We are talking about not being silent, but contending for the truth. This should not only be our testimony, but it is God's mandate for training our children. The familiar Scripture in Psalm 127:5 says, "Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them (children): they shall not be ashamed, but they shall SPEAK with the enemies in the gate."

Do you notice that we are training arrows to "SPEAK" in the gate? We don't need much help in knowing what the word "speak" means, but this same word is also translated in different Scriptures as "answer, command, commune, declare, publish, utter, talk--and even subdue in Psalm 18:47 and 47:3." Nowhere does it say "stay silent."

What an awesome task we have as parents to prepare our children to be ready to speak the truth and contend for the faith. We don't send our children out before they are ready. We've got a lot of preparing and training to do. But when the time comes, we will have them prepared. We are not training children for hibernation, but for revelation. God wants His people to invade the world with the revelation of His truth and His character.

Make sure you have lots of practice. Have times when you get together as a family, and even invite other families to join you. Ask difficult questions to the children and get them to answer. Expect them to answer from God's point of view and a biblical worldview as you have been teaching them. Sometimes you may even want to heckle and oppose as you prepare them for the fray they will one day face. Remember, God sends us out as "lambs amongst the wolves" (Matthew 10:16).

Be encouraged in the great task God has given you.

Love from Nancy

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