After my post, Why Don’t we Like Obedience?, it seems that many are desperate to establish order in them home again. What can you do? Here are a few thoughts.

1. Take some time (????) to sit down and think about your home and how you want it to run (maybe this evening when the children are in bed). Write down your vision. Write down your plan for how you can make it happen. Think of a schedule for the day. You don't have to be too rigid, but you do have to have a plan of action. If you don't, nothing will happen and you'll keep going the way you are. My constant affirmation is: Nothing just happens, you have to make it happen!

2. Some things you need to think about. All children need to be up and dressed (and if old enough), beds made by breakfast time (and hopefully you will have devotions together after breakfast). Appoint jobs for each member of the family so the kitchen can be cleaned up and laundry on the way for the day. All children need to be involved from the youngest to the oldest. Make sure everything is cleaned up before you start homeschooling. I am just getting you started. You can think about the rest of your day. But, make sure you also think about how you will prepare your evening meal and when you will start.

3. Share the plan with your husband and ask him for any changes or better ideas and pray over it together.

4. Gather the family together at a suitable time. Share with the family that you can't keep going the way you are. A family must run smoothly and so you have got a great plan to make it happen and you are all going to be involved. Then share the plan with the family and tell them their appointed tasks. You can also print it out for the fridge so they can all see it.

5. Be excited about it and let the children catch the vision. When you start your tasks in the morning, aim for a time to get them finished. No dawdling about! Teach your children to work hard and fast. Isn't this how you are training them? You are training them for the future! They must know how to work hard, fast and joyfully! If tasks are done by a certain time, put a star on the fridge. At the end of the week, if there are a certain number of stars, plan a celebration. Go out for ice-cream. Have a special meal, or purchase a little gift for each of the children who played their part. Incentive is great. There is nothing wrong with giving incentives.

The above are a few thoughts to get you started.

Love, Nancy

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