vision. We felt God saying: “For many, many, years, missionaries and mission works have come to Africa to help the orphans and widows. And that is good. There has been much work done to help the poor. And that is good. But I don't want you to treat the symptoms anymore. I WANT YOU TO DEAL WITH THE ROOTS!"

What are the roots?
1) Unfaithfulness in marriage resulting in HIV which creates an endless flow of widows and orphans.
2) Polygamy (common in the cultures), also resulting in HIV. It is also common among Christians, especially in villages.

As for poverty? It is not hard to figure out that a man with two or three wives and children from them all will often struggle financially to care for his family thus, increasing poverty.

The Lord impressed on our hearts that we could see a change in this generation and generations to come if we will start teaching His Word as it relates to FAMILY LIFE.

We lived in Kenya that year of 2011 and taught what God revealed to us. In that one year alone, we saw a tremendous change in families!

Since returning from that initial trip, we have prayed, waiting for the right time to return, and set up an ongoing ministry to African families. We finally think it's time!

Our desire and vision is not to go alone but take other families (who have a vision for family) with us also, for short or long-term missions. We saw firsthand the fruit born from our teaching the Word, but even more from their WATCHING our family life. They are turning to our western way and limiting children. They couldn’t believe we would have more than one or two children. They need to see godly family life worked out in marriages and families, and yes, big families. We are excited to see how many lives would be impacted when other families join our family on a mission trip! The more people who can come AS FAMILIES, WITH THEIR CHILDREN, the more impact.

If you would be interested or would like to get more information, please contact us. If you, your family, small group, church, or business would like to partner with us and help sponsor this work, contact us. We will be glad to serve the King of Kings with you.

www. mutanafamily.com
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GodsWisdomBetterAs newlyweds we decided to wait five years before having a child. We thought it was good wisdom as it would allow us to have time to financially prepare for children.

A few months into our marriage, we met the mother of a friend from Congo, Africa. She was an older woman who had birthed and raised 10 children. They were all grown and she had grandchildren and great grandchildren. Her children lived in different continents and countries. They would fight over her visiting them. So, she would spend one month a year at each of her children’s homes and then two months in her home in Congo. She was a widow, but her life was so full of goodness.

As she shared her adventures and joys of having all these children, we were amazed. She then rebuked us for not having children. In our defense we told her our reasons which were mainly financial. She explained to us that God always provided with each child. After a long talk, we walked home in silence as the Holy Spirit convicted us. Our flesh screamed for fear. Nevertheless, we surrendered to God.

Shortly after, we conceived our first born. My husband ended up switching jobs while I was pregnant to allow a schedule that was best for a family. With that, he took a cut in pay. We were so short on finances that I didn't even have money to buy maternity clothes as my belly got bigger.

One day I cried to the Lord about it as it was now embarrassing. Shortly after, I met a lady who ran a pregnancy center in our area. She invited me to stop by and see their work. The morning I went to see her, they got a shipment from Motherhood (a maternity store) with brand new clothes and they decided to donate clothes which they hadn't done before. The lady took me in one of the rooms and invited me to help myself to any clothes that I wanted.

"Take all you need," she instructed. Wow! I unwrapped the brand new clothes from their packages and got enough outfits to last me the whole pregnancy and nursing season! God wiped away my tears that day.

Friends planned two baby showers and all clothing and needs were gifted us! After our son was born, gifts from friends, family, and neighbors kept coming. We had diapers and clothes to last us months! My husband also got a 75% RAISE AT HIS WORK! Praise God!

One of our concerns in having a baby was that we didn't have family around. They were in Africa or other cities far away. How would we do this without help? I had an emergency c-section which added to the challenge. But from the day our son was born, friends stopped by. They brought meals, cleaned our home for us, or just held baby while I took a much-needed nap! God truly met ALL our needs and even granted our desires.

From that birth, God blessed us with tremendous and beautiful relationships enabling us to raise our child in a community the way we had grown up back in Africa. God is so good!

Collinwood, Tennessee, USA
Formally from Rwanda, now Canadian citizens, but currently living in USA.
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Pitana and Nadia are now blessed with seven children: Jeremiah (13), Samuel (10), Wonder (8), Elizah (6), Jairus (4), Cyrus (2), and Grace (5 months).

Putana and Nadia also wrote in the previous Above Rubies, # 94, about naming their children, page 27.

Nadia writes: Please check our website in upcoming weeks for our new Radio and TV programs. We are already airing on 1410 AM every Sunday at 3:15 pm for those living in North Alabama and North East MIssissipi (Tishomingo area).

Production for our TV program on CTN ( Christian Television Network ) will begin in August and our first program should air the end of August, early September. It will air every Wednesday at 7:30 pm with replay every Friday at 5 pm. It will reach North Mississipi and North Western Alabama. So check back on our site to watch online and on YouTube!

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FirstPriorityStrengthen your marriage. Strengthen your home life. Squash every plan that fragments and weakens your family life. #strengthenyourmarriage #ilovehome #homemaker #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #aboverubies

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BeEnergizedI became pregnant for the first time in 2004, four years into our marriage. We made the announcement to friends and family at Christmas and sadly, I miscarried a few weeks later which was absolutely devastating.

The Lord blessed us with our first-born daughter in 2006 and a son in 2008. I became pregnant again a few years later. Sadly, that pregnancy also ended in miscarriage. Experiencing two miscarriages was so physically and emotionally stressful that I told myself I wasn’t going to have any more babies. We are so thankful that the Lord had other plans!

I became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in 2017 at the age of 40! I wish I could tell every mother to have a baby at 40 if she is able. It has energized me like nothing else. It has renewed my joy in mothering. It has expanded my heart. Watching our older children with a brand new sibling has brought a joy to our family that we could (and do!) just burst with overflowing gratitude. It has made me appreciate every stage of mothering that I am in right now.

I thought I loved my older children as much as I ever could, but this new addition has made me love them even more as I watch them love her! Every day is more exciting than the last as we all adore this baby together.

I often tell people that I wish we would have started having children sooner and had many more, but my plans and selfishness stood in the way early in our marriage. I know the Lord’s plan is the very best and I could not be more thankful that His ways are not our ways and that He is gracious and merciful. Even though I am heading toward my 42nd birthday, I am praying that the Lord might bless us with at least one more precious baby.

Windermere Florida
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Steve and Heidi with Maggie (12),Steven (9) and baby Samantha (13 months).

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EqualParentingGod did not create a genderless society. He created the unique distinctions between male and female, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. Fathers do not have a mother’s heart. God have the anointing of His maternal heart to mothers. As we embrace who God created us to be we live in He fullness of His divine plan! #maternalheart #mothering #powerofmotherhood #influenceofmotherhood #ilovemotherhood #aboverubies

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VballcourtWe put in a volley ball court the day before 4th July. Well, Uncle Sam Allison came to the rescue with two truckfulls of sand. What a blessing. Over the July 4th week we had four large families from Florida staying to add to our Tennessee hilltop families, so it was great competition. There would often be more than 30 young people playing all day during the holiday week. Most days young people are out on the court. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful provision. #july4th #volleyball #competition

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WingoFamMy husband had a vasectomy while I was nine months pregnant with our youngest daughter, Abigail. We both felt our family was complete with four children and financially we were struggling.

When Abigail was six months old I was invited to a ladies Bible study where they were learning how to be helpmeets to their husbands! Even though my husband and I were both Christians, I had never fully asked God to help me in this area.

After seeing wonderful changes in my marriage and becoming friends with the ladies, two of them talked to me about embracing motherhood and letting the Lord lead our family, including fertility. I explained we couldn't possibly have more children and I was overwhelmed with what we already had.

They gave me “The Power of Motherhood,” and offered to go through it with me. What a life changing experience! I finally realized what joy I was missing and fully embraced the great calling of motherhood! I was really sad for all I had missed out on when the other children were babies. The Lord convicted me to allow Him to shape our family size and I knew in my heart there would be another baby in my arms.

I went to the Above Rubies website to look for a doctor to perform a reversal. I found one only three hours away and requested financial information from them. However, my husband was not on board. It took one year before my husband accepted the calling of the Lord on our family.

We scrimped and saved to pay for the surgery, scheduled it, and waited six months, only to cancel when my husband could not get off work. During this time the Lord was strengthening our marriage in many ways. We also moved Texas from Arkansas where we had lived most of our lives.

A year and a month after moving us to Texas, we finally got our surgery (we had rescheduled it three times with a new doctor!).

My husband had a wonderful job making good money and everything was going so well. I got pregnant two months after the surgery and the whole family celebrated! Then the unthinkable happened! My husband was laid off, along with 7,000 others. We were right back to financial struggle and asking the Lord what to do.

Our first instinct was to move back to Arkansas, but we both felt the Lord telling us to stay where he had planted us. My husband stayed without a steady job for six months, causing us to trust in the Lord every day, not only for food and bills, but for comfort during this struggling time.

I felt him telling me not just to stay where He had planted us, but to FlOURISH! And we did! We became very involved in a wonderful loving church family, helping with community outreach and witnessing to families wherever we could. We never went hungry and the bills somehow always got paid.

Finally, Josh obtained a job as a Correctional Officer, though he really felt the Lord calling him to Law Enforcement. He graduated from their school one week after we welcomed Samuel Raymond Wingo into the world! Though we were making half the salary he had before, the Lord changed our perspective and taught us how to put our finances in his hands!

Samuel has brought so much joy to our family! We didn't realize how much we missed having a baby in the home.

My husband knew the Lord was calling him to be a Law Enforcement Officer, but we could not pay for the Academy. Five months after Samuel was born my husband applied with the Sweetwater Police Department and got the job. Not only did the Police Department pay for him to go to the Academy, they paid for his time, travel, and provided a vehicle! It has been such a joy to see my husband doing what the Lord has called him to!

Samuel brings us laughter and joy every day and we are so thankful for him. The Lord blessed us once again with a pregnancy last year, but Shalom went to be with Lord in the womb. It has been a year since her passing and we excitedly wait to see how and when the Lord will bless us again. We are content in knowing we have put this matter, along with all matters, in the hands of our Loving Creator, who has blessed us beyond our comprehension!

Sweetwater, Texas.
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Midon has been married to my wonderful Husband Joshua for 15 years and the Lord has given us five wonderful blessings here on earth: Ruth (12), Elisabeth (11), Luke (9), Abigail (7), Samuel (2.5) and Shalom who went to be with the Lord at 11 weeks in-utero.

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If you have received your new Above Rubies, #95, you will have read the testimonies of CAN GOD PROVIDE? They are printed on pages 22-26. These are only some of the testimonies I received from our readers. When I asked for testimonies of God’s provision, especially when allowing God to send the children has planned for us, I was inundated with testimonies. It proved to me wondrously how God is always faithful to provide for the children He sends.

I know you have enjoyed all these stories. One reader commented to me: “I think there should be a special Above Rubies edition of just “Can God provide?” stories.”

Therefore, so you don’t miss out, I am going to gradually share with you through Facebook many of the other testimonies that were sent in. I know you will be blessed and encouraged. Be watching for them.

I will now send our first story.

~ Nancy

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SpewsOutYesterday we talked about establishing an atmosphere of beatitude—supreme blessedness. It’s nice to dream about it, but how do we do it? The most powerful way is through our words.

I think of the words of James 3:8-10: “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceeding blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”

We can’t tame the tongue ourselves. It is only the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives who can tame it (Ephesians 3:20). Let’s get into the habit of yielding to the Holy Spirit so no destroying and negative words will come forth from our lips.

If we want to build a home of blessedness, we must speak worse of blessing. There’s no other way. That means words of blessing to your husband each day. That means words of blessing to your children. To bless means to speak good words, praising words, and commending words.

Do you think we could do this today, and tomorrow, and the next day? This is how we build a home of blessedness.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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SupBlessednessI’m currently reading a book where the atmosphere of the home is described as follows: “Willow Heights seemed to him Paradise, its inmates angels, and his own life—beatitude.”

I had never read the word “beatitude” in that light before. The Beatitudes in Matthew 5 immediately come to mind. However, the more I thought about it, the more I loved it.

The full meaning of this word is “supreme blessedness.” Is it truly possible to make a home of supreme blessedness? It seems to good to be true, doesn’t it? No one in a home is perfect—husband, wife, or any of the children! And all our sins, selfishnesses, and fleshly natures don’t make for a lot of blessing.

However, God wants to come to our home. He wants us to live His way. He shows in His Word His plan for us and when we seek to do it His way, we can experience more and more of blessedness (not that everything will be perfect until we reach eternity).

The Beatitudes of Matthew 5 are written to those who are not experiencing a perfect or easy life, but they show the way to have a blessed life in the midst of difficulties. They are written to those who are poor, who mourn, and who are persecuted. They are written to those who want a pure heart, who want to make peace, who show mercy, and who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Read them over again.

The words of Corinthians 13:4-7 are also like beatitudes. When we put them into practice they bring joy and happiness. I know a young lady who was preparing for her wedding day. She decided to read this passage and meditate on it every day for the few months leading up to her wedding. She is now married with two children and knowing them well I know they have a marriage of supreme blessedness.

It is true that the beatitudes and the love chapter talk of attitudes that are opposite to our fleshly nature. Our flesh wants to do the opposite. But Christ who dwells within us wants to live His life through us. We must get into the habit of yielding to His life and saying Yes to Him and to His ways.

Can we seek to bring more blessedness into our homes today? Can we make it a habit of our lives to, little by little, make a marriage and a home of supreme blessedness?

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: The Charm of Home: Tasha Tudor

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HmGoodnessThe goodness of home is not dependent on wealth, or spaciousness, or beauty, or luxury. Everything depends on the mother.

~ G. W. Russell

Painting: Alice Schille Mother and Son (c. 1910-15)

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TheyNeedYouDear mother, years are short;
This window of time is small.
Lesser things can wait awhile;
These dear ones need your all.

Shun the world's voices
That call you out the door,
To yield to prideful choices
That would little lives ignore.

You only have this season
To cherish and enjoy
This time when you are everything
To a little girl or boy.

Yes, some days grow weary;
You think you'll never win.
You think it's best to be away;
But I urge you, think again.

Your gifts can still find purpose;
Don't sacrifice what's best.
God will open avenues
As in His plan you rest.

Focus on this season
To give these children all.
He'll give you strength to rise again
Each time you trip or fall.

Find creative outlets
To serve outside your doors,
Without neglecting those inside.
Just for a blink they're yours.

For children are God's kingdom
And as you seek Him first.
He'll satisfy your longings
And fulfill your greatest thirst.

Souls will live forever;
But earthly things will pass.
Deny yourself; embrace this time;
It goes by oh, so fast.

2018, Val Halloran

Painting: Franziska Schenkel: “Mother with Child on a Meadow”

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BeyondTodayOur power and influence as mothers, not only affects the destiny of the nation, but future generations. It is easy to get bogged down with the grind of daily activities in the home, isn't it? There can be times when you feel you are stuck in the mire with no hope of accomplishing anything. But dear Mother, you are not only training children for today, but for the future.

Begin to see your mothering in the light of future generations. As you mother your children, you are also affecting grandchildren and great-grandchildren to come. Your influence is powerful and far-reaching.

Rev. Edward Taylor Sullivan spoke these words in a sermon: “I walked down the furrow in the field,” said a humble mother who lived on a New Hampshire farm; “I walked down the furrow with the Governor of New Hampshire in my arms, and the Governor of Massachusetts clinging to my skirts.” She said that afterwards, long afterwards, in her old age. For she knew not then, and no one knew, that her two baby boys would be governors of two New England states.”

I love the words of this song, written by a friend of mine:
“Mothers of children, can you not see
The world of tomorrow asleep on your knee?”

You cannot even dream what God has ahead for your children as you are faithful to nurture and train them in God’s ways and His Word of truth. Psalm 22:30, 31 (NLT) says: “Our children will also serve him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything he has done.”

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Victoria Kharchenko

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GodWoosGod has put Home in our hearts, just as He has placed His maternal anointing in our hearts. No matter what our modern society says, God’s Word is eternal and is for every generation. Society prospers when we do it God’s way; it suffers when we do it our own way. #homeisinourhearts #homeloving #homekeeping #ilovehome #ilovemotherhood #mothering #powerofmotherhood #aboverubies

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GreatWorkDear mother, You are doing a GREAT WORK! Don’t be intimidated by your antagonists! #mothering #powerofmotherhood #youaredoingagreatwork #influenceofmotherhood #greatestcareerever #aboverubies

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AllGreatChangeThe dinner table is the greatest place to sit with your family and talk and discuss together. Thinks of subjects to discuss at your table. Be proactive about it. #dinnertable #dinnertabletalk #gatheryourfamily #familyfellowship #familydevotions #aboverubies

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RoleReversal2I guess you know some families, as I do, where the husband stays home to look after the children while the wife goes to work. She can earn more money than her husband and therefore they think it the best choice for the wife to work.

This is a role reversal. We don’t make our decisions in life by how much money we can make. We make them according to God’s eternal Word, His Word which is for all generations, His Word which is “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times" (Psalm 12:6). There is no greater wisdom. To our natural and finite minds, our wisdom seems the most feasible, but God laughs at the wisdom of man!

But role reversing is even more subtle.


Yes, I was shocked as I recently read a commentary on 1 Timothy 2:15 that speaks of women being saved and delivered through embracing the lifestyle of motherhood. This commentary stated: “This deliverance was from some of the devastating effects of the ROLE REVERSAL that took place in Eden. The idea of childbearing, then is a metonymy of part for the whole that encompasses the woman’s submission again to the leadership of the man . . . “

I must confess that I had never thought of the sin in the Garden of Eden as a role reversal. It arrested me. But it is true. This was the first sin! Eve took charge! She did not discuss with Adam about the idea of taking the fruit or talk about it with him. She made the decision without him. Adam himself became a wimp and followed her instead of taking his leadership.

The devil continues to challenge and tempt every married couple the same way. He wants us to role reverse—in our marriage relationship and in the role God has given to us as as women and mothers. Satan hates every ordinance and plan of God and continually tries to subvert them and entice us in the opposite direction.

We must guard against it. 1 Peter 56:8 says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith.”

This doesn’t mean that we can’t make a decision without talking to our husbands. God has given to women the management of their homes. We make decisions constantly in managing our homes and dealing with and teaching our children. However, in big decisions, we should not take charge without first checking with our husbands. God has placed him as the head of the home. It’s God’s plan and His plan is always best.

When we keep to God’s plan, we’ll have harmony and His blessings.

God be with you today,

Nancy Campbell

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ChoosingJoyA lovely friend, Heather Bryant (Heather is the one who organizes all the Washington State Above Rubies retreats each year) has designed a beautiful t-shirt, CHOOSING JOY. These are wonderful and positive words to wear in your home and everywhere you go.It's a great reminder to choose joy, and it’s a great conversation starter.

Heather designed this t-shirt to bless you, and Above Rubies. All proceeds will go to help pay for this new magazine which has been sent out across USA, and is now being sent to over 100 other countries in the world.

I had enough money for the printing, but have used it all on shipping the magazine out. So now I need to trust God for the money to come in to pay for the shipping and the bill will come soon.

So be blessed yourself as you purchase this lovely t-shirt, and you can bless Above Rubies as well.

Love from Nancy

Go to this link for details:

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ