StopMassMurderThe need to pray for America and these fast approaching elections is more important than ever. The coming election is crucial for the life of the unborn. We have the opportunity to end the mass murder of the 3,000 babies who are daily killed in the womb.

Recently, I heard of a certain group of “evangelicals” who are against voting for Trump. One cannot help but wonder how they can call themselves Christians, let alone evangelical Christians. Do they not realize that Donald Trump is totally opposed to all abortion, especially late term abortion?

He has blatantly stated: “Let us reaffirm a fundamental truth; all children, born and unborn, are made in the holy image of God.”

Now that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away, Donald Trump must appoint another judge to the Supreme Court. We can be certain it will be a very pro-life appointee. This is one of the reasons all Christians (evangelical or otherwise) must get out and vote for Donald Trump.

This country is dripping with the innocent blood of the murder of innocent lives who are created in the image of God in the secret place of the womb. They deserve the right to live, to be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, to serve the One and only true God, and to enjoy the glories of eternity forever.


Every conceived baby in the world should have the right to be born, not just once, but twice. John 3:3: says: “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

How can the evangelical message of Jesus Christ go out to this very needy world if we murder these God-given lives before they are born? There cannot be a second spiritual birth if there is not a natural birth first!

There can be no evangelists to preach the gospel of Jesus’ saving grace if some mother does not give birth to them. We cannot help ask ourselves the question: how many evangelists, prophets, pastors, teacher, apostles, and godly people have had their lives cruelly destroyed in their mother’s wombs?

We must use this voting privilege to put an end to this maniacal killing of God’s creation in the womb. How dare we not?

Moses would never had lived had his mother not fought for his life. Jesus Christ would have been killed by Herod had not Joseph fled with Mary and the newborn baby to Egypt.

Make no mistake about it This election is not just about abortion It is ALL about abortion.

Be encouraged to vote,

Colin Campbell


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