Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


SitDownMeal(A Testimony from an older grandmother).
Thank you for the beautiful article, “Your Table is an Altar.” It is so amazing what a family "sit down" meal does. I am 88 years old. My husband of 63 years is in heaven with Jesus (for six years) but I am blessed to have one of our sons and a grandson here for "dinner" everyday (except Sunday).
I still SET the table with glass dishes, silverware in place, with a napkin etc., and we sit down together, join hands, pray, and eat and talk. It is such a wonderful blessing to me, and I believe for them also. I am not a "grab a paper plate with some food from the pan on the stove" meal).
I am blessed to be a "farm woman,” mother of four, grandma of 22, and "great" of 25 so far with MANY more to come.
I look forward to my Above Rubies magazine and read it from cover to cover the same day and pass along to others the "extras" that I receive. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
Ariel Ewing * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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In the city or in the country? I know there are many who would love to get out of the city, get some land, and have more opportunity for their children to do things, especially sons. And yet you are stuck in the city because this is where your husband needs to be for his career.
Dear ladies, can I tell you a little secret? If we are walking in the ways of the Lord, He has promised to bless you in either place. Deuteronomy 28:3 says: “You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.”
Therefore, if you think you are “stuck” in the city, you can stop complaining! If God has your husband in the city, this is where He will bless you. Start thanking Him for His blessings upon you in the city.
I have some dear friends who live in the city of Seattle. They have many sons and wondered how they could find opportunity for them in the city. But God opened up doors for them. As they were growing up and homeschooling the boys found work with all their rich neighbors around about, doing their lawns and yards and many projects that these people didn’t have time to do or didn’t even know how to do! Their daughter was even able to earn money cooking for some of these families!
Currently we live in the country (on our famous Hilltop), and this is where many of our over 50 grandchildren have grown up. It has certainly been the most wonderful experience for us all and a great blessing for the children.
However, we didn’t have the privilege of raising our children in the country. We raised them in the city. Not just in the city but right under the eye of the casino on the Gold Coast of Australia. Their bedrooms looked out on the huge Jupiter’s Casino. And there were nightclubs all around. Hands up those who would love to raise their teens in this environment.
I walked the beach every morning crying out to God for His keeping power and God was faithful and kept our teens even in this place. Instead of being on the defensive, they became on the offensive. Every week they all preached in the open-air Cavil Mall. This picture is of our son, Rocklyn, preaching at only 13 years as powerfully as Billy Graham! He’s 56 years old now! Also, a picture of the casino—our house was on the right of the casino. The church we pioneered on the Gold Coast was also opposite the casino! God blessed our lives even in the midst of worldliness and evil all around.
It was from here the Newsboys got started and our oldest son, Wes, brought them to America.
Wherever God has placed you, in the city or the country, begin praising and thanking God for His blessings to you. Look for the blessings He will give you because He has promised. And, BE CONTENT!
Many blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL
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PrayerDoesThis post reminds of the quote: “worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.”

Repost from Rosa.

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CookingSacredDon't despise preparing meals for your family. Wonderful things can happen at your meal table as you come with joy and expectancy!

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Our God is a convent-keeper and He wants us to be too.

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GlorifyGodBodyThe other Sunday morning we were singing the worship song, “Glorify thy name in all the earth.”
How do we glorify the name of the Lord? Of course, we magnify and glorify Him when we worship Him. The more we gather with the saints to glorify His name the better.
But God’s Word also tells us to glorify Him in our bodies and our spirits (1 Corinthians 6:20). How can we do this? I believe the greatest way we can do this is to embrace who God made us to be. God created male and female. Because we as women are created female, we should embrace our femaleness with all our being. Because we are female, it is through our femaleness that God will fulfil the destiny He has for our lives.
It is so sad that so many young girls, and even older women, do not understand this truth. They are brainwashed by our deceptive society. Instead of embracing their femaleness, they resist it. They resist being feminine. They refuse to dress femininely. They act and sit like men. They want careers like men.
They are blinded to the obvious fact that as females God has given us a womb and breasts for a specific function. This is the distinctive way He created females. We were created for childbearing. We were created to be nurturing beings. And yet so many married women today deny their womb. They stop the function of their womb so it cannot bring forth life. And yet they were created for this very purpose.
How sad to go through life and not fulfil the very purpose for which we were born. To deny our femaleness is therefore to deny our destiny! Instead, we glorify God when we embrace with joy the way He created our bodies.
Dear mother, you can glorify God every day and every moment in your home as you receive with joy your divine calling of motherhood, homemaking, and raising godly children for His glory.
What a blessed privilege.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
We glorify God when we praise Him: Psalm 22:23; 86:9, 12; Romans 15:6, 9, Revelation 15:4.
We glorify God when we call upon His name: Psalm 50:15.
We glorify God when embrace the way He created our bodies: 1 Corinthians 6:20.
We glorify God when we shine our light before others, and they see our good works: Matthew 5:16 and 1 Peter 2:12.
We glorify God by rejoicing in persecution: 1 Peter 4:12-16.
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ThroughWorldDear mothers, we must be truth seeking mothers. We must know the truth and impart the truth of God’s Word to our children. They must be children who know the truth in the midst of this deceived society. It is the truth that sets us free. It is only the truth that exposes deception. The truth will always win out. Don’t give up. Keep holding on to truth. Be a truth seeking, truth loving, truth keeping, truth upholding family.

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SerenePowMessageSerene Allison gave a powerful message to the ladies at the retreat on Passionate Marriage.
Here’s a question from her?
“Are you your husband’s bride or his boss?”
“A bride identity draws a bridegroom identity.”
“A bossy maid creates a distant husband!”
Which one are you?
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DLMoodyThe great evangelist, D. L. Moody and his wife, Emma, also enjoyed a beautiful marriage together. A niece wrote: “Aunt Emma and Uncle Dwight were so perfectly one that nobody could possibly me tell which was the one.”

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SPURGEONMARRIAGECharles Haden Spurgeon, known as “the prince of preachers” and his wife Susannah enjoyed a beautiful marriage together.
Spurgeon says of Marriage: “Matrimony came from paradise and leads to it. I never was half so happy before I was a married man as I am now. When you are married your bliss begins.”
Susannah explained marriage as “two pilgrims treading this highway of life together. Hand in hand, heart linked to heart.”
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LastToEndDo you want your marriage to last to the end? Start building into it now.
Are you speaking kind and lovely words to your husband each day?
Do you think of new ways to strengthen and make your marriage more wonderful each new day?
Do you delight to serve him?
What you sow you will reap. What you put into your marriage will boomerang back to you.
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NoHoodIt’s the best. Not the easiest but the BEST! And you are in the perfect will of God.

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AsForMeThat means we will not be intimidated by the subtle deceptions of this age. Instead, we will seek God’s ways, we will seek to know His truth, and walk in it. We will be a God-fearing, God-loving, God honoring, devil defeating household of God.

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HowschoolAt least this child knows right from wrong. But why would godly parents want to send their children to a school where they are going to be brainwashed with transgender ideology which is totally against the way God created us? Surely Christian parents would want their children to be daily affirmed in God's truth instead of sending them off to sit in the "counsel of the ungodly" (Psalm 1:1).

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WhatHappens1. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she leaves the sphere God intends for her. God gave us His plan at the very beginning in Genesis and it hasn’t changed. When Eve woke up to life, she woke up in her home, the place where God wanted her to be. God created Adam before the home but didn’t create Eve until He had the home ready for the woman.
2. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she leaves her babies and little children whom God has given to her as His love gift. When God gives a baby to a mother, He doesn’t give it to her to give to someone else to care for. He gives this precious child to her. Mothers and babies are not meant to be separated. They should be inseparable.
3. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she goes out to make another man wealthy. She serves him rather than her own husband. She will spend much finance on cars, gas, clothes, daycare, fast food etc. She would bless her husband more by being at home with the children and learning to make things from scratch at home. As my husband says: “A husband cannot afford for his wife to go to work outside the home. Too much is at stake.”
4. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she is no longer fulfilling the biblical pattern God has given in His Word. I know this is not easy for those whose husbands have left them without provision and they must do something to feed their families, but I am speaking generally.
5. When a mother leaves her home for another career her children are deprived. No other woman, no matter how caring and efficient, can take the place of a mother. No one but the mother truly senses the needs of her child. Now stats are showing that in some daycares children are being abused mentally and psychologically.
6. When a mother leaves her home for another career there is no one at home guarding and guiding the home. We as mothers are watchdogs of our homes. We are the guarders and protectors of our children—body, soul, and spirit. Satan has the opportunity to make inroads into the hearts and minds of our children when they are left unattended. What happens to children who come home from school and their mother is still at work? This is Satan’s plan, to get mothers out of the home, so he can influence the children!
Can I leave you with this Scripture from Micah 2:9: “The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant chouses from their children have ye taken away my glory forever.” God sees the home as the children’s glory. It is their inheritance. He intends for them to be raised in the home. Here are some other translations:
Knox: “And you would dispossess its women of the homes they loved, take away from its children my glory for ever.”
NET: “You defraud their children of their prized inheritance.”
Be encouraged in God’s ways today, Nancy Campbell
Painting by Renee Graef.
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MoreThanYour worth is in who God created you to be. You are a woman, a female, by God’s sovereign plan and design. It is as a female you will fulfill the destiny God has for you in this life. Embrace your womanhood and femininity with all your heart.

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NeverBendingWe as mothers must be truth seekers and truth speakers to our children. Our children are growing up in a world of deception. The only way our children will stand strong against the deception is if they are saturated in the truth is God’s word! I trust your children are not sitting in public school being bombarded with humanistic and liberal philosophies day by day. I hope you are educating them at home and they are becoming Word-saturated children and young people.
“I have written unto you, young men, because you are STRONG, and the word of God abideth in you, and you have OVERCOME the wicked one” ( John 2:14).
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TableTalkMake your family meal table a place of happening. It’s not only a place to fill hungry tummies but to feed your children, body, soul, and spirit. Make your family table an exciting place of interaction and fellowship.

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MundaneTaskIt’s not your circumstances but your attitude to every little thing that determines the atmosphere of your home. What kind of atmosphere are you creating?

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SeekGodsWayThat’s why we must know what God’s Word says rather than what society says. We must seek God’s ways for us as women and mothers. Our current world system doesn’t always line up with the Scriptures but who are you prepared to believe?

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Phone : 931-729-9861
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