UnpopularWordsThere’s a story in the Bible that uses over and over again the words . . . baby, birth, with child, bring forth, conceive, and womb. These are not popular words amongst many women today, and yet they tell the greatest story in the history of the world when Jesus Christ, who was God, came to this earth.

The king of kings and Lord of lords could have sent His royal and beloved Son to the world on a chariot of fire! He could have sent a legion of angels to escort Him from the glories of heaven. But no! He planned for His Son to be conceived and nurtured in a womb, to be born of a woman, and to be suckled and nourished by a mother.

How can we ever comprehend such a plan? God’s ways are certainly far above our ways. And yet it also reveals how God thinks about the womb and birth. Do we see them the way God does?

Imagine if Mary was not willing to embrace Jesus in her womb? She knew she would face persecution and ridicule. She could not even image what lay ahead for her. And yet she responded with total submission: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

As we think about the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus, let’s ask God to give us soft and tender hearts like Mary. Let’s be willing to say, no matter what the cost: “Be it unto me according to thy word.”

May you have a blessed Christmas.

Nancy Campbell


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