Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
How often do you smile at your husband and your children each day?
Be encouraged. Your trials and challenges often turn in to blessings. Don’t focus on your trials; turn your attention to the Lord. Keep your eyes on Him and He will carry you through. You will love to read my new devotional book, 100 DAYS OF BLESSING , Volume 4. In this book there are five devotions which tell you all the miraculous things that can happen to you even when going through your wilderness. God will never for sake you.
Mother, you are the backbone. You are the hidden strength of the nation. When a mother vacates her mothering role, the nation weakens.
Good advice. Just keep doing a little at a time. Don’t give up and you’ll find you have finished your job!
God's ways are opposite of man's ways. God loves giving babies. If we are on God's side, we will love having His babies. God's ways are powerful. They impact nations.
God’s way is often the opposite to the world’s way. We have to choose which way we are going to live. The world’s way lures mothers out of the home. God‘s word woos them into the home to mother and nurture their children in this safe and secure sanctuary. The world’s way encourages women to pursue their careers outside the home. God wants mothers to be the keepers of the home, teaching and training their children and preparing them to be godly men and women who will impact the nation. Mothers are the hidden strength of the nation. They determine the character of a nation.
Your prayers, attitudes thoughts, and words will affect your baby even in the womb.