CommunicatingEffectuallyPhilemon 1:6: “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”

Men, we must communicate (make known) our faith in a way that greatly influences those around us. One of the primary ways to communicate our faith is through our tongue. We do this as we acknowledge (take into account and fully discern) EVERY GOOD THING that is in us because Christ Jesus is alive in us.

He does not dwell in us to speak negatively to those around us. Instead, we have a divine responsibility to share with our tongues, as well as our deeds, ALL the good things that are in us because of Christ Jesus.

Rejection, criticism, negative gossip, and slander are not in the indwelling Christ. All the things that divide and separate us are not in Christ Jesus. Sickness and disease are not Jesus. Therefore, we have no right to confess them unless we are calling for prayer for divine healing.

Can we ever count up all the good things that are ours by virtue of the indwelling Christ? I think not. Jesus Christ is a minefield of infinite treasure. It is our responsibility to discover and take knowledge of ALL His benefits and blessings and share them with others. This is why we must make every endeavor to know Him more intimately. Not only is Christ a minefield full of treasure, but He has brought all His treasures into us and He wants us to effectively share them with others.

We don’t share our faith stingily, half-heartedly, or fearfully. The great Hoover Dam in Colorado was not made only for the people of Colorado, but to supply energy to other states as well. Wouldn’t it be a shame if the only energy that came from that great dam flowed through a three-quarter inch pipe to provide energy for one house only? We must speak generously of the great reservoir of Water of Life that dwells in us.

Psalm 116:10: “I believe, therefore have I spoken.” How much we believe determines how much we speak. If we are going to speak of ALL the good things that are ours in Christ Jesus, we need to do a lot more discovering. This should be our lifetime pursuit.

Colossians 2:3: “In whom (Christ) are hid ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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