IsraelLandIt boggles my mind why most of the world support the so-called “Palestinians” and reject Israel. The “Palestinians” were kicked out of Jordan in 1970 when they tried to take over Jordan. The Palestinian militia were poor and there was no central control, New groups among them sprang up spontaneously or were set up by foreign governments, e.g., Syria and Iraq. The groups rapidly spawned, merged, and splintered, often trying to outdo one another in radicalism to attract recruits. Sounds a lot like ISIS, Boko Haram, and Hamas, etc.

In 1964 PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) took the main stage under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, the militant hater of Israel.

These people began to question the legitimacy of the Jordanian government and called for an overthrow. Between 1968 to the end of 1969 there were no less than 500 violent clashes between the Palestinian guerillas and Jordanian security forces, frequent kidnappings, acts of violence against innocent civilians, and plane hi-jackings.

One time, they beheaded a Jordanian soldier and played football with his head. King Hussein eventually kicked the Palestinians out of Jordan. King Hussein, at the time, was not prepared to go along with the proposed two-state solution called the Roger Agreement with the Palestinians in control of what is now known as the West Bank because he considered it too dangerous for Jordan. If it was too dangerous for Jordan to have a two-state solution with the Palestinians in the 1970’s, why does the world force this upon Israel today?

Kicked out of Jordan, approximately 50 percent went to Lebanon and the other 50 percent were given refugee camps in Israel controlled West Bank. However, in Lebanon they brought about a civil war and in the occupied West Bank they struck out with all forms of killings, death, and destruction against Israel.

Even when Israel wanted to bulldoze down the refugee camps and provide better accommodation, the Palestinians would not allow it for propaganda reasons.

The question is: why does the world support these people instead of little Israel? I say, little Israel, because compared to most other countries in the world they are unbelievably small. Most certainly, in 1967, they took back land that historically belonged to them, but only because they were attacked most severely.

They desperately need this land as a buffer zone for the split seconds required to intercept the thousands of rockets fired against them. How would any of the UN counties accept it if they faced the same situation?

The only reason the world supports the “Palestinians” is because the world, which has little understanding of the Bible and its promises for Israel, is deceived by Palestinian propaganda.

Much of our current, modern media is anti-God and anti-Bible. The Jewish people are returning to Israel by God’s divine decree, fulfilling the Biblical promises. They need room for settlements even though it is dangerous. And they know how to make the barren land productive.

Even though Israel, like Jordan (who at one time offered the Palestinians seats in government and shared leadership in Jordan), has on numerous occasions offered the Palestinians virtually all they have demanded. In fact, at one time they offered them the entire West Bank, except Jerusalem and what was mandated to Israel in 1948. However, they refused to accept that offer. They want all of Israel or nothing. They have proved repeatedly that they cannot be trusted to observe the rules regarding a two-state solution.

Why does the world back this wild horse called the PLO when they should be backing Israel, the peaceful, democratic, small nation living amid enemies?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Picture: A Jewish family prays at the wailing wall which the world wants to take from Israel.

Genesis 15:18; Exodus 23:31; Numbers 34:3-12; Deuteronomy 11:24; Joshua 1:3, 4; Ezekiel 47:17-20.


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