ComeDineJesus said, “Come and dine” (John 21:12).

The Holy Spirit wants us to receive the revelation that the golden table of shewbread points to Jesus Christ who was, and still is, the most valuable golden table. We have the priceless privilege to sit down and partake of Him and with Him every day of our lives. We sit at this table with none other than the King of all kings. What a privilege. What a blessing.

God’s great desire is that each one of us have an ever-increasing appetite to turn away from all other tables, enticing though they may be. He wants us to sit down with Him at His royal table and partake of His life-giving food.

Jesus Christ is to us the Tree of Life that was in the Garden of Eden. The devil enticed Adam, through Eve, to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as the world discerns it and that tree brought sin and death. They were driven out of the garden and were not allowed access to the tree of life eternal until the revelation of the atoning blood of Jesus the Lamb, slain before the foundation of the world, was given.

The truth is that Adam and Eve sat down at the wrong table!

We who call ourselves Christians must ask ourselves: “At what table am I sitting?” “On what food am I feasting?” The world has a table that looks so good to our fallen nature. So enticing. So appetizing to the flesh. But we end up having no appetite left for the table responding to the tree of life, Jesus Christ.

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the disciples of Jesus went back fishing, speaking of their “old life” and “old table.” However, when Jesus came down to the shore of Galilee to find them, He called out: “Come and dine.” They instinctively knew it was Him (John 21:12). This was the Son of God. King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Conqueror of death and hell. This was the one who called them to come and leave their old table and dine with Him.

Where are you dining today?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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