GoodOrBestWe need great discernment to truly know what is good and what not just “looks good,” don’t we? Many times, things that are good rob us of the best! We can be involved I so many “good things” in our parenting and in Christian work and yet they are not God’s best. They are what we think is good. Or even what the enemy tricks us to think is good.
This is how Satan tempted Eve in the beginning. He didn’t tempt her with anything evil, but what looked good and wise (Genesis 3:6). If Eve could be so easily tempted who walked with God each day in the garden, how much more are we be susceptible to Satan who is “an angel of light.”
The greatest antidote to deception is God’s Word. It is our plumbline for everything we believe and do. It is also a great lie detector. Many times, we don’t know things are lies until we line them up with God’s Word.
One of the ways the enemy robs families of what is best is many of our extracurricular activities. None of them are bad. They are all good. And yet often they rob us of what is the most important.
The tricky thing is that most of them are always about the time we should be in the home preparing the meal for the family so we can enjoy family togetherness around the table each evening. And of course, to have family devotions and worship together. And pray together.
The devil hates families praying, and he will use good things to stop us. He’ll get us doing all these great things for our children, which are good, but which stop us from coming together as a family to pray. And the devil laughs. He wins the victory.
It’s praying families who are world-changing families. And as you know, this doesn’t easily happen. It takes a complete life change in our families to make it happen. But world-changing families are also sacrificing families. They’re families who know what is the BEST, not only what is good.
Nancy Campbell

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