pioneering spiritThe current leaders of America who hate the good that America has done for the world are radical, and we must be radical to defeat them.

Pioneers love to be challenged to accomplish things others think impossible. They live to discover what most think is not discoverable. They are so convinced that the goal they are seeking to achieve can be done that they are prepared to die in the attempt if need be. Pioneers believe in going beyond the limits of standard practice. Normality is boring. To pioneers, there is always a better way, a faster way, or a new way.

This nation has blessed the world with multitudes of incredible discoveries in every aspect of life, from space achievement to multitudes of automotive machines. We have pioneered innumerable life saving pain relieving, disease controlling breakthroughs that make the mind boggle to try and count them, not to mention the massive variety of electronic devices we use to communicate and accomplish what would otherwise be slow and tedious. Air transportation. Military hardware. Our science labs never cease to make multitudinous new discoveries to benefit mankind.

America has been a nation of pioneers to bless the world. I doubt if there is another nation in the world that has given so generously to the world as this nation. Multitudes have laid down their lives and shed their own blood in order to deliver the oppressed and helpless and free the world of tyranny. We even bless the nations who hate us.

But there are evil people in high places within the land who hate America and seek to destroy the pioneering entrepreneurial spirit. These people, although intellectual, fear not God. They despise and ridicule the goodness of God to this nation. They call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20 says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil."

Christian complacency has hindered the church to the point that we have not withstood the many evils that assail us. Unless we arise out of our complacent sleepiness, the goodness of America will suffer greatly at the hands of our enemies. It has to be the Christians who will pioneer again the truths of repentance, prayer, and salvation so that the blessing of God will continue to flow throughout this nation.

We have to come back to 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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