SaltyThirstyWhen we lose our thirst for God we need to add more spiritual salt to our daily diet. The more truth we receive from God’s Word, the more truth we will want to receive. Unfortunately, much of Christian America has lost its love for truth, especially the truth that brings correction. It is a sad day when God’s children refuse to be corrected.

So many of us want a God that fits into our plans, but the God of biblical truth desires a people who thirst and pray to fit into His plans for them. Although there are Bibles all over America, in almost all hotel/motel rooms as well as bookshops, there is still a great drought for the truth in the inward parts.

Psalm 57:6 says, “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inwards parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.”

Although it is important to have a mental knowledge of the truth of God’s Word, it is much more important to apply the truth deep in the heart and the spirit. David thirsted for the truth in the inward parts.

Prayer is so critically important to reading of God’s Word. For this reason we fathers must teach our children to pray/read the Scriptures. Prayer takes the Word from the intellect into the depths of the spirit. There is an intellectual thirst and there is a spiritual thirst. The intellectual thirst can be prideful, shallow, hypocritical, and without application. The spiritual thirst is more important than the intellectual. God seek worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Men, although it is wonderful to see our children memorizing Scripture, we must understand that these words must filter down into their hearts. It is only then that the Word of truth can bring change. Teaching our children to pray what they are reading and memorizing Scriptures causes them to thirst after truth and to be changed by the truth.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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