Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” Let me paraphrase this Scripture.
Whatever job or career you have, take off your coat, roll up your sleeves and get stuck in! Give it your very best shot and a bit more for good measure! Away with all this wimpiness, whether it is in the labor force, the white collar or blue collar force, the entertainment force or the church force.
A real man loathes the attitudes of lazy and slouching men who do not know how to a decent day’s work. I personally do not like to look at men who stand around when there’s work to be done. By the way, talking doesn’t get the job done!
These days, when jobs are hard to come by, why not look around for some place where they could do with some help and offer yourself free of charge? You might land yourself a good job after one week of solid, hard work! It’s better than twiddling your thumbs at home and putting a bigger burden on your wife and family because of no income coming in.
Christian men should always be the best, hard-working men on earth. They should also be the most conscientious, willing and cheerful workers.
Be encouraged. Colin Campbell.
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