I read Isaiah 66:10-13 again in my Bible reading this morning. These Scriptures talk about how God is going to bless Jerusalem, but in doing so, they liken Jerusalem to a nursing mother. As we read the words we get an understanding of how God sees a breastfeeding mother.

When I started off my mothering journey many years ago I was brainwashed by the four hourly schedule. It nearly sent me crazy. My precious baby would cry and be hungry well before four hours was up and I would feel a guilty mother for picking him up to feed. Instead of enjoying the freedom of motherhood, I was constantly frustrated.

I remember crying out to God for His answer. Praise God, every answer I have ever needed I have found in the pages of God's Words. He led me to these Scriptures and the revelation changed my mothering. I picked up my baby whenever he cried and laughed with the joy of my new freedom. Not only was I happier, but my baby was happier.

Have you ever read Isaiah 66:10-13 and noticed that although it is talking about nursing a baby, there is no mention of food? Instead, the words used are:

SATISFY which in the Hebrew means "to fill to satisfaction, have plenty of, satiate." This sounds like abundant nursing, doesn't it? No holding back.

CONSOLE means "to give compassion and solace." Nursing a baby is more than giving physical nourishment. It is ministering to the inner needs of our baby. It is satisfying the sucking instinct of our baby. The breast is not only for food, but to console. It's certainly not compassionate to leave a baby crying because their scheduled time to feed has not arrived.

DELIGHT. Nursing becomes a delight to both mother and baby when we realize it is not only for food but to comfort every need.

ABUNDANCE. The Hebrew word is "ziyz" and means "fullness of the breast." It comes from a root word meaning conspicuous.

FLOWING STREAM which means "to gush out, to pour out abundantly." This is a familiar experience, isn't it?

CARRIED IN HER ARMS AND CUDDLED ON HER KNEES speaking of an older baby continuing to nurse at the mother's breast.

COMFORT. The Hebrew word is a strong word. It means "to breath heavily with the feelings of compassion and comfort."

Enjoy your mothering today.

Love from Nancy

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