The is the seventh and last post in a series of things the Bible says are "good" to include in our lives. This one is found in the story of Martha and Mary where "Mary sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word." But, poor Martha! She was left in the kitchen cooking and serving. She started to feel really mad inside and asked Jesus to send Mary to help her! I'm sure we'd feel the same!

What did Jesus answer? "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42).

It's hard to reconcile this incident, isn't it? When we are running a home and have little children all around us, it's hard to find time to sit at the feet of Jesus, even though we long to do so. Before I was married, I had time to spend up to three hours in the presence of the Lord each day. When I married and children came along, I no longer had those precious times and had to find little moments to read the Word in the toilet room or from a Bible on my windowsill as I prepared food and washed dishes. My prayers were no longer hours long, but little cries of help to God throughout the day.

But, God understands a mother's life. He "gently leads those that are with young" (Isaiah 40:11).

My life is still full and busy. One of the things I love about each day is when we take time out for Family Devotions each morning and evening. I take time to sit and listen to God speak to me through the Word as my husband reads it to us. We take time to worship and pray together. I am doing the "good" part, and I WILL NOT LET IT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!

Love from Nancy

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