Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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God created every woman with a womb. Our womb is our most distinguishing characteristic. The male does not have a womb. Because it makes us who we are as women, we should therefore embrace it with all our hearts. To despise and stop the function of our womb is to despise who God created us to be. It is counterproductive
However, the womb is more than physical, more than “a miracle haven” to conceive and grow a baby. The womb is the seat of our compassion. Even the Bible reveals this. There are four different Hebrew words for womb in the Bible, each with similar meanings. When we read the word womb the meaning interchanges. Sometimes it speaks of the physical womb of a woman; other times it speaks of God’s compassion and mercy.
In other words, we reveal a picture of God through our womb. When a baby begins to grow inside our womb, we inevitably become more compassionate and show to our family and to the world a little of God’s big compassionate heart.
In Exodus 33:18,19 Moses beseeches God to “show me thy glory.” We would think God would answer Him by demonstrating His mighty power through some great miracle, but instead He reveals “His goodness, His graciousness, and His mercy” (racham – womb). The wombness of God is part of His glory and He has given this to us as women.
Deuteronomy 7:13: “He will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb . . . “
Deuteronomy 13:17 speaks of God showing “thee mercy (racham – womb, meaning the physical womb, compassion, tender love, pity), and have compassion (racham – womb) upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers.”
We also have the privilege to reveal another characteristic of God through our breasts which also differentiates us as women. You will often read God’s name, Almighty, in the Bible. It Is El Shaddai in the Hebrew. Shaddai literally means “the breasted one.” The picture of the breast reveals God’s nurturing heart. God is a nurturing being and He has chosen to reveal this beautiful anointing through His female creation. The word for breast in the Bible is “shad.” God is El Shaddai; we are little “shads” expressing something of His nurturing heart. What a privilege.
We have breasts to give life to our babies. They are nurturing and nourishing. Not only is the baby nourished but the mother is blessed. Genesis 49:25 speaks of the “blessings of the breast and of the womb.” Do you notice the word is plural?
When a mother nurses her baby God gives her the hormones of oxytocin and prolactin, such wonderful hormones that flood the mother with nurturing anointings. Oxytocin is the “stress free” hormone and prolactin is a powerful hormone that causes a mother to be very protective over her baby. And the more the mother nurses her baby, the motherly she becomes.
Although God is Spirit, He pictures who He is through the physical. Not only do we show this picture through our physical breasts and womb, but God has put these anointings strongly within us innately.
The are some women who do not marry and therefore will not have children. There are others who for some physical reason are not able to conceive. Are they any less a mother? No, they are still maternal beings. They have nurturing yearnings within their breast. They have compassion flowing innately from their womb as they reach out to mother the needy and hurting in this world. Some of the women whom we think of as great examples of mothers were never married or never had children. We think of Mother Theresa. She poured out her life in nurturing, compassion, and love and therefore revealed the picture of God’s love and fulfilled her own nurturing instinct.
It is within every female to nurture. Because of the brainwashing of feminism and humanism, many women turn away from motherhood. But they can’t get away from their nurturing instinct. Even if they reject their own flesh and blood babies, they will have a pet! They’ve got to mother something because that is how we were created.
Why don’t we simply embrace who we are? It’s time to proclaim the truth, ladies. Don’t be ashamed of wanting a baby (or many babies) and longing to stay home and raise them. This is what you were created to do. You are in the perfect will of God. Lift up your head. Embrace the way God made you. And instead of hiding your light under a bushel, let the world know that you are proud to be a mother. You have the most powerful career in the nation. You are determining the destiny of the nation.
Mothers who are open to receive the children God has for them and to come back to the home to raise them to be mighty sons and daughters for God will be part of strengthening and building a godly nation. The more mothers vacate the home the more we weaken the nation. A nation will eventually reveal the state of motherhood in the nation.
What are we showing to the world? Are we truly being the childbearing, nurturing, compassionate women God wants us to be, showing these pictures of God to the world? Or do we show an opposite picture? That’s why God uses very strong words in Titus 2 when the Scripture states that those who refuse childrearing and homemaking duties blaspheme the Word of God. Help. Don’t throw stones at me. I didn’t say that. The Scriptures state it!
And forgive me, but I do have to say that I am tired of hearing Christian women speak like feminists and react when we talk about the beautiful God-given, God-inspired, God-mandated career of child-rearing and homemaking. We are either true to the Scriptures or we are not.
Still love ya. Do you still love me?
Many blessings,
Nancy Campbell
Purchase the manual, THE POWER OF MOTHERHOOD to learn more of what God says about your womb. Chapter 2 gives 18 points about the womb. Go to:
To read more about oxytocin, read LIVING STRESS FREE IN A STRESSFUL WORLD
Go to: Motherhood | Living Stress Free In A Stressful World (aboverubies.org)