Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


GodAlwaysMakesWayIsn’t it so wonderful that our God is the One who MAKES A WAY? Yes, in every situation. The Bible tells us He makes way through:

1. TEMPTATIONS (1 Corinthians 10:13).

God promises us that in whatever temptation or trial we face that He will make a way for us. There is no situation too hard for God.

2. MOUNTAINS (Isaiah 49:11).

Does the situation you face seem like a mountain? How can you ever get over it or through it? It’s not too hard for God. He can make a way through for you.

I love the words of the song:
Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains, you cannot tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible
And He can do what no other power can do

3. THE SEA (Psalm 106:9; Isaiah 43:16; 51:10; and 63:13).

Do you feel you are drowning in despair? Don’t look at the “pounding waves.” Look to the Lord. Trust in Him. Believe in Him. He will not let you drown.

4. THE WILDERNESS (Deuteronomy 8:15, 16; Song of Songs Isaiah 35:6b; and 43:19).

Do you feel dry and thirsty? Do you feel as though you are wandering around and around in the
wilderness? Do not despair. God has promised to MAKE A WAY for you even in the wilderness. He will bring you forth from the wilderness triumphant! Believe His promises.

5. THE BIRTH OF A BABY (Psalm 22:9; 71:6; and Isaiah 46:3).

God also makes a way every time a little baby is born. It is a seemingly impossible situation for the baby's head to come through such a tiny opening. But God does it. He makes a way. It is God who brings the baby safely forth from the mother’s womb. Every birth is a mighty miracle. Put your trust in God, not man.

What a wonderful God we have. When we look to Him and trust Him, He ALWAYS MAKES A WAY!

Love and blessings blessings,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Please take a moment to look up the Scriptures. They are the most important part of this post to read and will bless and encourage your heart.

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EnslavedMentalityYet right now we are being enslaved. Is it because the Bible is no longer THE BOOK? The Bible tells us that we are to work six days and rest one day of each week. And yet people are now told they cannot work!

The Bible says that a man is worse than an infidel if he does not provide for his family but now men are told they must not provide for their families!

The Bible says that we must not forsake the ASSEMBLING OF OURSELVES TOGETHER, but churches are closed and not yet opened!

The Bible tells us to quarantine the infectious (such as lepers) but not healthy people!

Why are we obeying man rather than God? What has happened to the church? When will it rise up in the authority of God’s eternal Word?

Acts 5:29: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”

#obeygodratherthanman #obeygod #hebrews1025 #readgodsworddaily #readgodsworddailywithyourfamily #donotgiveupgodlyprinciples #donotgiveupyourfreedoms #horacegreely #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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AllDayLongAre you rejoicing? Biblically I should ask, how much are you rejoicing?

David confessed Psalm 89:16 says: “IN THY NAME shall they rejoice ALL THE DAY.”

“I beg your pardon,” I hear you saying! “You have no idea what I am putting up with here today. You’ve got no idea of the fiery trial I am enduring.”

Yes, I know. You can’t always rejoice in your circumstances. David went through myriads trying and difficult times, often nearly to the point of death. He faced war, treasury, and danger that we couldn’t even dream of facing. He couldn’t rejoice in His trials, but what did he do instead? He rejoiced in the name of the Lord.

Can I encourage you to lift up your eyes from your problems and trust in the name of the Lord? You can’t trust in man. You can’t trust in all that’s happening around you, especially at this confusing time. But you CAN trust and rejoice in the name of the Lord. Isn’t that wonderful?

How many times a day do you say, Praise the Lord?”

Proverbs 18:10 says: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”

Rejoice in the name of the Lord. Your circumstances may not change but your attitude will change when you trust in the mighty, miraculous, powerful, healing delivering name of the Lord. Instead of turmoil you’ll have peace. Instead of fear, you’ll have home. Instead of confusion, you’ll know the truth. And the atmosphere of your home will change.

Psalm 71:8 says: “Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honor ALL THE DAY.” Can you make this your prayer too?

Not sometimes. Not when everything is perfect. But ALL THE DAY, no matter what happens!

Be blessed.

Nancy Campbell

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SaveOrLoseI love the line from the delightful children’s book by George MacDonald, “At the Back of the North Wind.” He says, “For our Selves will always do pretty well if we don’t pay them too much attention.” What true words. It is the same principle Jesus gave us in Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”

When we focus on ourselves—our own problems, sicknesses, and how to make ourselves happy, we end up self-serving. This invariably pulls us down into the slough of self-pity and delusion. It is an eternal principle that when you forget about yourself and pour out your life for others you become fulfilled. You are happier, more relaxed, peaceful, hopeful, and content.

“But what about ME?” you cry. Of course, we need to care for ourselves—spiritually, mentally, and physically. That’s basic. But we don’t tune all our thinking on ourselves.

I’ll never forgot a moment in my life years ago. My children were all little and I had just come home from purchasing the groceries. As I walked over the threshold of my home, I felt the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking strongly to my heart, “Nancy, how can I reveal to you the needs of others if you are always thinking of yourself?” I have never forgotten those words. From that time, I learned to give much more room in my mind and heart for others.

Will we be forgotten when we pour out our lives for others? No, the opposite. God makes sure that our “self” as George MacDonald puts it, will be blessed and comforted. God pours into those who pour out to other.

Proverbs 11:24, 25 says: “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”

The Passion translation states: “Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor.”

2 Corinthians 9:6: “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”

Mothering is a liberating ministry into this eternal principle. Not on the odd occasion, but 24/7 we forget self as we pour out our hearts for our children—nurturing, teaching, training, caring, cooking, praying, sacrificing, and often agonizing over them.

Let’s embrace this eternal principle and we will live in the fullness of joy God intends for us.

J Jesus first
O Others second
Y Yourself last

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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LifeGivingFountWhat is pouring out of your mouth today, dear wife and mother? We build our marriages and homes with our words. It is one of our most powerful building tools. Many marriages fall apart for one reason—bitter, angry, and negative words.

Our words have power to build or destroy.

Wait a minute! We have the life of Jesus Christ dwelling within us to speak positive words into our marriages and into the lives of each one of our children. Life-giving words. Loving words. Healing words. Encouraging words. Sweet words. Affirming words. Uplifting words. Oh yes, these make our marriage great. These are the words build up our homes and families.

Proverbs 10:11 says: ‘The mouth of the righteous is a WELL OF LIFE.” Most other translations say: “The mouth of the righteous is a FOUNTAIN OF LIFE.” Life-giving water pouring out on your husband and children.

I love Proverbs 10:32 (TPT): “Words that bring delight POUR from the lips of the godly.”

What power you have as a mother to fill your home with life and vitality. Light and joy. Laughter and happiness. Love and goodness. All through the words that come out of your mouth.

Be a life-giving fountain today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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ProudMotherTrust you have enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day. Don’t forget, Mother, that you are indispensable to this nation. You have the power to determine the future of this nation as you nurture and train children who will be the next generation. #mother #motherhood #mothering #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #powerfulmothering #joyfulmothering #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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HowReceiveChildrenDid you know that we are to receive children the same way we receive Jesus?

Jesus said in Matthew 18:3-5: “Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.”

We read again in Luke 9:48 “Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me.”

The word “receive” is dechomai and means “to accept deliberately and readily, to welcome, to accept with open arms, minds, and hearts.”

What is our attitude to receive children? Do we try to stop having children? Do we push them away? Do we try to stop life coming to our womb? Often when someone finds out they are pregnant, they say, “Well, it was a mistake, but I guess we’ll somehow survive.”

Isn’t it sad that so many babies are called mistakes? God doesn’t make mistakes and God is the author of conception. He is the One who visits the womb to give conception. Even when a baby is conceived in adverse conditions, it does not mean that the life of that child will be ruined. God is able to take up every life He gifts.

I think of Jephthah who was ousted from his family. He grew up in his father’s household but as the sons got older, they threw out Jephthah because he was born of a harlot. however, when Israel needed a deliverer, who did they go to? They went to Jephthah who became their deliverer.

Therefore, how should we receive God’s children? Do we receive Jesus willingly into our lives? Then this is how we receive the children he wants to give us.

Eagerly! Deliberately! Enthusiastically.

“Yes, Lord, I am yielded and willing to receive the precious children You have planned for me to raise for you.” “Yes, Lord, I open my heart, my mind, and my arms to the children You want to give me.”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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RUInKingdomGod tells us many things about His kingdom in His Word. One of the characteristics of God’s kingdom is that it embraces children. If we don’t like to be around children, we may have to question whether we really are in the kingdom.

We read in Mark 10:13, 14: “And they brought young children to him (Jesus), that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was MUCH DISPLEASED and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Read also Matthew 19:13-15 and Luke 18:15-17.

The disciples were following Jesus, but they didn’t yet understand their Master. They thought that children would be a nuisance to His ministry. They would get in the way. Spoil the anointing.

But when Jesus saw what they were doing, He was “much displeased.” The word in the Greek is “aganakteo” and means to grieve, to be greatly afflicted, to be moved with indignation.” He didn’t gloss over it. He got really upset. In fact, He was indignant! How dare they shoo the children away. How dare they stop the children coming. This was opposite to the heart of Jesus. Immediately he gathered the children to Him for babies and children are at the very heart of His kingdom.

Let’s get the message straight. When we embrace children to our wombs, our hearts, our homes, and our families we are in the very heart of God’s kingdom.

As you nurture, teach, and train your children each day, you are in the very center of the kingdom of God. You don’t need to go to some faraway mission field. You serve in God’s kingdom in your kitchen with your children all around you.

Enjoy your children today,

Love from Nancy Campbell

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WhatCanWeDoThe fabric of our society is disappearing. The foundations of our nation are nearly destroyed. What should we do?

David cried out this prayer in Psalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” What do you think we should do?

I believe we must build the foundations again. We’ve got to get back to God’s Word and His truth. Stand our ground on God’s Word and the Constitution.

Why are the foundations crumbling? Because people are deceived. For years they have been told lies and now people believe them to be truths. What did Adolph Hitler say? “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” People who listen to the fake news are constantly brainwashed with blatant lies.

There is only one deterrent to deception and that is the Word of God. When we are filled with God’s Word, not only in our heads, but deep in our spirits, we have a cautioning within us. When we hear deception, alarms and bells go off inside of us. Therefore, to build the foundations again, we must get back to God’s Word—personally, as families, and as a nation!

It’s not enough to be church-goers and hear God’s Word once a week. We must be daily intakers of God’s truth. We must daily gather our children together and read God’s Word to them. We must get it into their hearts and their mouths (Isaiah 59:21).

I love what Horace Greely said: “It is impossible to enslave, mentally or socially, a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” I say Amen to this.

When we give away the Bible for our own humanistic understandings, when listen to deception instead of truth, we lose our freedoms. We are facing this right now. How have millions of people, including God’s people, willingly given up their freedoms without even a murmur? It’s hard to believe.

Jeffrey Tucker, Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research asks one of many questions when he writes about the H3N2 pandemic of 1968 which was handled so differently to COVID-19 today: “Did our excessive adoration of predictive modelling get out of control to the point that we let a physicist with ridiculous models frighten the world’s governments into violating the human rights of billions of people?”

How is that as hospitals are emptying and doctors are only working half days or less and the reality of the true numbers of deaths from this virus are being made known that many governors are putting more restrictions on their people? Ridiculous and unnecessary restrictions.

And it seems they love to get masks on their people. Why? Even when WHO and CDC don’t recommend masks and it is known that wearing a mask gives increased risk of respiratory illnesses and viral infections. Masks become a hotbed for microbes to thrive. But of course they are a great picture of silencing the people! Covering up their freedom of speech! Dumbing them down!

Forgive me. I must get off my little soapbox there and back to the real issue—and that is building the foundations again. We’ve got to take it seriously dear mothers. As we raise the next generation, we have the power to raise them in the truth or to be vulnerable to deceptions and fraud which ultimately come from the enemy, the devil. He is the great deceiver. And he does it subtly. Little by little.

Oh let’s raise young men and women who are strong in the truth and who have such a strong foundation in their lives that they will not be shaken, they will not be moved!

It comes back to us mothers, the teachers of our children. Back to the family home. This is where we rebuild the nation.

Mothers, we wield a mighty power. Don’t throw away your God-given anointing to influence the nation. Embrace it with a passion as you raise and prepare mighty warriors for God who will lead the nation back to God’s ways.

Yours for truth,

Nancy Campbell

Interesting article about the 1968 PANDEMIC:

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10WaysToLoveEach one is a challenge and takes discipline. Which one is your greatest challenge? #challengingmotherhood #joyfulmotherhood #happymotherhood #delightfulmotherhood #powerfulmotherhood #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #motherhood #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #repost #aboverubies

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TearingI saw them tearing a building down,
A team of men in my hometown,
With a heave and a ho and yes, yes, yell!
They swung a beam and a sidewall fell.

And I said to the foreman, “Are these men skilled
Like the ones you’d use if you had to build?”
And he laughed and said, “Oh no, indeed,
The most common laborer is all I need,
For I can destroy in a day or two
What it takes a builder ten years to do.”

So I thought to myself as I went my way,
Which one of these roles am I willing to play?
Am I one who is tearing down,
As I carelessly make my way around?
Or am I one who builds with care
To make the world better because I was there?
~ Author Unknown.

Dear mother, I believe these words apply also apply to us as we build our homes and families. Proverbs 14:1 says: “Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands.”

One of the names God gives to us as mothers is “builder.” Because He names us builders, He wants us to be professional builders. A common laborer can tear down a house, but it takes a professional to build a good home.

Let’s be those who build into our marriages and families each day.

Don’t let a day go by without building a little more into your marriage. Think of something lovely and kind to say to your husband today and each new day. Your greatest building weapons are the words that come out of your mouth.

Seek to do something each day to make your family life stronger. Remember, you are building into your children’s lives until the day you present your children “in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming” (1 Thessalonians 2:19).

Have a beautiful day with your family,

Nancy Campbell

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MountZionWe have been talking about trust the last few days. The Hebrew word for trust also includes the meaning of hope. It is not a constant anxiety but a confident expectation!

Read what God says will happen to you when you put your trust in the Lord. Read them now but when you get time, you’ll want to look up these Scriptures in your Bible and read them over—and share them with your children.

You will not be afraid (Psalm 56:3, 4, 11; 91:2-10; 112:7, 8; and Isaiah 12:2).
You will not be ashamed (Psalm 25:2, 20; 31:1; and 71:1).
You will not be condemned (Psalm 34:22).
You will not be disgraced (Psalm 22:5).
You will not be shaken (Psalm 21:7 and 125:1
You will be blessed (Psalm 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; 84:12; and Jeremiah 17:7).
Your will be a fruitful tree even in drought (Jeremiah 17:8).
You will be happy (Proverbs 16:20).
You will rejoice and shout for joy (Psalm 5:11; 28:7; and 33:21).
You will be safe and secure (Proverbs 29:25).
God will know you and care for you (Nahum 1:7).
God will act on your behalf (Psalm 37:5).
God will be your buckler (Psalm 18:30).
God will cover (protect and shelter) you (Psalm 5:11 and 91:2, 4).
God will deliver you (Psalm 21:4, 5; 37:39, 40; 91:2, 3; and Jeremiah 39:17, 18).
God will help you (1 Chronicles 5:20; Psalm 28:7; 37:39, 40; and 115:9-11).
God will preserve you (Psalm 16:1).
God will save you from those who rise up against you (Psalm 17:7 and 86:2).
God will be your shield (Psalm 18:30; 115:9-11; Proverbs 30:5).
God will store up His goodness for you (Psalm 31:19).

Don’t these Scriptures cause you to say, “Thank you, Lord”?

Remember, trusting in the Lord is the opposite to fear. Please don’t succumb to all the fears the media are putting upon you. They are lies from the enemy. Did you know that Satan’s greatest weapon is fear? It immobilizes you. Paralyzes you. Traps you in its snare. Instead of living in triumph and victory, you live in despair.

Proverbs 29:25: “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.”

Cast out fear and start confessing out loud and day by day your trust in God.

Wouldn’t you rather trust God than anyone or anything else?

Be blessed today.

Nancy Campbell

P.S. And if you are brave enough, you can look up the Scriptures of what God says when we trust in man rather than in Him: Psalm 78:17-22; Isaiah 30:1-3, 5, 7; 31:1, 3; and Jeremiah 17:5, 6.

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TrustChallenged2Two more examples from the Bible today.


Jehoshaphat was one of the good kings of Judah. 2 Chronicles 17:3 says that “the LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David.”

But at one stage, a great army came against him—the Moabites and the Ammonites, “a great multitude,” far bigger than his army. Jehoshaphat feared but he did the right thing. Immediately he turned his eyes toward the Lord and “set himself to seek the LORD.” He proclaimed a fast and gathered everyone to come together to seek the Lord—not just the men, but their wives, their children, and their little ones! As they all sought the Lord, God showed them what to do.

You’ll remember the story in 2 Chronicles chapter 20. He appointed singers to go before the army singing and praising the Lord. The moment they began to sing and praise the Lord caused their enemies to begin fighting among themselves and destroy one another. When they arrived on the scene, behold, there were all dead bodies!


You know the amazing story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who, although Jews, were officials in Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold to which he commanded everyone to bow down, and if not, they would be thrown into the fiery furnace.

These three young men served the living God and would not bow down. When the king gave them a second chance they said: “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. BUT IF NOT, be it known unto thee, O king, that WE WILL NOT SERVE THY GODS, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Daniel 3:16, 17).

BUT IF NOT! They trusted God no matter what the outcome, even if He would not deliver them! They trusted God even more than their deliverance! May God help us to trust Him the same way as these young men.

We know the amazing story of how king Nebuchadnezzar commanded the furnace to be heated seven times hotter and they were thrown in. But God delivered them miraculously and even the Son of God came and walked with them in the fire.

Nebuchadnezzar later confessed: “Blessed by the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants THAT TRUSTED IN HIM” (Daniel 3:28).

God is able to deliver us in any circumstance, but even if He doesn’t, will we continue to trust Him?

David, the great warrior, who fought armies and battles far bigger than his army, confessed: “But I TRUSTED in thee, O LORD: I said, THOU ART MY GOD” (Psalm 31;14). He confessed his trust in God.

Confessing your trust in God strengthens your trust. Confessing out loud the promises of God also strengthens your trust.

You may be doubting. You may be thinking negatively. Don’t speak it out. Only speak out the promises. Only speak out your trust in God..

Psalm 78:19-22 (NET): “They willfully challenged God by asking for food to satisfy their appetite. They insulted God saying, ‘Is God really able to give us food in the wilderness? Yes, he struck a rock and water flowed out, streams gush forth. But can he also give us food? Will he provide meat for his people?’ When the LORD heard this, he was furious. A fire broke out against Jacob, and his anger flared up against Israel, because they did not have faith in God, and DID NOT TRUST HIS ABILITY TO DELIVER THEM.”

May we learn to trust Him more and more each day.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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TimeWakeUpDid you watch the video below by the two doctors? If not, you missed out as it is now taken down. Dear ladies, we are losing our freedoms by the minute. We must wake up. This video was not a hype or a conspiracy. It was factual, up-to-date data by two doctors who have been testing big communities in California. It was quite mainstream. They believe in testing (whereas I don’t think it is necessary). They believe in vaccines (whereas I don’t—well, especially the one they are preparing for this current virus). But their video was taken down with a message from YouTube that it violates their guidelines. It was only the factual numbers of their testing but the powers that be didn’t like it because it exposes the lies of the media.

Dear ladies, we no longer live in “the land of the free.” There is no longer free speech. As people are waking up to the truth of what is happening and are beginning to expose the truth, the videos are being taken down.

“those behind the scenes” want to deceive us with their lies. It is now common knowledge with the current numbers and testing that there have been no more deaths with this particular corona virus than with the seasonal flu. In fact, the number of deaths for the virus are less than they were for the flu in the past two years.

They want you to believe this virus is deadly whereas most people who have tested positive hardly know they are sick. Those who have died are mostly those who have had one, two, or sometimes three existing conditions. Doctors are being commanded to list COVID-19 as the cause of death even if they patient died from something else.

Dear ladies, this whole scenario is not so much about a virus but the controlling of our lives. They have successfully shut down the world through fear! And they did it without hardly a murmur from anyone. Even God’s people! Even stopped them gathering together for church.

Government, governors of states, mayors, and police are violating the Frist Amendment. Let’s read it again:

“The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution PREVENTS (my capitals) the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.”

In some states people are being arrested for walking outside their home or in a park. They are not allowed to work. The world has believed their lies and submitted. What has happened to America, the land of the free? The land of strong men and women who stand up for what is right and their freedoms? Who do not cave into deception and lies?

It reveals the power of fear. Fear is not a reality. It is what we think might happen because of the noise of fear.

Did you know that fear has sound waves? Job 15:21 says: “The sound of fear is in his ears.” It’s not a reality but the sound is in his ears. We have been hearing the “sound of fears” from the media and governments. Satan knows that fear is his greatest weapon.

Isaiah 24:18: (HCSB): “Whoever flees at the sound of panic will fall into a pit.” We must not listen to the deceptive lies of fear. We must not panic. And we must not flee. We do not have to hide in our houses and do all the other crazy things that they are wanting to make the “new norm” of our society! We are a free people

Did you know that unless you are a dentist, or a doctor or nurse caring for sick and infectious patients, wearing a mask will not do much for you. You are only breathing in your own carbon dioxide and it’s not truly effective. I’d rather breathe in the beautiful fresh air and also maybe pick up some immunity to the virus. By doing this I will have a stronger immune system. Hiding away weakens your immune system.

Psalm 53:5: “There they were in great fear, where no fear was.” This is the picture of the world right now. "There they are in GREAT FEAR, where there is no fear!” Except what we are brainwashed to think. The margin of my Bible says: “They feared a fear.” Why do we fear a fear? Why do we fear lies and deceptions? Why do we give up our freedoms and succumb to those who want to rule our lives?

Shouldn’t we fear God rather than man?

And did you know that the hospitals are half empty? Doctors are only working half days. Many doctors are laid off or working only part time as there are so few patients. Everything is the opposite of what you are told.

I will post some more videos which I believe everyone should see. They are certainly not so mainstream as the one taken down, but the facts can all be confirmed. Watch them before they are taken down. Watch them for the sake of your future and the future of your children.

Dear mothers, I write this to you because we have a great responsibility. We are not only mothering for today but for the coming generations—for our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and posterity to come. Do you care about them? Do you care about the world they will live in. I shudder to think of what they will face unless we stand up now and take back our freedoms. I don’t want them to live in fear and servitude. I want them to LIVE.

We must understand that the whole purpose of this “panic” is to rule over us and take our freedoms.

My prayer is that we will be like the children of Issachar who “had understanding of the times, to KNOW what Israel ought to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). May we understand what is really going on and know what we should do.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

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WhatInTheWorldGoingOnThis video is a “must see.” After you see the pictures of what is going on throughout the world, you will hear about a document which was written in 2010 which reveals exactly what is happening NOW! It hasn’t suddenly happened. They have been planning for years. Watch before it is taken down.

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TrustChallengedWe are encouraging each other to trust the Lord. It’s sure easy to trust the Lord when everything is going fine, isn’t it? But what about when our world is turned upside down? When we face challenges that we have no way of fixing ourselves? When there is no light at the end of the tunnel? When we face a world lockdown which is being used to control people’s lives?

Let’s look at four examples in God’s Word. There are loads more— could share incidences from nearly every Bible character. I’ll share two today and two tomorrow.


Job was a very blessed man with 10 children and lived a blessed life (Proverbs 29). He also owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 oxen, and 500 asses and in one day he lost the lot! Yes, every one of his precious children. How would we survive such heartache? But what was his confession?

Job 13:15: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”

We reveal how much we trust God we wonder how we can trust Him. It reminds me of the lines . . .

Trust Him when dark days assail thee,
Trust Him when thy faith is small,
Trust Him when to simply trust Him
Is the hardest thing of all.


Read this story about Hezekiah in 2 Kings, chapters 18 and 19. 2 Kings 18:5, 6 says that Hezekiah “TRUSTED in the LORD God of Israel . . . he cleaved to the LORD, and departed not from following him, but kept his commandments.”

However, although Hezekiah was faithful to God and trusted Him, he faced a big challenge. Sennacherib, King of Assyria planned to take Jerusalem. Firslty, he sent his Chief of Staff to taunt the people and to put doubt and fear in them about trusting in their God. Then he sent a personal message to Hezekiah: “Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall not be delivered in the hand of the king of Assyria . . . ” (2 Kings 19:10-19).

What did Hezekiah do? He spread the letter before the Lord and prayed earnestly. When the king of Assyria came to conquer Jerusalem, the night before the angel of the Lord smote 185,000 of the enemy soldiers in the camp. In the morning, they were all dead corpses (2 Kings 19:35). God delivered Hezekiah because he trusted in Him.

We all trust in something. The question is: who do we trust? Do we trust God, no matter what? Or would we rather trust in man’s solutions. Man-made predictions. Media-hype fear mongering. I am amazed how many people would rather trust a corrupt government than God, the mighty Creator of the universe, the God of signs and wonders and miracles, the God who is our Savior and Deliverer!

Psalm 18:31: “For who is God save the LORD? Or who is a rock save our God? Is there anyone or anything that is more worthy to be trusted than God?

Let’s be the people of God who truly trust Him.

Nancy Campbell

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WithoutWaiveringYesterday we talked about trusting in God rather than man-made vaccines. I think we should talk more about trust today. We glibly say to one another, “Trust in the Lord.” But it takes faith to trust God, doesn’t it? Oh, how He loves us to trust Him. It delights His heart, but He is grieved when we don’t trust Him.

Psalm 78 (read the whole psalm) talks about how God’s people would not trust Him even after all the miracles He did for them. They didn’t believe God could provide food for them in the wilderness. Verse 19 says: “Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”

God was furious with them “because they believed not in God, and TRUSTED NOT in his salvation.” (v. 22).

I think it is good to get into the habit of trusting God in the little things we face each day. Then we find it easier to trust Him in the big things. We can trust Him for what is happening in the nation right now, although I believe the fear that has entered so many people, and sad to say, even Christians, is worse than the virus itself.


How do we trust God? David cried to the Lord in Psalm 141:8: “MINE EYES ARE UNTO THEE, O God the Lord: IN THEE IS MY TRUST; leave not my soul destitute.” When we trust God, we have our eyes upon Him—not the difficulties, not the trauma, not the challenges. We get into the habit of our lifting our eyes to God and confessing, “I trust You, God. You are bigger than this challenge I face. I thank you that I can put all my weight upon you.”

Dear ladies this is the most wonderful thing. When we put our weight upon God, He does not cave. He will never fail us. He is our Rock and our Fortress. When we put our weight and our trust in man, man will usually fail us.

Isaiah 26:3 has always been God’s challenge to me every day as I raised my children and as I face daily life: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose MIND IS STAYED ON THEE: because he trusteth in thee.”

If our minds constantly regurgitate on our problems, we are not trusting God. We’re trusting in ourselves. When we lift our eyes to the Lord and confess our reliance and trust in Him, perfect peace fills our hearts.

Constantly keep your eyes in the right place!

To trust God is so much BETTER than to trust man. Psalm 118:6-9 says: “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? . . . It is BETTER to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is BETTER to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.”

When we trust in the Lord, we don’t have to hide. We don’t have to flee. David confesses in Psalm 11:1 (NLT): “I TRUST IN THE LORD FOR PROTECTION. So why do you say to me, ‘Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety!”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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TrustInLordOnlyI am wondering why so many people who call themselves Christians are putting their trust in wanting a vaccine for this current virus. Shouldn’t we be putting our trust in the Lord? Shouldn’t we trust Him in everything? And at all times (Psalm 62:8).

I am sure you believe that God is bigger than this virus (I don’t even want to use the name because I am so tired of hearing it). I am sure that you believe in prayer and that God is able to bring it to an end, which I believe He is as God’s people are crying out to Him.

Psalm 9:10 says: “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee, for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Read also Psalm 20:7; 33;21; 124:8; Isaiah 50:10; and Zephaniah 3:12. We know that the name of the Lord is powerful. His Name is Savior, Defender, Deliverer, and Healer among so many other names.

If He is our Healer, why don’t we look to Him for healing? If He is our Deliverer, why don’t we look to Him for deliverance rather than to a vaccine which cannot be trusted, which cannot be full-proof, which needs sufficient time for testing—and by the time it is fully tested there will be a different strain of flu!), and which will only imbed foreign materials into our bodies which we don’t need!

Remember when the swine flue outbreak came in 1976? They rushed to a vaccination program and incumbent president, Gerald Ford, urged every American to get vaccinated. In fear, thousands of Americans rushed to get their vaccination. Unfortunately, the vaccine triggered a disease which caused weakness in the limbs and even killed 33 people.

I’d rather trust God any day than trust man, wouldn’t you? We must ask ourselves the question: “For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God?” (Psalm 18:31). Why would we trust in man when we can trust in God? It seems such a ridiculous question, doesn’t it?

I’ve always been challenged by Isaiah 2:22: 21: “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of?”

In 2 Kings 18:21 (NLT) Sennacherib, king of Assyria taunts King Hezekiah for relying on the support of Egypt (which in the Bible always speaks of the flesh and relying upon man): “On Egypt? If you lean on Egypt, it will be like a reed that splinters beneath your weight and pierces your hand.”

“In God we trust.” Do we truly trust Him?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Read these powerful Scriptures about trusting in man: Proverbs 3:5, 6; Isaiah 30:1-3; 31:1-3; Jeremiah 13:25; and 17:5-10.
Scriptures about rusting in the shelter of His wings: Ruth 2:12; Psalm 36:7; 57:1; 61:4; and 91:4.

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OutOfStepThe disciples of Jesus came to Him and asked him why he spoke in parables. Jesus answered: “Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given” (Matthew 13:11). The wonderful news of God’s great salvation is called “the mystery of the gospel.”

The truths of God’s kingdom are called “the mysteries of the kingdom.” They are opposite to the natural man. They don’t even make sense to the carnal man! Therefore, if you are born again and have entered the kingdom of God, you may as well get used to the fact that God’s eternal truths are at loggerheads with human wisdom.

Don’t be concerned that you think differently to our culture? You’re not meant to think like our humanistic culture today. Your thinking should be transformed! We are meant to think like God thinks, not like the world thinks (Isaiah 55:8, 9).

Jesus went on to explain to His disciples the meaning of the parable of the sower where people hear “the word of the kingdom.” Verses 20, 21 say: “But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has not root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises BECAUSE OF THE WORD (the truths of the kingdom of God which are opposite to the thinking of the natural man), immediately he stumbles.”

If we believe and receive God’s Word from beginning to end. If we obey the words of His kingdom, we will receive reaction from family and people around us. We may face ridicule. Be scoffed at. We may even face persecution.

The question is: will we be offended? Will we turn away because kingdom truths are opposite to man’s ideas? Or will we stick fast?

We belong to a kingdom that is not of this world. It is an everlasting kingdom. A kingdom that will never be shaken. A kingdom that will one day rule every other kingdom. Because our kingdom is not of this world, the natural man cannot understand it.

In a society where marriages are breaking up, build and strengthen your marriage. You are sticking to your sacred vows.

In a culture where people do not understand the value of children, joyfully embrace the children God gives you.

When you receive pressure to leave your children and get out of the home, stand your ground. You will not give the children God has given you to someone else to raise. You know who God created you to be. You embrace motherhood, home, and family. You are out of step with culture, but you are in step with God.

People can’t understand you, but you are coming to understand the “mysteries of the kingdom.” You know they are God’s eternal truths. They are God’s blueprint. They bring peace, joy, and rest.

“Blessed are your eyes, for they SEE: and your ears, for they HEAR” (Matthew 13:16).

Be blessed today.

Nancy Campbell

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WhoOwnBodyWe may not like to acknowledge the truth that our body does not belong to us. We are not free to do what we like. Well, we can if we want, but only to our detriment. God is the Creator of our body. He created it perfectly. Gloriously. Wondrously, Amazingly. Honorably. Powerfully. And He wants us to use our bodies the way He created them to function.

Sadly, we live in a distorted society where women are educated beyond their intelligence. They don’t seem to understand they are female. They reject their womb and female functions as if they were something foreign. To be done away with. To be rejected and scorned. They want to live life without their femaleness.

How ridiculous to try and be someone you are not! To miss out on your purpose for life!

There were women who rejected their femaleness back in Roman times too. Romans 1:26 tells us that “God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women (a word which means a suckling mother) did change the natural function into that which is against nature.”

But we need to get back to the Scriptures and see what God says. He says it more powerfully than I can say.

1 Corinthians 6:19: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN? For ye are brought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Isaiah 29:16 (ESV): “YOU TURN THINGS UPSIDE DOWN! Shall the potter be regarded as the clay, that the thing made should say of its maker, ‘He did not make me’: or the thing formed say of him who formed it, ‘He has no understanding’?”

Isaiah 45:9 (ESV): “Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’? Woe to him who says to a father, ‘What are you begetting?’ or to a woman, ‘With what are you in labor?’”

Isaiah 64:8: “But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”

Jeremiah 18:6: “O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? Saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.”

Romans 9:20 (CJB): “Who are you, a mere human being, to talk back to God? Will what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me this way?’”

Romans 12:1: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Romans 14:7: “For none of us liveth to himself.”

Our Creator knows what He is doing.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Check out these Scriptures of our God marvelously creating us: Genesis 1:26, 27, 31; Deuteronomy 32:4; 2 Samuel 22;31; Psalm 11:1-6; 18:30; 139:14; and Revelation 15:3.

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