WhereFindStrengthVicki Goldby, an Above Rubies mother in England posted this in response to my post below, WHAT’S THE PREDOMINANT THEME IN YOUR HOME? I have met Vicki and her lovely family on many occasions when ministering in England. I can’t count how many Above Rubies retreats she has attended. I loved what she wrote and want to share it with you here:

“It’s at the cross that we find the strength for each new day. As we mother our children we struggle because of our sinful nature and that of our children. But the cross changes everything. It impacts every aspect of our lives and eternity.

It’s not us that finds the patience to endlessly cook, clean, and care, but Christ in us. It’s not us that finds the strength to get up after another broken night, but Christ in us. It is not us that finds the joy in every moment, but Christ in us.

When I struggle, when I fail, I look to the cross and know that I am not alone. My burdens are carried in the body of Christ and, because of His death and resurrection, He has given us His Holy Spirit to enable us to do all that He has called us to. Whatever place we are in on our mothering journey we can call on the One who saves and He will be faithful to show us the way.

When we model this for our children and they see Christ in us, they will be more likely to desire Him. When they see us broken, but seeking Christ, this will be their “go to” response in adult life. The message of the cross is lived out in the daily lives of Christians, who despite the difficulties of their circumstances, desire Christ beyond everything, and here we find our strength.”

Thanks, Vicki. Did you get her underlying message? THE CROSS CHANGES EVERYTHING!

~ Nancy


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