Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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Genesis 3:20: “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.”
It’s not very difficult to understand who we are, is it? God created us to be life-givers. He created us physically for this task. He created us with a womb, a sacred place where we can conceive life and grow a baby to bring forth into the world.
He created us with breasts to nurture and give life to the babies He gives us. We are not even using our intelligence if we reject these basic facts. Instead of fulfilling who we are destined to be, we allow these organs to atrophy. No wonder we have an epidemic of female cancers in our modern society.
It is our greatest privilege to embrace life. We not only go against God’s direct command in Genesis 1:28 but deprive our bodies of the purpose for which God made them when we stop life. I wonder why it is that even Christian women who believe in God continue to be life-stoppers when God created them to be life-givers.
If we belong to the kingdom of God, we will be on the side of life, because God is life and the giver of life. There are only two kingdoms in this world—the kingdom of God which is a kingdom of life and the kingdom of Satan which is a kingdom of death and destruction. To which side do we belong?
Let’s delve a little further, shall we? The Hebrew for Eve is “chavvah” which literally means “the life-giving one” as we have discovered. It comes from some different root words which help us to gain more understating.
“Chavah” looks very like “Chavvah,” doesn’t it? This word means “to live, to declare (to speak), to show.” Eve was born speaking and hasn’t stopped!
Because we are created in the image of God, He wants us to reveal His image in the earth. He wants us to show our families and the world around us whom He created us to be. As we embrace, nurture, and bring forth life from the womb, we declare to the world that we are life-givers.
“Chayah” means “to live, give life, revive, preserve alive, nourish, recover, repair, restore, save alive, and to be whole.” These words describe the all-encompassing picture of motherhood.
Some commentators believe that “Chavvah” is abbreviated from the Hebrew word “Mechavvah” meaning, “the sustenance, the propagation of life.”
What about the Septuagint? When they translated the Old Testament into Greek, they changed “Chavvah” to “Zoë” meaning “life-giver, life-producer, life-preserver, and life-spring.”
It’s all about life, ladies. LIFE. LIFE. LIFE. As a mother, you not only bring life through your womb, but through your words, actions, and demeanor.
As you read the above you may have “ifs” and “buts.” Hang on. I haven’t finished yet. Many of your questions will be answered as I continue this subject for the next few days.
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
Beautiful painting by Robert Coombs