socialization mooreMonique Levesque-Strachan shared this lovely testimony with me about their New Year's Eve gathering. I'm looking forward to lots of great feedback:

"Eleven years ago I became a new momma to a beautiful little girl. I am so amazed by the journey God has lead us on, and so humbled by the beautiful, imaginative, precious six children He has now entrusted to me. By faith, we received each of our little blessings with love, and eventually started to home educate them. After eleven years, the fruit of following the call to embrace children is starting to shine through.

On New Year's Eve six families gathered together. Each family had between four to eleven children, ranging in age from four days old to seventeen years. I was in awe. For six hours these 38 children all played together in various corners of the house, making their own fun and enjoying each other's company. Toddlers roamed about, finding knees to sit on or toys to play with, young girls were bouncing babies or painting finger nails, boys were roller-blading in the basement, teenagers were discussing interests or entertaining little ones. And the parents sat and fellowshipped together peacefully (mostly!) knowing the children were all happy and having fun. No tantrums, no tears, no fighting at all! And they all made it 'til midnight to ring in the New Year!

This lovely evening encouraged me that we are doing the right thing for our family by keeping our children home and fostering a strong sense of valuing family life. I see the older children growing into independent, interesting, creative, talented, mature, compassionate, and generous people. They are comfortable with and love being around babies. They naturally oversee the little ones around them. They converse comfortably with adults.

Whoever says home schooled children lack socialization should have been a fly on the wall to witness the beauty in that gathering! It gives me hope that my children, despite their issues and failures (and mine!) will turn out well and, Lord willing, will be a blessing to others wherever life takes them. I am so blessed, and am thankful today for the past year, although trying at many times, was also filled with many beautiful memories, lessons learned (and still learning), and skills built. And I look forward to a year of growth, health and more adventures in this crazy life of mine!"


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