GoldFeverDo any of you read THE DAILY LIGHT ON THE DAILY PATH for your Family Devotions? We read it each morning and evening around our table. Although, for a change, we are currently reading a chapter of the book of Revelation each evening.
If you read THE DAILY LIGHT this morning, you will have noticed that this morning’s theme was about the treasures of God’s word. We read Psalm 19:10 which says: “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”
We read about the gold fever of the gold-digging days. These men gave up everything to get a bit of gold. And yet we have pure gold right at our fingertips. And yet, many times, we don’t even care about it.
Are God’s words like gold to you? Do you pass on this fever to our children? Do they know you LOVE God’s words? That’s why we gather our children around each day to read His precious life-giving words to them.
We are gold dispensers! Isn’t that amazing? We may not own very much materially and yet we can pass out gold to our children every day! It will do far more for them than any “gold” of this world.
The psalmist confesses in Psalm 119:72: “The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.”
Psalm 119:127: says: “Therefore I LOVE thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.”
Pass on your love for God’s words to your children. They will love it according to how much you love it. If you’ve got gold fever for His Word, they’ll catch it too.
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell

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