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I couldn’t believe it. Frequently, a site for ladies’ dresses would appear. I looked at them and was surprised by all the beautiful dresses. Yes, they were beautiful—delightful styles, feminine, mostly modest (or could be made modest)—some long, some three-quarter length, and some to the knee. And many were reasonably priced.
As I looked at them, I thought, Why do so many girls, and even women, wear jeans with holes in them when there are beautiful dresses available? You would think that there were no feminine clothes on the market! All these lovely dresses available and they prefer to wear clothes that don’t look beautiful at all.
When God designed clothes for the high priest, He said the clothes were to be for GLORY AND FOR BEAUTY (Exodus 28:2). God loves beauty. I believe He wants his female creation to dress beautifully. To dress femininely. To dress modestly. To dress gloriously.
Because God created us female, the more we reveal our femininity, the more we bring glory to God. Why not order a beautiful dress? I am sure your husband will be delighted. I am sure you will get loads of complements. You will feel very feminine. And you will look beautiful.
Blessings from Nancy
Dresses Sale, Cheap Women's Fashion Dresses Online Shop - Airydress
Modest Dresses for Women - NeeSee's Dresses (neeseesdresses.com)
Women's fashion dresses on Pinkofyouth
Dresses – Love Olive Co
Classic Women's Dresses: Casual & Dressy Styles | Appleseed's (appleseeds.com)
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