NotAnOptionDearest ladies, would you mind if I reminded you about two things as we venture into this New Year? I’ll share one today and the next tomorrow. Now please don’t get upset with me because both these things I have shared with you many times, but I must share them again. I feel like Peter who said in 2 Peter 1:12: “Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth.”

Are you faithfully imparting God’s Word to your children each day? Are you consistently conducting Family Devotions (or whatever you call it in your home) with your family each day?

It is not enough to have faith for ourselves; we must impart it to your children. Deuteronomy 6:6-8 (AMP) says: “You shall teach them DILIGENTLY to your children (IMPRESSING God’s precepts on their minds and PENETRATING their hearts with His truths) and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.”

The NLT says: “Repeat them AGAIN AND AGAIN to your children.”

Can I share with you about a family I know personally? The mother has a strong faith in God. If you speak to her, her faith is solid. But she has not imparted it to her children. She has left them to find their own way. She does not attend church or encourage her children to gather with God’s people. Three of her children do not walk with the Lord and two are in desperate lifestyle situations.

God’s Word is clear that we must pass on His truth to our children. He has shown us the way in His Word that He intends us to gather as a family morning and evening. You can read more about it in the following link:

It’s not something we do haphazardly, but DILIGENTLY. The word “diligently” in Deuteronomy 6:7 is the Hebrew word “shanan” sand means “to point, to pierce it into their hearts, to prick, to sharpen, to do it intensively, to whet (to sharpen by grinding).”

Can you establish this as a habit in your family life this year? It’s not just a good idea. It is imperative for the saving of our nation. It is crucial for the preservation of future generations—our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


DailylightIn the post above, IT'S NOT AN OPTION, I encouraged each one of us to continue faithfully with reading God’s Word to our children each day. I know that some parents feel inadequate in doing this. They did not do this in their own home growing up and therefore feel unfamiliar with it. I have a wonderful answer for you.

It's THE DAILY LIGHT ON THE DAILY PATH. This book has Scriptures listed on a specific theme for every morning and every evening of the year. All you do is to go to the date, and there are the Scriptures waiting for you to read. Not too long and not too short. Isn’t that great? Anybody can do it. Husbands who have not done it before will be able to do it with confidence.

And even better. I now have available for you (or nearly available—it’s in the printers), THE DAILY LIGHT ON THE DAILY PATH, but with a difference. Before each month of the year I share a creative way on how to read these Scriptures to your children to “keep them on their toes.” To keep their attention. To keep them excited. To encourage interaction.

It will revolutionize your family Bible reading time! The whole family will love it. The children will never be bored. They will look forward to every morning and evening.

I really encourage you to get this book. I believe every family in the nation needs it. It is in the printers now, so you can go to the link and order it and it will come to you as soon as it arrives to us. Here is the link:

Be inspired, encouraged, and blessed as families,

Nancy Campbell


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