humilitybGod's primary requirement for choosing leadership is humility.

King David, the predominant writer of the psalms, speaks a lot on the subject of humility and meekness. He was the youngest of eight sons and considered unworthy to be called to the anointing service. He was the keeper of the sheep which was a humble task amongst the tribes of Israel, even to this day.

Most likely, out on the hills with his small harp, he wrote and sang Psalm 23 which is all about God being His own personal Shepherd. From this most humble position of being a Bedouin shepherd, God chose a young man to become the most godly and honored king of Israel. His prayers, songs of worship, and teachings have brought great comfort and consolation to millions upon millions of people from every nation all over the world, and continued over countless generations.

Many of David's psalms are prophetic of the life, sufferings, and coming reign of our true Messiah, Jesus Christ, who humbled Himself more than all other men. He left the glories of heaven and came to earth to be born in a manger to parents who were also very humble. Jesus Christ did not live a life of opulence Even though He was born to be the King of Israel and the Eternal King of all the earth, He had no place of His own to lay His head. He had no transport He called His own.

God has always required that humility should be the primary characteristic of all leadership. Although David was a very humble man and refused to kill King Saul who hated him, yet he was at the same time the bravest of the brace.

Men, this is the challenge we all face. God is still requiring that all His men, in every area of leadership, should first of all be humble. This is also the requirement of fathers.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

SCRIPTURES ABOUT HUMILITY (Meditate upon them and ...

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