SAcredSecularDid you notice I wrote the words, sacred AND secular, rather than sacred OR secular? God does not separate religious things with secular things. He wants everything in our lives to be touched with His divine presence. He wants everything in our homes—each person, each piece of furniture, and even all the pots and pans and utensils to be anointed with His presence (Zechariah 14:20, 21).
Everything that God created is holy. All His creation is holy. God doesn’t see a church building as holy and the trees and flowers as earthly. They are all holy unto Him. They all praise Him.
In Exodus chapter 30:22-33 God tells Moses how to make the anointing oil and what to do with it. They had to use a gallon of olive and oil and four different spices—pure myrrh, sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus, and cassia. It was well-balanced—two sweet spices along with myrrh which is bitter tasting. Myrrh and Cassia speaking of the fragrance of Christ through His suffering.
But most importantly, this oil was to be holy! It was called the HOLY ANOINTING OIL. Verse 32 states: “It is holy, and it shall be holy unto you.” And God commanded him to anoint every piece of furniture and every vessel in the whole place—and the high priest and his sons.
One of the pieces of furniture in the tabernacle was the table of shewbread. This table had to be anointed with this holy anointing oil too.
Everything in the tabernacle was a type for us today. He wants us to be anointed with this sweet and holy anointing oil which is presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He also wants every material thing in our homes to be anointed with His presence. He wants our tables to be anointed with His sweet and holy anointing.
You most probably feel that your dinner table is the opposite to sweet and holy! You are in the throes of raising and training children who are not robots. They don’t like their food. They complain. Some may argue. They cry. Sometimes its bedlam!
Please don’t despair dear mother. Keep training. Keep praying and asking God to pour out His sweet anointing on your family mealtimes. Pray for His holy anointing to come to you. You will reap what you sow. As you train your children and they grow older, you will move into such blessed and holy times together.
Without a vision nothing happens. But when we have a vision and understand that God wants to come to our tables and manifest His sweet and holy anointing, we will press toward this vision in our family lives.
Love from Nancy Campbell

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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