1 Thessalonians 5:18 is a daily challenge to me, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I remember the first time I really faced this challenge. I was newly married and pregnant with our first baby. Colin and I were already in full-time work for the Lord and the mission organization we were with sent a team to the Philippines. They felt I should stay back because they did not know what circumstances would await them. It would have been fine if I knew he was coming back in a certain time, but he went out not knowing when he would return! Would it be months or years?

I was devastated. I didn’t weep. I heaved. I wondered when my little baby would see his father! As I cried and wallowed in self-pity, God spoke to my heart, “Do you want to do my will?” “Yes, Lord,” I answered. “Then, thank Me,” I heard God say. Did I want to thank God for taking away my husband? No way. But, I began to thank Him in obedience, against everything I felt inside. As I continued to thank Him in cold-blooded faith, victory came into my soul, and I continued to walk in victory until the day he came home (which was after the baby was born), but sooner than I thought may happen. Obedience to God’s principles always brings victory.


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