OnTheOffensiveAs Abram and Lot increased in wealth and livestock the land was not large enough for them both. Therefore Abram gave Lot the choice of where he would like to go--the plain of Jordan that was luscious and well-watered, or the mountains. Lot chose the easy way and “dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom” (Genesis 13:12). It was snot long before Lot and his family moved into Sodom and lived there (Genesis 14:12).

And then in Genesis 19:2 we read how Lot “sat in the gate of Sodom.” He was now involved in the jurisdiction of the city. Sadly, Lot became used to the wicked lifestyle of Sodom. Well, not exactly. 2 Peter 2:6-8 tells us that these people “vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.” But even though he was tormented by their sin, he didn’t do anything about it. He “sat” down instead of rising up and being a voice. He would not have been accepted in the gate of Sodom if he was speaking against their sin.

We must also decide what we will do as we live in a nation that now accepts homosexuality as lawful. We dare not sit down and accept it. For what happened to Lot? He lost most of his children to God’s judgment. Lot only escaped with his two daughters. His other daughters and sons-in-law and grandchildren became so entrenched in the lifestyle of Sodom that even when he pleaded with them to leave the impending judgment, they took no notice of him.

What we do depends on what happens to our children? If we do not speak up and stand up for righteousness and God’s ways, our children will get used to evil. It doesn’t stop there. When people get used to living in evil, they begin to accept it as many Christians are already doing.

Please do not “sit down,” not only for God’s sake and your own sake, but for the sake of your children and grandchildren. You determine their future lives. Psalm 94:16 states: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who still stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”

Will you stand up and be counted?

~ Nancy Campbell


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