MyriadsRewardsMany mothers find cooking for their families a chore. “Oh no, not another meal to cook for this hungry family.” “Here I go again, day after day with no let up!”
Dear mother, can I encourage you that preparing meals for your family is not insignificant? Do you remember what Jesus said in Mark 9:41? “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink IN MY NAME, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.”
These are the words of Jesus. They will never fail. If Jesus says that we will not lose our reward if we give a cup of water in His name, what about preparing a WHOLE MEAL?
Every time you prepare a meal for your family—breakfast, lunch, and supper, God is watching. When you do it with the right attitude, when you do it as unto Him, when you do it in His name, He promises that you will not lose your reward.
Oh, what a blessing to be a mother. Just think of how many rewards you are going to receive from cooking meals day after day and year after year! And especially as you prepare each meal “as unto the Lord” and with a joyful attitude. This attitude takes you to a whole new realm. Because you are doing it for the Lord, you will want to make each meal special, knowing that Jesus desires to sit with you at your meal.
Don’t you love these words?
Christ is the Head of this home,
The Unseen Guest at every meal,
The Silent Listener to every conversation.
Many people have these wonderful words hanging on their wall. It’s a great reminder, isn’t it? Jesus wants to be included at your meal table.
I hope you have a wonderful time at your meal table this evening as you sit down with your family.
Many blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell

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